このnoteの目的は、アメリカのニュース番組が理解出来るようになる方法を伝えることです。その方法とは、英語字幕を読みながら英語ニュースを毎日見続けること。 こんな感じです(サンプルのスクリーンショット)。
また、このnoteや字幕ファイルでは、辞書を調べても分からないような英語表現を説明しています(辞書を引けば分かる言葉は、自分で調べてください)。辞書に載ってないような表現、辞書にあっても意味がたくさんありすぎてどれなのか分からない言葉、文脈の中で特殊な使われ方をしている言葉、背景の知識がないと分からない部分、ニュース英語や時事英語の独特な表現、知っていると訳に立ちそうな表現などを説明しています(書き加えた説明は[* ……] )。
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[PBS NewsHour May 24, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
■ 動画サイトへのリンク
[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:42]★今日のおすすめ★ テキサス州ユバルディ(Uvalde)の小学校銃乱射事件から1年 遺族の声
[08:19] AMNA NAWAZ: Every week, Javier visits Jackie's mural downtown. He's on a mission to remember and fight for change. [** 画面の文字 to love someone to the moon and back = To have a vast and deeply meaningful love for someone.(thefreedictionary) 強く深く愛する ]
[10:10] 銃規制をどうするか ユバルディが地元のWill Hurd元下院議員(共和党、銃規制賛成派)に聞く
[10:17] JOE BIDEN, President of the United States: How many more parents will live their worst nightmare before we stand up [* against ? ] the gun lobby to establish universal background checks, establish a national red flag laws [** red flag law = a gun control law permitting police or family members to petition a state court to order the temporary removal of firearms from a person who may present a danger to others or themselves (wiktionary) ] ,
[18:31] 今日のその他の主要ニュース
[22:45] 追悼:ティナ・ターナー(Tina Turner)
[26:07]★今日のおすすめ★ フロリダのロン・デサンティス(Ron DeSantis)知事が大統領選出馬表明 リポートのあと元同僚のCarlos Curbelo元下院議員(フロリダ州、共和党)に聞く
[27:04] GOV. RON DESANTIS: Florida is where woke [** woke 二日前の番組にも出てきました ] goes to die!
[27:38] In 2012, DeSantis rode the Tea Party [** = The Tea Party movement was an American fiscally conservative political movement within the Republican Party that began in 2009... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea_Party_movement ] wave into Congress, where he opposed Obama administration policies, but rarely stood out.
[28:51] In 2021, the state's Department of Education enacted a ban on teaching Critical Race Theory [** 先週の番組に出てきました ] in schools, though it had not been part of state curriculum.
[29:06] In 2022, he signed the Parental Rights in Education Act [** = don't say gay law = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Parental_Rights_in_Education_Act ] , banning talk of sexual orientation and gender identity before fourth grade.
[32:28] LISA DESJARDINS: But he has certainly become a cultural warrior on issues like what teachers can say about race in their classroom. He has targeted the LGBTQ community. He's a lightning rod [** lightning rod 昨日の番組にも出てきました ] .
[35:13]★今日のおすすめ★ アフガニスタン人道危機悪化 タリバンの女性弾圧で海外からの支援物資を届けることが困難 リポートのあとNorwegian Refugee Council(援助団体)のJan Egeland事務局長に聞く
[40:21] WILLIAM BRANGHAM: You recently met with Taliban officials, and we know the Taliban is an atomized [** = fragmented; divided ] organization. But do you have any sense that the leadership in Kandahar or Kabul actually has control over the entire country?
[45:12] 幸せとは何か 他の国の文化から学んで生かす
[46:04] Wilson is recognizable to many as Dwight Schrute from "The Office," the critically acclaimed mockumentary [** = A film or television program presented as if it were a documentary but that is not factual and often a parody or satire (wiktionary) ] sitcom series that ran for nine seasons on NBC.
[50:24] RAINN WILSON: Well, the thesis of the book is that we have kind of thrown the spiritual baby out with the religious bathwater. [** < throw the baby out with the bathwater = to discard, especially inadvertently, something valuable while in the process of removing or rejecting something unwanted.] In Western culture, especially in big city America, we have so uniformly rejected religion,
[52:09] GEOFF BENNETT: I'd never thought of it in that way, that the work you do as an actor in some ways is a ministry [** = work of a spiritual or charitable nature ] .
[52:26] I mean, I played dozens of roles before I played Dwight, and I have played a good dozen or more since I finished playing Dwight. That's the one that has found a nerve with audiences [** 視聴者に強い反応を引き起こした。大きな反響があった(くらいの意味か) ] , and they love me for it.