
【読書記録】前編:A little red book about source:Liberating management and living life with source principles

今回の読書記録は、2020年9月に出版された、Stefan Merckelbach(ステファン・メルケルバッハ)の『A little red book about source: Liberating management and living life with source principles(ソースに関する赤い冊子:経営を解き放ち、ソース・プリンシプルを携えて生きる)』です。


本書で取り上げられる『ソース原理(Source Principle』とは、イギリス人経営コンサルタント、コーチであるピーター・カーニック氏(Peter Koenig)によって提唱された、人の創造性の源泉、創造性の源泉に伴う権威影響力創造的なコラボレーションに関する洞察を体系化した知見です。

2019年の来日時、『ティール組織』著者フレデリック・ラルー氏によって組織、経営、リーダーシップの分野で紹介されたことが契機となって初めて知られることとなったソース原理(Source Principle)。

フレデリック・ラルー氏もまた、ピーター・カーニック氏との出会い、学びを通じて、2016年出版のイラスト解説版『Reinventing Organizations』の注釈部分で記載している他、『新しい組織におけるリーダーの役割』と題した動画内で、このソース原理(Source Principle)について言及したということもあり、国内で注目が集まりつつありました。


昨年10月、ピーター・カーニック氏に学んだトム・ニクソン氏によるすべては1人から始まる―ビッグアイデアに向かって人と組織が動き出す「ソース原理」の力が出版されて以降も、ソース原理(Source Principle)に関連したさまざまな取り組みが国内で展開されています。


日本での流れに先立ち、ソース原理(Source Principle)が世界で初めて書籍化されたのは、2019年にステファン・メルケルバッハ(Stefan Merckelbach)A little red book about source』のフランス語版が出版された時でした。

その後、この『A little red book about source』は2020年に英訳出版され、2021年3月に『すべては1人から始まる』の原著であるトム・ニクソン著Work with Sourceが出版され、本書が『すべては1人から始まる』として日本語訳され、出版に至ります。


このような背景と経緯の中、ソース原理(Source Principle)の知見は少しずつ世の中に広まりつつあります。

本書『A little red book about Source』は、私自身の『ティール組織(Reinventing Organizations)』および『ソース原理(Source Principle)』の中でに出会いましたが、日本語情報がまだまだ少ないため、独自に翻訳を進めつつ読書記録にまとめることにしました。


A little red book about source』の著者であるステファン・メルケルバッハ氏は、スイスに拠点を置くオーディナータ社(Ordinata)を2001年に起業したソース原理(Source Principle)の実践者です。


現在、ステファンはコーチング、コンサルティングを行うオーディナータ社(Ordinata)において、ソシオクラシー(Sociocracy)をルーツに持つ組織運営体系参加型ダイナミックス(participatory dynamics)』の提供を企業やチームに行うとともに、トム・ニクソン氏の立ち上げた情報ポータルサイトworkwithsource.comにも名前を連ねています。



"The Source Person" training dayと題されたその日のトレーニングでの出会いをきっかけに、自社の提供する企業を対象としたトレーニングやプログラムにおいてソースの概念は欠かせないものになったと、ステファンは書籍の中で述べています。

Curious about the title of "The Source Person" training day, on 25 September 2013 I innocently turned up, completely clueless as to just how much this experience would transform my professional life and my organization. Although only three participants were registered, Peter John Koenig, the moderator, surprised us by deciding to hold the day-long workshop anyway. A stroke of luck for us, as we got his full attention—just as he had ours. (…). Based on what I discovered that day I signed up for a longer program, a master class he organized the next year to transmit his findings. Since then the notion of source has become integral to the support and training we provide at Ordinata, a company I started in 2001.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p11-12



ソース原理(Source Principle)』の提唱者であるピーター・カーニック氏(Peter Koenig)は、現在75歳。






Through his work as a management consultant beginning in the 1980’s, Peter Koenig became curious about why organisational change projects so often fail, and why the vision of the founder of an endeavour so often fails to materialise.




そして、上記までの研究・調査と、それらをもとに得た知見……人とお金との関わりに関して『30 Lies About Money: liberating your life, liberating your money』という書籍へまとめました。

2009年からは、500人以上の起業家や創業者を対象としたリサーチにより、ソースに関するアイデアを精緻化し始め、人の創造的な活動に共通して見られるパターンを『Source Principle(ソース・プリンシプル/ソース原理)』へとまとめ上げていきました。

Peter has studied the phenomenology of money since the early 1980s, giving presentations and performing original research with small groups. Following an MBA in Geneva, Peter ran a business providing management training, leadership and strategic development processes for companies.

