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Focusing differs from hypnosis

Anger and Felt Sense

Rugby analogy for explaining Focusing practice

“Reflective listening” without necessarily “empathic understanding”

Gendlin's View on “Gut Feelings”


Very old (“primitive”) sequences in dreams and with hypnosis

Two videos temporarily available from last year’s Gendlin Symposium

Collection of Links: Dilthey and Gendlin

When the level of the Experiencing Scale "rises too high"

Emotion and felt sense

Revisiting the International Focusing Conference site in Japan

What does “direct” in “direct reference” mean? Determine the difference between “reference” and “checking”

Comparing Felt Sense to Cotton Candy

Focusing-oriented listening and “positive regard”

The title slide

My webinar: Introduction to "Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning" for Focusing practitioners

A New Book on Gendlin's Psychology and Philosophy

Prof. Naohiko Mimura, who taught me Gendlin's philosophy

Anthology: Dilthey as a Precursor of Gendlin

English abstracts of my papers

Recollections of My Visit to Dr. Gendlin

Summary and table of contents of my doctoral dissertation

Gendlin’s theory and research prior to the Wisconsin Project as a graduate student