



松山東高校 受験進路相談会


August 27, 2023 I went to Hiroshima to see how the people of Hiroshima remember the atomic bombing. 広島へ。広島の人々は原爆をどのように記憶しているだろうか?

August 21, 2023 High School Diplomat Program activities, newspaper publication. 高校生外交官プログラム活動、新聞掲載。

August 17, 2023 At the end of the day, he appeared as a speaker! “The SDGs High School 2023 Summer Course” is complete! きっかけに会いに行く17日間『SDGs高校2023夏期講習』完了!最後は登壇者として登場!

August 1-17, 2023 "SDGs High School 2023 Summer Course!!" 17 days for high school students by high school students. Finding the Opportunity for Action! 『SDGs高校2023夏期講習』開催!高校生の高校生による高校生のための17日間。


August 5-16, 2023 Participation in SLOWS Borneo (Malaysia) Forest Conservation Training Program SLOWSボルネオ島(マレーシア)森林保全研修プログラム参加


July 16 - August 1, 2023 “AIG High School Diplomat Program” to the United States! 『AIG高校生外交官プログラム』にて、渡米!!


July 9, 2023 Held "Minna no Osojima (The Cleanup Island of Everyone)" 『みんなのおそう島(おそうじま)』開催!

March 26-31, 2023 Went to New York as a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs “Oku/Inoue Memorial Japanese Youth Delegation to the United Nations”. 外務省『奥・井ノ上記念日本青少年国連訪問団』の一員としてNYへ。

March 25, 2023 Completed the “Stanford e-Japan” program. スタンフォード大学『Stanford e-Japan』プログラム修了!


March 21, 2023 Held "A (Super) Happy Future Conceived by High School Students Around the World"!! 『世界の高校生が考える(超)Happyな未来』開催!

February 8, 2023 Received Ehime Prefecture Governor's Commendation. 愛顔のえひめ賞(愛媛県知事表彰)受賞

December 25, 2022 Held "Beach Cleanup Christmas 2022"!! 『ビーチクリーンクリスマス2022』を開催!

February 25, 2023 An article about the double Minister's Award was published in the newspaper. Evaluated as being like a novelist!! W文部科学大臣賞!?小説家!?


February 27,2023 Received the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award (Special Mention) "The 20th 'Thinking about Finance and Economy' High School Student Essay Contest". 文部科学大臣賞(特選)受賞「第20回『金融と経済を考える』高校生小論文コンクール」


October 24, 2022 "The 69th High School Speech Contest for International Understanding and Cooperation" Received the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award (Best Award) 文部科学大臣賞(特賞)『第69回国際理解・国際協力のための高校生の主張コンクール』

愛媛県立松山東高等学校へ。April 9, 2022 Entered Matsuyama Higashi High School (Ehime Prefectural Matsuyama East Senior High School).