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タイ北部の山奥にあるラフ族の村。そこで暮らす40代のラフ族のシャーマン。何度も彼の夢のなかに精霊が登場し、シャーマンになるように要請された。彼は祭壇の前で精霊たちに祈りを捧げ、村人の健康と幸運を呼ぶための呪術をおこなう。 Spellcraft by a Lahu shaman A Lahu village deep in the mountains of northern Thailand. A Lahu shaman in his 40s lives there. Many times, spirits appear in his dreams and request him to become a shaman. He prays to the spirits in front of an altar and performs spells to bring health and good luck to the villagers. YouTubeで見る https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HYdX1lP8-M
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ベトナム中部高原、コントゥムから山間部に入った小さな村。ゴング演奏の名手といわれるおじいさんの演奏を記録しました。 大きさと音の高さ異なる、突起があるゴングを手に持ち、仲間たちがその周囲をまわりながらリズムを叩きます。 A small village located in the mountainous area from Kon Tum in the central highlands of Vietnam. I recorded the performance of an old man who is said to be a master gong player. Holding gongs with protrusions of different sizes and pitches in their hands, their friends circle around them and beat the rhythm.
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カンボジアのラタナキリ州で撮影した、ジャライ族のシャーマンによる祝福の歌。Andoung Mea村に住む70歳のシャーマン、Kachol Ternさんがジャライ語で、将来の健康と幸運を祈って歌をうたってくれた。 A blessing song by a Jarai shaman, taken in Ratanakiri province, Cambodia. Kachol Tern, a 70-year-old shaman from Andoung Mea village, sang a song in the Jarai language, praying for good health and good fortune in the future. ចម្រៀងប្រសិទ្ធពរដោយ ចារ៉ាយ ចារ៉ាយ ថតនៅខេត្តរតនគិរី ប្រទេសកម្ពុជា។ លោកតា កៅ ឆុល ថេន អាយុ ៧០ ឆ្នាំ រស់នៅភូមិអណ្តូងមាស បានច្រៀងជាភាសាចារ៉ាយ បួងសួងសុំឱ្យមានសុខភាពល្អ និងសំណាងល្អនៅថ្ងៃអនាគត។