In 1987 he became an independent financial and organizational consultant to companies and non-profit organizations. In 1994 he launched his first public Money Seminar and in 1999 initiated a new international conference series on Money & Business Partnership.In 2009 he started elaborating his ideas on source, with his research involving over 500 entrepreneurs and founders.


以上のようなプロセスを経て、人とお金の関わり(影や投影など)を扱う「マネーワーク('moneywork')」と、その後に人の創造的なビジョンの実現を助ける『Source Principle(ソース・プリンシプル/ソース原理)』が生まれてきました。

ここまでの一連の流れと活動を貫いている、ピーター自身の人生の目的が「ビジネスに愛をもたらす(create love in business)」です。

Peter Koenig says his personal purpose in life is to create love in business,

Tom Nixon「Work with Source」p26


以上、著者ステファンおよび『Source Principle(ソース・プリンシプル / ソース原理)』の生みの親、ピーターについて見てきましたが、ここからは本書の内容に踏み込んでいきたいと思います。




本書中ではこの役割を担うことになった人について、特に「ソース・パーソン(source person)」と呼んでいます。

A source is a person who has taken an initiative and through that has become the source of something: we can call this a "source person".

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p17

また、「ソース・パーソン(source person)」とはあるアイデアに基づいてイニシアチブを取る人のこと、とも表現されています。

A source person takes an initiative based on an idea.

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To be the source, or source person, I don't have to generate the original idea myself—it can come from someone else.

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Even if the idea person himself doesn't switch it on, he can inspire somebody else to run with the idea (this is another way to receive it) and initiate the enterprise. In this case it's this later person, and not the idea's originator, who is the source person.

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アイデアを、たとえ他人の力を借りることが多くとも、率先して実現し、具体化し、世の中に存在させるとき、その人はソース(source)またはソース・パーソン(source person)になるために、境界を越えることになります。

and take the initiative to make it happen, make it concrete, make it exist in the world—even if I frequently rely on others to help me get it going—that's when I cross the threshold to become source or source person.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p18-20




We take initiatives all the time: deciding on a particular course of study, going after a certain job, starting up a business, planning a special dinner. I can initiate a friendship or partnership, change my housing situation, make holiday plans, decide to have a child. Or I might step forward to join a project sourced by someone else.

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ここまで出てきた、ソース(source)、ソース・パーソン(source person)、ソース原理(Source Principle)について、用語の使い方を整理しておきましょう。

まず、ソース・パーソン(source person)においては明確で、先述したように、あるアイデアに基づいてイニシアチブを取る人のことです。

A source person takes an initiative based on an idea.

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ソース(source)ソーシング(sourcing)する人(主体:the subject)として捉えるのであれば、ソース・パーソン(source person)と同義になります。


From the standpoint of the person doing the sourcing (the subject), source is synonymous with source person—the person who takes the initiative.The word "source" specifically expresses the role the person plays in relation to his initiative (this is Peter Koenig's general use of the term).

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また、ソース(source)を客体 (the object)として位置付けられるもの…源流・源(source)と捉えた場合、ソース個人の本質や、イニシアチブ(initiative)の深い核となるビジョンや価値観を意味することがあります。

From the standpoint of the thing being sourced (the object), source can also designate the heart of the initiative, the essence of that which the individual is the source person of—that is, the vision and values that constitute the deep core of his initiative (no matter whether it's a function, a relationship, a home or a project).

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この内なるコアに触れ、一緒になり、イニシアチブ(initiative)の実行の間ずっとつながっていること…それがまさにピーターの言う「ソースを迎え入れる(welcoming one's source)」ことなのです。

Source is, in a sense, the source of the source person. […]Putting yourself in contact with this interior core, joining with it and staying connected with it throughout the implementation of the initiative, is exactly what Peter Koenig means by welcoming one's source.

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最後、ソース原理(Source Principle)とは、ソース・パーソン(the source person)の活動と、実現されるソースそのもの(the source itself)両方を特徴づける現象について言及するものです。

ソース(source)またはソース・パーソン(source person)の機能に関する観察によって見出されたパターンを、ここでは「ソース原理(Source Principle)」と呼んでいます。

Finally, source principles refer to the phenomena that characterize both the activities of the source person (the subject who sets something in motion), and the implementation of the source itself (the deep core of the object which the initiative sets in motion). […]As a whole, these patterns, along with observations on the source's or source person's function, are referred to here as 'source principles".

