

PBS News Weekend April 29, 2023




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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[01:50] 今日の主要ニュースまとめ

[04:59]★今日のおすすめ★ アフリカ系アメリカ人の平均余命 黒人の家庭医がいる地域では伸びる傾向 調査を行った研究者の一人(Michael Dill)に聞く

[04:57] As we've reported recently, life expectancy in the United States is now at its lowest level in nearly two decades. [*  関連ニュース ] And the projected lifetimes of Black and Native Americans are shorter than for white Americans.

[08:21] And we're focused right now at AAMC, in particular, looking at K through 12 [* = 幼稚園から高校3年まで ] and STEM [* = science, technology, engineering, and mathematics ] education and enhancing and supporting that in any way we can,

[09:32] 教員不足解消への取り組み モンタナ州の場合

[10:52] For one thing, we have empty classrooms in our building, and that's not because we have fewer students. We actually have more students this year than we have in years, but we don't have the staff to fill the classrooms. The writings been on the wall [* < writing on the wall = (idiomatic) An ominous warning; a prediction of bad luck (wiktionary) ] for years.

[12:34] All right, we've got one more time. Who wants to do popcorn reading? [* = Popcorn reading is when students take turns in class reading aloud from a shared passage. When a student finishes their turn, they say, “Popcorn!” and select another student to read. https://mamamanages.com/what-is-popcorn-reading/#What_is_popcorn_reading ]

[14:49]★今日のおすすめ★ いつもよりひどい今年の花粉症 原因と対策を2人の専門家(Theresa Crimmins、Stanley Fineman)に聞く 地球温暖化との関係 1950年代の都市部の植栽方針の影響 排気ガスの影響

[15:31] I'm joined by Theresa Crimmins. She's the director for the National Phenology [* = the study of the effect of climate on periodic biological phenomena. 生物季節学] Network, which tracks and studies seasonal biological events.

[19:26] Years ago in the New York City area, they tried to eradicate ragweed [* = ブタクサ ] , but of course, it didn't work. Especially microscopic pollen can travel 50 miles. I mean, it can travel very, very far.

[21:01] If we can curb emissions, that would definitely slow down the rate of increase of carbon dioxide in the air and thereby kind of bend that curve [* to bend the curve = (上昇曲線をまげて下降に転じさせるイメージ)上昇を抑える、増加を抑える ] in terms of the CO2 that we're feeding to the plants, that is enabling them to continue to grow larger and more robustly and generating more pollen.

[21:57] 乗馬療法 どんな代替療法か やりがいと課題

[22:54] I'm Stephanie Powell, executive director here at HELP. HELP stands for Horse Empowered Learning Program. [* この乗馬療法のウェブサイト: https://www.helpcenterofaustin.org/ ]

[23:07] So, for example, somebody with, let's say, cerebral palsy [* = 脳性まひ。脳性小児まひ ] , that's going to work on and challenge their core, but not make them feel so unstable like they're going to fall. And it teaches all sorts of life skills. We learn boundaries. We learn how to self-advocate [* < self-advocacy = (Social Welfare) the act or condition of representing oneself, either generally in society or in formal proceedings, such as a court. (TheFreeDictionary) 自分で出来ることは自分で主張すること ] . We learn how to work through emotions, how to express them in safe and efficient ways.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News
