
日本で急速に増えるダイレクトソーシングとリファラル採用-Direct Sourcing and Referral Recruitment Increasing Rapidly in Japan-


By the way, have you ever heard the words direct sourcing and referrals in the title? For those of you who don't know, direct sourcing is also known as direct recruiting, where company personnel directly search for and hire candidates. A referral is a recruitment made from a network in the sense of introduction.This time, I would like to introduce some excerpts from "Tenshutsu 2.0" about the tools used in recent recruitment and career changes.


“Actually, the percentage of referral hiring is increasing in Japan today. According to a survey by HR Research Institute, the top method and service used by companies for mid-career recruitment is “recruitment” at 73%, second place. 71% of the “job change sites” are comparable in usage rate. Currently, the usage rate is lower than that, but the referral rate is 41%, and if limited to large companies, it is 52%, which is more than half. Direct sourcing also has 20% utilization. Referrals and direct sourcing have risen to the top as recruiting methods that are expected to be used more in the future, and there is a good possibility that they will grow in the future. ”



Popular tools these days include LinkedIn, Wantedly, and BizReach. I've actually used it myself, and it's convenient because I can communicate directly with the company's human resources staff, so it's speedy. However, if you are a little reluctant, I think it would be better to use it in conjunction with a recruitment agency or career change site, or use the one that is easy to use that suits you. Please try various things if you like. May you find the perfect job for you.

See you soon.
Thank you very much.

参考文献:『日本人のキャリアの新ルール 転職2・0』
著者:村上 臣
