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[00:00] Introduction
[02:24]★今日のおすすめ★ What led to the collapse of McCarthy's speakership and what's next for the House
For the first time in this nation’s history, the House of Representatives formally ousted its speaker. A handful of hard-right Republicans and every Democrat voted together to remove the gavel from Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s hand. The move came nine months to the day since McCarthy lost his first vote to become speaker. Congressional Correspondent Lisa Desjardins reports from Capitol Hill.
《ケビン・マッカーシー議長解任動議可決; motion to vacate; the House voted on that 216-210 vote to oust him; The motion is an old one. It's only ever come up for a vote once before in our nation's history. It failed that time; the idea is that the House declared that the speakership itself was vacant; mainly conservatives, with one exception... Nancy Mace. She's known as a moderate. She's in a swing district; spending issue; distrust of Kevin McCarthy; Trump, who himself did call for a government shutdown, he has been someone who has really injected into the Republican Party the idea that not only is disruption safe, but it is good. He has encouraged conservatives like this to try and challenge institutions, including the head of the institution of the House of Representatives itself; Democrats had the option of saving Speaker McCarthy today but didn't; right now, the House does not have a permanent speaker of the House for the first time in our history, but it does have an acting speaker of the House, Patrick McHenry, a McCarthy ally; he (= McHenry) is not in the line of presidential succession; McCarthy would like to run for speaker again; risk for a government shutdown in 45 days and Ukraine funding; 》
[08:33] First, as I talk to you right now, the House does not have a permanent speaker of the House for the first time in our history, but it does have an acting speaker of the House. That is Patrick McHenry, a McCarthy ally. There is a little-known statute that came into place after September 11 in which speakers of the House must submit a list to the clerk -- it's kept secret -- of who they would like to succeed them in case something happens to them. Patrick McHenry is the number one on the -- number one name on that list. He is technically the acting speaker right now. I'm told he is not in the line of presidential succession.
[** see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_line_of_succession#Current_order_of_succession 大統領継承序列、大統領継承順位 ]
[09:14] I'm told that McCarthy would like to run for speaker again. So I think our viewers can imagine what we may be in for, a series of votes like we had in January, potentially, where McCarthy tries to convince some of those people who voted against him today to vote present, allow him somehow to win. I will tell you, that's a long shot for him.
[** to vote present = 昨日の番組にも出てきました ]
[10:25] News Wrap
Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty to federal charges that he lied about drug use when he bought a handgun in 2018, a state judge in New York imposed a limited gag order on former President Trump at his civil trial for alleged business fraud and President Biden sought to reassure allied leaders today about the U.S. commitment to Ukraine.
《Jury selection has opened in New York in the federal fraud trial of Sam Bankman-Fried, former billionaire founded FTX, the now-defunct cryptocurrency exchange; In Pakistan, the government has ordered anyone in the country illegally to leave by November 1, or face arrest and expulsion. That includes more than 1.7 million Afghans; Today's announcement follows suicide bombings that police blame on Afghan militants. The attacks have strained relations between Pakistan and the Taliban government in Afghanistan; Police in Turkey detained nearly 1,000 people today in the wake of a suicide bombing in Ankara that wounded two policemen. Raids were carried out in 16 provinces. Those arrested included dozens of people with alleged ties to the outlawed PKK, a Kurdish insurgent group; A trio of European scientists has claimed this year's Nobel Prize in physics for producing the first glimpse of hyperfast electrons. Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L'Huillier used laser pulses to track movements that happened in one quintillionth of a second; The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments today on whether the funding of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is unconstitutional. The agency receives funds directly from the Federal Reserve, instead of appropriations by Congress. A lower court found the arrangement interferes with congressional supervision; A New Jersey appeals court has tossed out a verdict of $222 million against Johnson & Johnson over claims that its talc powder products cause cancer. The panel said a lower court should have barred some of the expert testimony heard at trial; ノーベル物理学賞; ピエール・アゴスティーニ; フェレンツ・クラウス; アンヌ・ルイエ; 》
[15:36]★今日のおすすめ★ Hillary Clinton on supporting Ukraine as Putin aims to undermine democracy
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is now a professor of practice at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs. She's teaching alongside Dean Keren Yarhi-Milo, who said their focus is inspiring future foreign policy leaders and thinkers to collaborate around solving the world's most pressing problems. Geoff Bennett sat down with Clinton to discuss her new role.
