
(日英対訳)短編小説・A Short Story | It's raining today.「今日は雨が降っている」

  I am scheduled to see my boy friend this afternoon. But unfortunately, it's raining now. I'm wondering if it will be sunny when I go out in the afternoon. 
 It was immediately after I was relieved to find my name on the bulletin board saying I passed the entrance examination that I met him for the first time. He was two years older than I was.

  He is not so handsome as the boys nowadays go, but I fell in love with him the instant I met him. Why? I am not quite sure. But I can say to everybody that I love him from the bottom of my heart. 

  " Where is he now?, " I thought. I'm afraid that he's got wet to the skin without finding a shelter from the rain. He is so small that he may not make himself heard in the rain and probably there're few people outside today.
  My boy friend's name is MEOW.



 いまどきの一般的な基準で言えば、彼はあまりハンサムではない。しかし、会った瞬間に恋に落ちてしまった。なぜですって? よくわからないわ。でも、心から彼を愛していると、誰に対しても言うことができる。




山根あきら | 妄想哲学者