PBS News Weekend April 30, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[01:56] 今日の主要ニュースまとめ
[05:11]★今日のおすすめ★ メキシコ国境から運ばれてシカゴに押し寄せる移民 シカゴ公共テレビ局記者(Heather Cherone)に聞く
[05:10] The migrant crisis has made its way north to Chicago. More than 8000 migrants have arrived there since last August. That's when Texas Governor Greg Abbott began busing asylum seekers to so-called sanctuary cities [* sanctuary city = In the United States and Canada, a city that allows undocumented immigrants to live and work without being arrested and deported by local authorities.(wiktionary)] as a protest against immigration policies.
[07:42] And they say they can't really do much more because they've yet to get any financial aid from the federal government and have only received $20 million from the state government, which they said they've already spent, leaving them really with empty pockets to deal with this surge that they really did not anticipate happening until after the public health rule Title 42 [* 今までに何回か出て来ました ] is lifted in a couple of weeks.
[11:06] 更年期障害の研究や治療が進まないのはなぜか 専門家(Stephanie Faubio)に聞く
[11:29] Menopause is the period when menstruation ends. Someone officially enters this phase of life 12 months after their last period, but symptoms often begin during perimenopause [* = 閉経周辺期. peri- = near ] , which is a transition period that can last years. It's something many people go through, but just one in five OB-GYN residents [* = (専門分野の)研修医] have any training in it.
[13:21] The lucky few that have none. But most women will have some symptoms, and the most common symptoms are vasomotor [* = 血管運動性の。血管の収縮を調節する ] symptoms, which are hot flashes and night sweats. A lot of women have sleep disturbances [* = 睡眠障害] and mood disturbances [* = 気分障害] like irritability and anxiety.
[15:44] And after five years in 2002, the combination therapy arm [* arm = a group of patients in a medical trial (wiktionary) ] was stopped due to increased risk of cardiovascular disease and breast cancer. So there were a number of concerns raised about it.
[17:24]★今日のおすすめ★ 写真ジャーナリズムに男性以外の視点を取り入れる取り組み 非営利団体Women Photographの創設者(Daniella Zalcman)に聞く 新刊本『What We See: Women and Non-binary Perspectives Through the Lens』収録の作品
[17:41] Women Photograph is a nonprofit group working to elevate more female and non-binary photographers [* non-binary = nonbinary = relating to or being a person who identifies with or expresses a gender identity that is neither entirely male nor entirely female ノンバイナリー。自らを男性・女性のどちらでもないと認識している人] .
[18:27] It's really difficult to graduate from a university program with student debt, with no access to generational wealth [* = assets that are passed down from one generation to the next. (この文脈では)何世代にも渡って蓄積されてきた富 ] , and then think about becoming a freelance photojournalist where you may have to invest $10,000 into gear and not have any kind of job security to hope that you can work for the best newspapers and magazines in the country.