《ヒラリー・クリントン元国務長官へのインタビュー; Columbia University's newly launched Institute of Global Politics; But it's the emotional, psychological, cultural connection to someone who really has, unfortunately, manipulated social media and also some main -- so-called mainstream media in a way that people believe what he (= Donald Trump) says to them. And that's hard to break. It's like being in a cult, almost; Madeleine Albright; Yes, I'm an optimist who worries a lot; 》
[17:15] I also wanted to find out if there were more effective ways in talking about the challenges that we confront, whether it's the war in Ukraine or climate change, whatever it might be. And I thought, there couldn't be a better way than to stand up in front of 375 young people every week with my co-teacher, the dean of the school, Keren Yarhi-Milo, to really figure out what kids are thinking, what young people worry about. It helps me understand sort of how young people are thinking about these issues, because I will tell you, Geoff, before I started teaching, I kept hearing, like, they didn't want to talk about difficult subjects. They wanted trigger warnings.
[** trigger warning = A notice placed before the beginning of media content (usually an online article, e-mail, or post) to warn of potential traumatic triggers it contains (wiktionary)]
[18:43] Clearly, China has demonstrated an aggressive approach. And they have, as you said, invested a lot of money in a blue water navy, creating much more capacity.
[** blue-water navy = (military, nautical) A naval force capable of independent military operations on the open sea with a global reach (wiktionary) // cf. brown-water navy; green-water navy ]
[21:33] But I was pleasantly surprised that the speaker did the right thing when he made common cause with those, as we like to say, grownup members of his own Republican Caucus and Democrats to keep the government open.
[** to make common cause = to cooperate, to enter into an alliance for a shared goal ]
[24:01] I was in the Senate, as you know, for eight years. If you have ideas -- speaking to the House extremists, if you have ideas about how we should govern our country, do the work you are elected to do. Have committee meetings, mark up legislation, take votes. Then work to try to reconcile whatever the Senate comes up with.
[** to mark up < markup (noun) = a U.S. Congressional committee session at which a bill is put into final form before it is reported out (Merriam-Webster)]
[30:11] The role new California Sen. Laphonza Butler could play in Congress
California Gov. Gavin Newsom tapped Laphonza Butler to fill the Senate seat long held by Diane Feinstein, who died last week. Butler is the second Black woman to represent California in the Senate, following Vice President Kamala Harris, who swore her in today. The appointment heats up the Democratic primary race to permanently fill the seat. Geoff Bennett discussed that with Marisa Lagos of KQED.
《Laphonza Butler; president of EMILY's List; Marisa Lagos of KQED; SEIU labor union representing hundreds of thousands of in-home care workers and nursing home workers; ギャビン・ニューサム; ラフォンザ・バトラー; エミリーズ・リスト; 》
[33:49] We are a big state with 40 million people. You cannot just do retail politics here. And she's not a known quantity to most voters.
[** retail politics = the political strategy of engaging with small groups of individuals in face-to-face interactions. (wiktionary) 逆のやり方がwholesale politics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retail_politics ]
[34:28] Machinery from New York-based company used to build Russian weapons used in war on Ukraine
After Russia invaded Ukraine last year, the U.S. and Europe imposed strict sanctions against the Russian government. But as Russian manufacturers work to replace tanks destroyed on the battlefield, they are doing it with the help of a machine part made by a company based in New York. Simon Ostrovsky traveled to Kyiv and Albany to get to the bottom of the NSH USA's role.
