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[PBS NewsHour May 8, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:34]★今日のおすすめ★ テキサス州アレンで銃乱射事件8人死亡/乱射事件で多く使われるAR-15とそれを巡る政治/The Washington Post紙のTodd Frankel記者に聞く/なぜAR-15が選ばれるのか/拳銃と比較した人体への損傷/当初は戦争で使う軍用だったのが一番人気のライフルへ/AR-15を持つこと自体が反リベラルの政治主張に
[10:20] It was the weapon that was banned. And so it -- there was this idea that, if you were to own the libs [** 以前の番組にも出てきました ] , as they would say, you would want to own an AR-15.
[11:12] 今日のその他の主要ニュース
[14:35]★今日のおすすめ★ トランプによる1990年代のレイプ被害と名誉毀損/雑誌コラムニスト(E. Jean Carroll)が損害賠償を求めて起こした民事訴訟/最終弁論を傍聴したProPublica記者(Andrea Bernstein)に聞く
[* 関連ニュース ]
[15:48] So her lawyers argued, well, in order to not find Trump liable -- it's a civil case -- the jury would have to disbelieve all 11 witnesses, and also disbelieve Donald Trump, when, from the infamous "Access Hollywood" tape
[** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_Access_Hollywood_tape ] , he talked about grabbing women by the genitals and, when you're a star, they let you do it.
[18:26] And they [* = E. Jean Carroll's lawyers] also argued, referring again to this "Access Hollywood" tape, that Trump had boasted in that tape that he did have a type and that, when you're a star, you let them do it. Trump's lawyers, as had Trump, called that locker room talk [** = (slang) A type of boastful, lurid, chauvinistic conversation that commonly takes place in all-male locker rooms, especially such conversation concerning sexual conquests and the like.(wiktionary) ] .
[21:04] ハイチで深刻化するギャング暴力/首都ポルトープランスからMarcia Biggsがリポート
[30:27] パンデミック期の移民抑制政策Title 42の終了間近/非常事態宣言を出したEl Paso市長(Oscar Leeser)にインタビュー/どれくらいの人数が押し寄せるか/非常事態宣言で何が変わるか
[33:01] It's something really important that one of the things we do here is make sure that we treat people the way we want to be treated and make sure that we help our asylum seekers that have gone through the immigration proper -- process, unite with their family, unite with their friends, and be able to go to the destination of their choice. And the reason why we're able to do that is, once they go and get an A-number [** = Alien Registration Number ] , which is when they go through the immigration process, then they're free to go and go where they want to go.
[37:39]★今日のおすすめ★ 月曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週の動きを占う
[43:33] So there are people out there who aren't particularly thrilled in the job the president's doing. This is what Republicans (sic) [** (sic)は(原文ママ)、(ママ)の意味。文脈を考えるとRepublicansではなくDemocratsが正しい。それをそのまま残して表記したことを表す] are counting on, is that the option of Donald Trump is so problematic for these voters who dislike the job that the president's doing that they're willing to support somebody who they don't think is doing a particularly good job.
[46:26] But I don't know that voters are particularly interested in giving someone the winner tag and someone the loser tag. Right now, it looks bad for everybody involved in all of this. And you can see this exhaustion that this gamesmanship, the sort of Kabuki [** = (by extension, US) A stylized, pretentious, and often hollow performance; (especially) political posturing. (wiktionary) (日本の歌舞伎が語源)] of it, but with the real threat lingering, is the kind of thing that voters say, this is why we check out [* = to become uninterested in an activity and cease to participate in more than a perfunctory manner; to become uncooperative] from politics.
[48:07] シンガー・ソングライターAoife O'Donovan/最新ツアーはBruce Springsteenの『Nebraska』を丸ごとカバー
[49:21] TOM CASCIATO: Yet, for all that, it received a Grammy nod [* nod = a nomination ] in the folk category. When the "Age of Apathy" was nominated for best folk album for a Grammy Award, my first thought was, is that a very reductive [** < reductionism = an approach to studying complex systems or ideas by reducing them to a set of simpler components.(wiktionary) 還元主義。世界の複雑で多様な事象を単一なレベルの基本的な要素に還元して説明しようという立場 (『広辞苑』) ] way to think about what you do?
[50:24] It's always -- hindsight is 20/20 [** = In hindsight things are obvious that were not obvious from the outset; one is able to evaluate past choices more clearly than at the time of the choice. (wiktionary) ] .
[53:37] AOIFE O'DONOVAN: Last night, I was -- there was a guy in the front row who, when I started "My Father's House," took off his glasses and just proceeded to weep the entire song, like, I mean, really weeping. (MUSIC) AOIFE O'DONOVAN: And it was just so heavy [** = characterized by depth or intensity; profound] to me.