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Ideas are gifts. It might look like it was my idea, my intuition, my inspiration—and in a way that's true because I'm the one who made the gift my own. It definitely took form within me, and I'm also the one who expressed it and communicated it. But it's not mine in the sense of belonging to me, it's something I've received.

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But it's not mine in the sense of belonging to me, it's something I've received. The source person adopts an attitude of humility about his idea, being aware that he is its repository, not its owner. This is crucial and we will come back to it.

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In the beginning, before that moment, there had been an idea, an intuition, an inspiration. I listened to these prompts before my initiative took on a definite shape, and brought them on board.

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The image of a spring bubbling up from the earth's depths is relevant here—the water doesn't spontaneously surge forth out of nothing, it comes from somewhere.

Recognizing this principle is already a way of respecting it. When I take up an idea not actually fabricated by me (though it comes directly through me), and take the initiative to make it happen, make it concrete, make it exist in the world—even if I frequently rely on others to help me get it going—that's when I cross the threshold to become source or source person.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p18-20


ソース(source)は、ピーター・カーニック(Peter Koenig)のいう「ソース・チャンネル(source channel)」を通してアイデア実現のためのエネルギーを受け取り続けることができます。

アイデア実現のプロセスを開始しようと決心し、ソース・パーソン(source person)がそのエネルギーを受け入れようとすれば、そのエネルギーは、その人の奥底から湧き出し、その人の強みに火をつけ、行動を起こす能力でソース・パーソン(source person)を満たしていきます。

Luckily for the source person the idea (which is a gift in itself) comes with another reward: the energy needed to take the initiative.

It's as if the original idea's line of communication—which Peter Koenig calls the "source channel", also channels the rising sap needed to transform the idea into reality.

This energy wells up from deep within the person, igniting his strengths and filling him with the capacity to take action, if he so decides by an act of his free will, to incorporate the idea, welcome the energy and set the process in motion.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p20



この本は、まさに認識とエネルギーの相関関係を示す具体的な例です。もし私が、ピーター・カーニックをソース・プリンシプルの「創始者(founding father)」として明示的に言及せずにこの本を書いたとしたら、彼に対するこの不当な行為は盗作に当たるだけでなく、私にとって全く良いことはなかったでしょう。




This very book is a concrete example of the correlation between recognition and energy. If I had written it without referring explicitly to Peter Koenig as the "founding father" of source principles, not only would this injustice against him constitute plagiarism, it would have done me no good at all.

My readers, for example, might have felt that something was not right about the message, this unease could make it harder for them to grasp the actual source principles, which would negatively impact both the principles' diffusion and some readers' motivation to follow up with group training or individual coaching with a specialist.

It was obvious to me that a book about source would have to acknowledge the person who developed the source vocabulary and was the first person to research the principles, so I offered Peter Koenig "the last word" which he accepted by writing the afterword.

The energy that recognition of source has given my project, even before the book saw the light of day, has been phenomenal, believe me: it has greatly facilitated the writing process, with my thoughts quickly organizing themselves and the words flowing like magic. Ever since I began to write it, my own efforts to further the spread of source principles have been carried along by Peter Koenig's own energy.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p87

ロバート・ハーグローブ(Robert Hargrove)


では、『ソース原理(Source Principle)』を生み出したピーター自身の場合は、どうだったのでしょうか?



その人物こそ、ロバート・ハーグローブ氏(Robert Hargrove)でした。

『マスターフル・コーチング(Masterful Coaching)』の著者であるロバートは、以前から組織の創設者に対して「ソース(source)」という言葉を当てはめていました。


Just before completing these pages, Peter Koenig has written to me that my acknowledgements would be incomplete if they failed to include one more person.

This is Robert Hargrove of the Relationships Organization and Hargrove Associates, author of the book Masterful Coaching.

It was from Robert Hargrove that Peter first heard the word "source" applied to the founder of an organization.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p151-152

また、本書の英訳プロジェクトのパートナーであったカレン・スミス(Karren Smith)氏とピーターが出会ったのも、1981年5月。

ロバート・ハーグローブがジェルベーズ・ブシェ(Gervaise Boucher)と行ったリレーションシップ・ワークショップ(Relationships Workshop)がきっかけでした。



Robert Hargrove's originating place in the source lineage of this book, and Peter Koenig's nearly four decades of thorough reflection and unflagging research on source, I would not have written these lines and you would not be reading them.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p152



ソースとの出会い(Meeting Source)ソースの共有(Sharing Source)ソースの継承(Transmitting Source)の3つのステージです。

まず、ソースを暖かく迎え入れる(give it a warm welcome)ために、ソースとは何かを理解しようとするのが、第一部。


最後に、時が来たらどのような方法でソースを伝えていくか(to pass it on)を第三部にて考えます。








To actualize the intuitions (ideas, vision) she receives, the source person initiates actions and undertakes risks. This is the role of source as entrepreneur.

