When the level of the Experiencing Scale "rises too high"
I personally call it "the EXP level rises too high" when the level of the experiencing scale is so high that it is inappropriate for the situation. I say "personally" because it does not fit the usual Focusing values.
Normally, in the Focusing world, the higher the EXP level, the better, unless it is a psychotic case. So the phrase "the EXP level rises too high" is impossible.
However, even for people with a high level of mental health, I think that the level of EXP level should be adjusted according to the safety of the situation.
The following is a quote from a well-known article by a psychotherapist who employed the patient's idea in the treatment of psychotic cases. But this is not limited to the treatment of psychotic cases:
...Often the patient will submit new ideas, often with great insights that the therapist has not thought of. For example, "When discussing life, if you don't include your own thoughts in the discussion, and just say exactly what a famous literary critic wrote in his book, there is no harm in it at all. The next experimental plan is to "practice talking with people without putting feelings into it." (Joji Kandahashi, "In the Wake of Ideas" Iwasaki Academic Press, p. 219).
I believe that speaking without feelings, i.e., speaking with a low EXP level, as described above, is necessary in certain phases of life, and is not limited to certain people.
Note: This is my personal experiential-level impression. It is not a story with statistical evidence.