PBS News Weekend May 13, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[01:48] 今日の主要ニュース
[03:25] North Carolina Democratic Governor Roy Cooper vetoed a ban on nearly all abortions in the state after 12 weeks. He signed the veto message [* = an official document from a chief executive stating the reasons for rejection of a bill. 拒否通告書 ] at a rally at the state capitol. Republicans hold veto-proof majorities in both chambers of the state legislature, and are likely to try to override the veto soon.
[03:57] She missed the entire 2022 season while she was in Russian detention. After the game, Griner told reporters that hearing the pre-game Star Spangled Banner "definitely hit different." [* to hit = to affect someone, as if dealing a blow to that person. 影響を与える。感動を与える。]
[04:35]★今日のおすすめ★ 銃購入の年齢制限引き上げの動き/専門家(Lisa Geller)に聞く/すでに21歳未満の購入を禁止している州では銃暴力削減に効果があったのか/年齢引き上げが実施されていたら防げた乱射事件はあるのか/銃規制に逆行する最近の判決/法律の抜け穴/銃規制が緩い州と自殺率の関係/多くの銃乱射犯には自殺願望がある/銃規制ではなく精神疾患への対策だけで銃暴力を減らせるのか
[10:53]★今日のおすすめ★ フロリダ州と言えばオレンジ/世界大恐慌以来の不作/原因は虫が媒介するバクテリア/選果・出荷場は閉鎖/虫よけネットや耐病品種による対策/従来の品種改良か遺伝子組み換えか
[11:52] Yeah, that's waste. You can't do anything with it. And probably 50-60% of the crop that was set [* to set = to produce after pollination. 受粉して実をつける ] ultimately dropped on the ground before it's harvested.
[13:27] While several factors are to blame for this crisis -- Hurricanes Ian and Nicole damaged a lot of trees when they tore through Florida last year -- Rogers says the main issue is this blight, which is known as citrus greening disease.
[* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citrus_greening_disease
カンキツグリーニング病 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/カンキツグリーニング病 ] It's spread by tiny insects known as psyllids [* = キジラミ ]. While nearly impossible to see with the naked eye, their impact has been catastrophic.
[17:38] ウクライナ戦争のドキュメンタリー映画『Slava Ukraini』 Bernard-Henri Lévy監督へのインタビュー
[21:45] My favorite was the Mozart Group
[* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozart_Group ロシアのワグネル・グループ(ワグネルはワーグナーと同じ)に対抗してモーツァルト・グループ ] , which is a response to Russia's mercenary Wagner Group.