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We may now add the dimension of risk-taking, which inevitably accompanies the initiative—itself more or less a dive into the unknown.

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Taking risks is crucial to her role as an entrepreneur: if she can't take risks, she becomes an obstacle and handicaps her initiative.

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Risk is not a goal in itself, and has no inherent value as such, but by allowing the initiative to meander into unknown and untried realms, it does add value. An initiative is a beginning. It always leads to something new—if not in itself, at least for the person who launches it.

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Taking a risk also expresses the source person's trust in her initiative. It's a testimonial to the project, and her confidence benefits all the other people who are working to achieve it. But above all, her trust in the project helps her muster the courage to take the next step.

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The source person launches her initiative into the future—an arc that continues throughout its evolution. She does this by constantly clarifying, and then communicating, the next steps to be taken. is the source's role as guide.

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ソースのガイド(guide)としての役割は、プロジェクトのビジョンを達成し、その持続可能性を確保するために、進行中の一連のイニシアチブの連なり(on going cascade of initiatives)に方向性を与えることにあります。

This guiding role consists in giving direction to the ongoing cascade of initiatives meant to achieve the project's vision and ensure its sustainability.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p29


Welcome to the Source Club! It's perfectly normal to doubt yourself—any source person will testify to this. The source person is just like you and me— she's not a magician or a superhero, and very far from divine: trying to guide while groping in the dark isn't easy for anyone.

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One of these means is reflection, a pause when the source person takes time alone to put her thoughts in order.

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This dialogue, which is a sharing of the source person's own reflective approach, takes the form of a one-to-one conversation, a group discussion, or both, and can be done repeatedly to get a range of opinions.

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As a guide, the source person instinctively puts a high value on intuition.* Back when she took the first step as entrepreneur, wasn't she already obliged to trust her intuition? On the strength of her initial experience, throughout the life of the project she continues to pay attention to new ideas, inspirations, and visions.

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Once she's achieved clarity, the source person engages in the second guiding task: communicating the clarity she's gained through dialogue, reflection and intuition. She talks about it with those who are either working on the project with her or who will be affected by the next step in some way, and explains how it makes sense for the project.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p33-34

この明晰さを伝えるコミュニケーションは同時に、ソースがソース・チャンネル(source channel)から受け取ったエネルギーを伝えていることでもあります。プロジェクトに対するソースの情熱が相手に伝わり、相手のモチベーションを高めているのです。

Moreover, it's impressive to see how, along with her clarity, the source person communicates the energy they will require to help her make it happen. It's as if she is bestowing energy she gets from her own source channel, and that a spark of her passion for the project is transferred to them, firing up their own motivation.

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The source person ensures that the project's framework—its values and vision—is respected. is the source's role as guardian.

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これまで見てきたように、ソースは起業家(entrepreneur)としての側面を発揮して、直感(an intuition)インスピレーション(an inspiration)に動かされる形でリスクを取り、アイデアを実現させるために一歩踏み出し、イニシアチブをスタートさせます。



As the idea ramifies, the source develops a vision of how to proceed toward the overarching goals of the project (the purpose, intention, objective—the result in terms of "what" and "why").

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It must be understood that no one but the source person herself can change the project's vision. […]On the other hand, being the sole person with the power to modify the vision comes with the great responsibility to see it through when necessary for the good of the project.

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The soul of the project, its essential core, is expressed not only through the source person's vision, but also through values. These values play a key role, something like traffic cones for everybody's conduct in the project, or guard rails for their actions.

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なお、ここまでプロジェクトやイニシアチブにおけるビジョン(vision)価値観(values)について触れてきましたが、ピーターは「共有された価値(shared values)」について警告を発しています。

In light of this dynamic, Peter Koenig warns us about so-called shared values.

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If the project's values are "shared", it's not because everybody feels the same way about them. It's because they are the project's values (which are the source person's values), and because the people who chose to join the project resonated with these values, since those project values corresponded to their own.

