
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.24]

PBS NewsHour Feb. 23, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:10] オハイオ列車脱線火災 有害物質流出事故の最新情報

[05:54] 今日のその他のニュースまとめ

[06:44] Minnesota, a state accustomed to blankets of snow, is expected to break its all-time snowfall records. There and across the Dakotas, windchills could plunge 45 degrees below zero.[* wind chill =(meteorology) The still-air temperature equivalent to a given combination of temperature and wind speed, as far as its cooling effect on exposed flesh is concerned. (Wiktionary) (気温と風を考慮した)体感温度]

[09:37] The White Helmets [*= the Syria Civil Defence 前に説明しました] organization reported today that tens of thousands of families in Northwestern Syria are still sheltering in tents and cars, for fear of another earthquake.

[12:51]★今日のおすすめ★ ウクライナ戦争1周年 Wendy Sherman国務副長官に現状を聞く

[16:43] WENDY SHERMAN: Well, we are very concerned that -- lethal aid means [* lethal aid の意味を説明した箇所] direct assistance to provide weapons to Russia. And the administration has told the People's Republic of China directly that if, in fact, they do provide lethal aid to Russia, that there will be consequences. And the PRC understands what that means.

[18:26] Look, everybody wants this to be over, no more so than the Ukrainian people, [* 誰もがこの戦争が終わってほしいと思っているが、ウクライナ人ほど強くそう思っている人達はいない] who are being frozen out of their homes, don't have electricity, civilians being killed by Iranian drones that have been given or sold to Russia.

[20:10] 最新世論調査を記者と読み解く

[22:33] What's interesting here, Amna, is that Democrats overwhelmingly say compromise, and yet we hear from the White House language about things not being negotiable. So we kind of have sort of cross-purposes [* 食い違っている。(民主党員の多くは妥協すべきだと言っているのに、ホワイトハウスは交渉の余地はないと言っている。つまり、党員と党の考えが食い違っている)] here between voters and sometimes their parties.

[24:37] 債務上限引き上げ、社会保障基金改革など Tom Cole下院歳出副委員長(共和党)に聞く

[31:24] But, at the end of the day, you're -- you're just better off sharing information, letting people draw their own conclusions. That was the view of the founders [* = Founding Fathers 建国の父。合衆国憲法制定者] on the First Amendment.

[32:23]★今日のおすすめ★ 経口中絶薬をめぐる裁判 全米で禁止の可能性も

[33:13] Many patients come here for medication abortion [* (外科的処置ではなく)薬剤を使って行われる人工妊娠中絶。このあと、具体的な2つの薬品名とそれぞれの作用の説明が続く ], which involves taking two pills. The first is mifepristone, which blocks the hormone progesterone and halts the pregnancy. The second is misoprostol, which induces a miscarriage.

[34:19] We are living in a post-Roe America. [* (人工妊娠中絶を女性が受ける権利を保障した)ロー対ウェイド判決が覆されたあとのアメリカ。]

[34:23] The lawsuit was filed by an anti-abortion group represented by Denise Harle of the Christian legal advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom. Harle claims the FDA's safety review [* 安全審査] of mifepristone was flawed.

[34:35] The FDA has one job, which is just to protect Americans from dangerous drugs. It's caused great harm to women and girls. It's extremely dangerous. And we're asking the court to remove that chemical drug regimen [* 投薬計画、処方計画、レジメン] until and unless the FDA actually goes through the proper testing that it's required to do.

[36:23] I. Glenn Cohen, Harvard Law School professor, is one of 19 FDA scholars who filed an amicus brief [* アミカス・ブリーフ。法廷助言書。被告のために法廷助言者(事件の当事者ではない第三者)が裁判所に提出する意見陳述書(『英辞郎』)] in support of the agency.

[36:48] But arguments unsupported by medical and legal consensus have found favor [* to find favor = to receive (someone's) approval 支持される] in Texas courtrooms.

[37:15] He has made statements in opposition to reproductive rights, [* = any right associated with family planning, such as the right to birth control and the right to abortion. 避妊や中絶など家族計画を行う権利 ] linking up reproduction to the feminist movement and making anti-feminist statements.

[37:32] Prior to Dobbs [* ドブズ判決。これによって前出のロー対ウェイド判決が覆った ], the right to abortion would have stood in the way of this lawsuit.

[38:06] It's all part and parcel [* = an essential or integral component 重要な部分。本質的な部分] of a claim to restrict reproductive health care consistent with conservative religious beliefs.

[40:20]★今日のおすすめ★ ウクライナ戦争1周年 戦争で生まれたウクライナ人としてのアイデンティティー

[40:59] The Russian official who'd assumed he would betray his country said, open the city gates.
Vilkul said: "Go (EXPLETIVE DELETED) yourself." [* go fuck oneself = to go to hell, to get lost]

[46:30] Larry Wilmoreへのインタビュー

[48:17] And I used to make my parents laugh. I would do Geraldine and I will do impressions, [* ものまね] "You better watch it, fool!" doing stuff like that.

[50:04] Like, people, the energy they had for that show, it was so interesting, and I think because we were pushing boundaries [* = To act in a way that challenges established, expected, or accepted norms. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/] at that time that weren't -- hadn't really been pushed before,

[51:36] LARRY WILMORE: I had Quinta on "The Nightly Show" back in the day, back in 2015. And I immediately said, oh, wow, she's got a toolbox. [* = (figurative) A set of skills or competences ] I saw in Quinta just this ability to keep expanding what her skill set is and to do it at such a high level

[52:12] That's crazy, Geoff, when you think about it, in that short amount of time, and she's crushing it too. [* to crush it = to do something excellently] So I'm so proud of her.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News
