February 27,2023 Received the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award (Special Mention) "The 20th 'Thinking about Finance and Economy' High School Student Essay Contest". 文部科学大臣賞(特選)受賞「第20回『金融と経済を考える』高校生小論文コンクール」
新聞記事掲載(3月6日愛媛新聞) Newspaper Article Published. (Ehime Shimbun dated March 6)感染症対策のため主催者が松山東高校に来て下さり、表彰式が実施されました。 The organizers came to Matsuyama Higashi High School to conduct the award ceremony to prevent infection.松山東高校にも学校賞が授与されました。 Matsuyama Higashi High School also received a school award.