
一流営業マンの商談の入り方とは!?-How top salespeople approach business negotiations-


Everyone, good evening. In the previous article, I introduced the purpose of top salespeople in business negotiations. A top-notch salesperson thinks about solving the customer's problems. If you are interested in details, please check out these articles. This time, I would like to introduce some excerpts from the title ``First-rate, second-rate, third-rate sales''.


”A third-rate person starts by saying, ``By the way...'', a second-rate person starts by saying, ``It's hot, isn't it?'' and a first-class person starts by expressing interest by saying, ``It's hard to find anywhere else.''In order to get people to talk about important things during business negotiations, you first need to get them to open up. This is the step called "rapport" that takes place at the beginning of a business negotiation. The moment you sit down after exchanging business cards, try starting the conversation in the following way.”


"① Tell them that you are happy to meet them.② Show interest in how the other person is being valued and tell them how wonderful it is.③Next, compliment them by saying, " I can't find that anywhere else.'' Many salespeople start by talking about the weather, but that's not enough to get the other person's guard down. The best way to effectively lower one's guard is to ``praise the praiseworthy points.''


What did you all think? Building rapport is very important when conducting sales. Similarly, when you visit or have online business meetings, be sure to look for things that your customers compliment you on. I hope your business activities go well. See you soon. thank you very much.


