
お仕事のご依頼について Inquiries for Collaboration

Neko-chanはカレー回文師でありながら、個人事業名「Art of Pickleアートオブピックル」を運営しており、料理教室、ピックル開発のご相談、そしてカレー回文メニューの数々をご提供しています。

As a curry palindrome artist, Neko-chan also manages the personal business "Art of Pickle アートオブピックル," offering cooking classes, pickle development consultations, and a variety of curry palindrome-themed experiences.

料理にまつわるお仕事のご依頼 -Cooking-Related Work Inquiries

発売中の尾道の柑橘を使ったピックル Citrus Pickles from Onomichi

・ピックル開発のご相談 - Pickle Development Consultation
料金 20万円〜
Fee: ¥200,000~
For those looking to create a new local specialty, we offer recipe development for pickles. From the creation of prototypes to the delivery of the final recipe, we work alongside you to bring your vision to life. You may use the "Art of Pickle" brand name. The service includes up to three prototypes, with shipping costs covered by us.

インド戦士の強いポークピックル pork pickle

・料理教室 出張講座 Cooking Classes (On-Site)
料金 6000円〜/人 参加者10人以上必須 (日本国内の場合)交通費含む
Fee: ¥6,000~ per person (Minimum 10 participants, within Japan)
Travel expenses included; please contact us for distant locations.
We offer workshops on South Indian, North Indian, Karnataka cuisine, and Indian pickles (achaar & pickles). Dive into the exotic flavors and techniques of Indian cuisine while learning the art of spices.

Aloo Paratha with achar and pickles 

カレー回文師関連のご依頼 Curry Palindrome-Related Inquiries

カレー回文師の語りの会 Curry Palindrome Storytelling
料金 2万円〜 交通費実費

Fee: ¥20,000~ + Travel Expenses
A 30-minute to 1.5-hour session where the curry palindrome artist fills the venue with laughter and amazement. If co-performers are involved, their fees can be discussed. This whimsical and creative experience will captivate your audience.

If interested, feel free to contact us at any time!

 Currry Palindrome on the Factory Equipment
750 Curry Palindromes in a ball
95m curry palindromes visualization