《ロシアの武器製造に使われるアメリカ企業の工作機械; Simon Ostrovsky; Niles-Simmons N30-MC; The company that makes the machine tool is called NSH and has its roots in the Upstate New York Simmons Machine Tool Corporation; NSH USA Corp., as the company is now known, also supplies the U.S. Department of Defense; Uralvagonzavod, Russia's only tank manufacturer; Hans Naumann, German-born American chairman of NSH Group; Hans Naumann has a racist view, supporting Trump, and U.S. and Russia standing together as white population; Swiss trading firm specializing in CNC (= computer numerical control) machine tools called Galika A.G.; Galika A.G. purchases Niles-Simmons products in Europe and then ships them to its own subsidiaries in Russia. These Russian Galika affiliates then sell the machines to arms producers through public procurement competitions that state-owned defense firms are required to hold by law.; David Davis, president of NSH USA; David Tafuri, specialist in sanctions law; NSH USA's president told me NSH Group halted all trade with Russia after the invasion last year. But NSH signaled its intention to continue supplying Russia with its products in its annual report, published almost half-a-year after Russia's full-scale invasion had commenced, believing any contracts signed before the Russian offensive started were above board; The H in NSH, a subsidiary called Hegenscheidt-MFD, made no fewer than 40 shipments to Russia worth $17 million between May of 2022 and March of this year; 》
[34:28] GEOFF BENNETT: Are American manufacturers helping Russia rearm? With support from the Pulitzer Center, "NewsHour" traveled to Ukraine and Upstate New York to investigate an industrial technology that has the U.S. Department of Defense among its clients. Its products appear to be prized in Russia as well, where the military industrial complex has ramped up to meet the demand of the war in Ukraine. Special correspondent Simon Ostrovsky has this report.
[** 関連ニュース1 関連ニュース2 ]
[35:40] SIMON OSTROVSKY: Russia has lost approximately 6,430 tracked vehicles including at least 2,253 tanks, since it launched its bloody campaign.
[** tracked vehicle = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_track キャタピラーで走行する戦車などの車両 ]
[44:49]★今日のおすすめ★ New book 'Differ We Must' confronts political division with lessons from Lincoln
There is little doubt the country is divided over a variety of issues. But lessons can be learned by examining the past, and NPR's Steve Inskeep did just that. The result is his new book, “Differ We Must: How Lincoln Succeeded In a Divided America.” Amna Nawaz sat down with Inskeep to discuss more.
《新刊本、『Differ We Must: How Lincoln Succeeded In a Divided America』、Steve Inskeep; he (= Lincoln) realized that, in politics, he would not survive, he would not succeed unless he appealed to people's interest and their self-interest... He was trying to align people's interests with high moral purpose; リンカーン大統領 》
[50:29] But he realized that, in politics, he would not survive, he would not succeed unless he appealed to people's interest and their self-interest. And even when he talked about slavery to a white audience, he was trying to tell them, this is why it is bad for you if slavery spreads. You are in the free labor system. Slavery competes with you. You do not want slavery to spread. He was not saying, have sympathy for the poor Black man, although he certainly did have that sympathy. But he was telling voters, it's in your interest to do the right thing. He was trying to align people's interests with high moral purpose. And that's what he had to do to succeed.
[** free labor < In competition with the slave system of the South was the concept of "free labor" advocated by many in the Northeastern states. Although the term might suggest the same meaning, the word "free" had nothing to do with bondage or working for no wage, but rather indicated concepts of freedom, independence, and self-reliance. The concept emphasized an egalitarian vision of individual human potential, the idea that anyone could climb the ladder of success with hard work and dedication... http://www.vcdh.virginia.edu/solguide/VUS06/essay06c.html //
free labor = (奴隷労働に対して)自由民の労働 ]
[51:30] A Brief But Spectacular take on destigmatizing mental illness through poetry
Jeanann Verlee uses her work to bring awareness to issues surrounding mental health. She has authored three books of poetry and writes about mental health awareness, trauma survival and domestic abuse and domestic violence. She shares her Brief But Spectacular take on destigmatizing mental illness through poetry.
《Jeanann Verlee; 詩; destigmatizing mental illness through poetry; mental health awareness, trauma survival and domestic abuse and domestic violence; bipolar disorder, complex PTSD, chronic anxiety, and also autoimmune disease, all of which are rooted in trauma; poem "The Mania Speaks"; don't be afraid of people who are battling mental health issues. We are not evil. We are not broken. It's just a part of who we are. And just like somebody who may have diabetes, it's part of who they are. It doesn't define all of who they are; 双極性障害; 躁鬱病; 》
[54:10] Baseball's playoffs are under way, with a series of wild card games that started today.
[** wild card = (sports) A competitor or team that is allowed to compete in a tournament despite not reaching the normal standards to qualify for inclusion ]