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And crucially, these values are the source person's values. It's her task to engrave them onto the initiative's DNA, from where they continue to inspire her collaborators' actions throughout the life of the project—because the source person attracts to her project people who share those values.

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This is why it's not at all rare to see a source person (who may otherwise be quite consensus-oriented) forcefully intervene when her project's values are ignored or its vision thwarted. In fact, she's just carrying out, with all the required zest, her role as guardian in service to the project.

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特徴的なソースの陥りやすい病理として、ソース否定者(The source denier)、暴君(The tyrant)、怠け者(The slacker)の3つの病理をステファンは紹介してくれています。


ソース否定者(The source denier)


The source denier: disregards the role of source.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p42

Both in numbers of patients and in impact on human initiatives, the leading disease source persons suffer from is undeniably the failure to recognize the nature, and the extent, of their role as source.

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Although everybody knows I'm the one in charge, the source denier pretends no one's in charge, slamming the brakes on my project, my team, or the organization I'm the source of.

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At the same time, everybody looks at me with their questioning glances, using their wits to get me to indicate what the next step is.

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ソース否定者(The source denier)へと陥ってしまう要因としては、怠惰さや自信のなさ、失敗やリスクを負うこと、取り組みの範囲の広さ、人に言われることなどの恐れが考えられます。


Sooner or later, anybody who takes a source initiative will have to confront his personal weaknesses, whatever they are.

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The truth is, the most powerful thing a source person can do for the success of his initiative is to engage in this inner struggle—which is actually an expression of deep self-respect

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暴君(The tyrant)

ソースが陥る最も典型的な症例の2つ目は、エゴ(ego)とソース(source)を取り違えてしまい、暴君(The tyrant)となってしまうことです。

The tyrant: mistakes ego for source.

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The second major pathology we encounter in source persons is overdoing the source person's role — trying to be all too much source.

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This false belief that ego and source are the same makes it even easier for him to see the prerogatives of the source role not as responsibilities but as ego-inflators.

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暴君(The tyrant)となったソースは、自分のプロジェクトに奉仕する代わりに(ソースパーソンがすべきこととして)、自分のプロジェクトを個人的な欲望に奉仕させ、自分のアジェンダのためにそれを利用してしまっているのです。

Paradoxically, a person who is "too much" of a source would)' through his behaviour, be failing to fulfill his source responsibilities. Instead of serving his project (as a source person is bound to do), he puts his project at the service of his personal appetites and co-opts it for his own agenda.

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彼らの専制的な態度には、自分の「ソースであること(sourceness)」とその自然な権威(natural authority)に対する明確な信頼の欠如が隠されており、

Paradoxically, their tyrannical attitude hides a distinct lack of trust in their "sourceness" and its natural authority.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p47

ソース否定者(The source denier)と同じように、この暴君(The tyrant)も、自信のなさ、思い込み、恐れ、ソースとしての責任に投影して満たそうとしている制限的な信念など、自分の最も障害となる性格的特徴に真剣に取り組む必要があるのです。

Just as with the source-denier, our tyrant will have to do some serious work on his most disabling character traits—on his lack of confidence, mistaken premises, fears and the limiting beliefs -he projects onto fulfilling his source responsibilities.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p48


ソースが多すぎる状況は、ソースだけではなく、ソースのイニシアチブに共鳴して参加したスペシフィック・ソース(specific source)との関係でも見られ、「ソース乗っ取り病(the source-usurper's disease)」とでも呼ぶべき状態が現れることがあります。

There's a devious variant of "too much source" that turns up not only in the main source person's exercise of his role, but also in relation to specific-source roles. This condition could be called the source-usurper's disease.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p48

この状態は、感染者がソースの座を奪おうという野心に(しばしば無意識に)感染している人がいる場合、また、ソースがソース否定者(The source denier)に陥っている状態に発生します。

ソースが不在の隙間(source gap)が生じてしまうためです。

It's a person who is infected (often unconsciously) with the ambition of taking the source person's place.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p48

But in his case, the pathology can only develop in the physical or mental absence of the source person—in other words, where the source person has ignored his own responsibility as source. This disregard, as with the source denier, leaves a "source gap" for the hijacker to sneak through.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p49

簒奪者(The usurper)は、時には極めて巧妙にプロジェクトの意思決定領域に入り込み、影響力のある地位に就いて「権力(power)」を手に入れようとし、自分の声がどこにいても聞こえるようにし、あらゆる機会をとらえて自分が真のソース(the real source)であるという主張を喧伝しますが、

