March 26-31, 2023 Went to New York as a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs “Oku/Inoue Memorial Japanese Youth Delegation to the United Nations”. 外務省『奥・井ノ上記念日本青少年国連訪問団』の一員としてNYへ。

画像1 ニューヨーク国連本部へ。国連職員並びに日本やアメリカ、イラクなど各国政府代表部や大使に直接話を聞きました。 Visited the United Nations Headquarters in New York. We spoke directly with UN officials, as well as with government delegations and ambassadors from Japan, the U.S., and other countries.
画像2 UNISEFなど国連機関も訪問し、お話を伺いました。 UNISEF and other UN agencies were also visited and talked to.