The usurper penetrates, sometimes quite subtly, the project's decision-making spheres, trying to get "power" by occupying positions of influence, making sure his voice is heard everywhere, and taking every opportunity to trumpet his claim to be the real source.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p49

彼もまた上記の暴君(The tyrant)と同じくエゴに苦しんでいることがわかります。

The usurper acts like it's all about him and his urge to force his will on the enterprise—we can see that he (like the tyrant above) suffers from the ego disease.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p49

怠け者(The slacker)

3つ目の典型的なソースの病理は、ソースの仕事に注意を払わない怠け者(The Slacker)と呼ぶべき病理です。

The slacker: pays no attention to the work of source.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p50


The third typical source pathology concerns people who, while they do recognize themselves as sources, don't make the move to take action based on it.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p50

They neglect the source's main tasks: listening to one's intuitions, taking initiatives and risks, clarifying the next steps, and defending the integrity of the values and vision.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p50

怠け者(The Slacker)の症状の時間が経つにつれて、最初は原動力となっていた熱心な貢献者たちも、より魅力的な課題を求めて脱落していってしまいます。

And there's worse to come: over time, the project reverts to survival mode, and soon the enthusiastic contributors—the ones who initially provided the driving force—begin to drop out in search of more engaging challenges.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p50


Depending on how much energy is still left in the project, this can take a longer or shorter time but it will certainly end up with the death of the initiative—unless the source person manages to escape this paralysing lethargy in time.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p50

ソース・パーソン(source person)なら誰でも、「ソースキャリア(source career)」のどの時点でも「怠け者病(the slacker disease)」にかかる可能性がありますが、

Any source person, at any time in his "source career", can fall victim to the slacker disease.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p50


Here too the same remedies, practised alone, in dialogue or in groups, are effective: work on character and limiting beliefs, on fears, and on projections.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p51

ソースの回復(return to health)



直線上に沿ったカーソルをイメージしてみましょう。一方の端は個人的な関与がゼロ(怠け者病:slacker disease)、もう一方の端はエゴ100%(暴君病:tyrant disease)を表しています。カーソルさえ見えない人は、ソース否定病(the source-denier disease)です。

このモデルでは、ソースが健康に戻る(return to health)ということは、ソースの仕事を怠る(neglecting the work of source)、やりすぎるという暴君(the tyranny of overdoing)という両極端の中間にカーソルを置くことを意味します。

To visualize the range of source positions, imagine a cursor along a straight line, where one end represents zero personal involvement (slacker disease) and the other end represents 100% ego (tyrant disease). Those who can't even see the cursor represent the source-denier disease. In this model the source person's return to health would mean placing the cursor midway between the two extremes of neglecting the work of source and the tyranny of overdoing it.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p53


This middle ground is the place of virtue, says Aristotle (Greek philosopher, 4th century BC—see his Nicomachean Ethics, 1107a). He explains the middle ground of virtue as being "a perfection, not an average".

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p53


Recognizing yourself as a source, and living accordingly by moving your inner cursor to the virtuous middle, releases considerable energy into everything you're the source of—your initiative, your project, your job or your relationship.

Stefan Merckelbach「A little red book about source」p53



現在、日本語で参照可能な『Source Principle(ソース・プリンシプル / ソース原理)』に関する情報を、可能な限り別媒体からピックアップしつつ列記しようと思います。

2022年8月『WORK WITH SOURCE』著者来日特別イベント@京都

特定非営利活動法人場とつながりラボhome's viによる、昨年8月のトム・ニクソン(Tom Nxon)来日イベント@京都のレポートです。


トム・ニクソン著『Work with Source』の翻訳出版イニシアチブでもある、令三社の3名へのインタビュー記事です。






令三社主催のマネーワーク講座です。サポーターとして、ピーターの主宰する国際ネットワークにも参加されているナジェシュダ・タランチェフスキ氏(Nadjeschda Taranczewski)が参加されているとのこと(受付終了)。


マネー現代に掲載された『Source Principle(ソース・プリンシプル / ソース原理)』に関する記事です。

提唱者が語る! 人間らしい自然なビジョンの創作を可能にする「ソースプリンシプル」&「マネーワーク」

2023年4月にピーター・カーニック氏の来日セミナーをオーガナイズし、同氏の著書『30 lies about money』の邦訳出版を準備されている吉原史郎さん・小野義直さんによる記事です。


大森 雄貴 / Yuki Omori