海の沈思 散文
"Why does the summer sun need to be hot enough to sweat this much? Even seeking a warm place, I have to take off clothes I do not want exposed to such scorching things. And soaked in cold salty water like being tortured through waterboarding, then, when rising from the water, gradually obtaining a moment of relief and a chance to breathe. Afterwards sinking again, remaining naked, wandering a long waterway in order to lose temperature - that's all there is to repetitively doing. It feels like wanting to drown myself, but being unable to hold my breath until death. That is what going for a sea bath at the beach means."
""That is what going for a sea bath at the beach registers to me."
"However, regarding swimming, the sport that Yuuki Shinjuurou-san spoke of earlier, upon reconsidering bathing in water in scorching weather from his own experience in the swimming club and his own perspective, it does not seem to be a pointless exercise that risks one's life."
"In the water, people are liberated from the bindings of heat and sweat. Moreover, while one may not understand the forms of others, one can clearly see one's own form in the water. And be able to clearly see the destination and trajectory of one's own pulsing life. This is what he spoke of in this way."
"According to him, it feels rather like being thrown upside down into a Mirror-Lake. Overcoming one's confines and frameworks, One's consciousness as a ghost rises above the water surface upon one's sinking limbs, slowly observing one's own movements and pulses, rendering judgment on whether it is beautiful or not beautiful. It feels like judging a person by the standards of fish that swim in water. Having become fish innocent of sin, therefore one became the greatest of sinners. Knowing nothing of land matters, bearing no regrets nor worries. They are the meandering free fish of the East, unaware of the depravity of the creatures that are ubiquitous on land, and who, through their innocence, have been complicit in the perishable activities that lead to the self-willed and graceless downfall of man…"
Whether fish drown or not seems to have little relation. That can be considered after death. The greatest blessing bestowed upon swimmers from heaven seems to be the ability to observe fish within the transparent flowing fluid and the ability to move and exercise for the scientific investigation of fish life and nature.
The most important thing is to know, while it is still able to move, the ugly and fragrant, beautifully-oiled lipidious luxury that lies hidden beneath its glistening body-mail breath.
Fish science observation of phenomena means discernment of the animal's bodily movements, thought patterns of brain and flesh, behaviors taken to survive - all without sympathy or moral judgment.
It means revealing beautiful truths long hidden within those, filled with jealousy, or exposing ugly truths filled with jealousy, Shinjuurou-san said.
He is too innocent, and too good of a person. In my view, no matter how he tries to explain it away, we who swim in these wide-open seas sully the great life of the vast ocean through the struggling movements and motions of wriggling insects. Deep in my heart, I feel that the ignorant insects bathing in the water sully this azure innocent paradise through the lawlessness and destruction of the tyranny on land. This is not mere pessimism but empiricism.
(In my own home town the sea has the colour of the ooze from the waste disposal plant.)
I believe the sea has the right to refuse becoming a solid substance. The same goes for the ether of the sky. Both the sea and sky should have the right to see and judge themselves, and whether their living death is beautiful or not beautiful, while free of impurities in the form of restless uncertainty filled lives due to the ignorance and inability of humans. For example, all fish that exist in the world repeating their ugly lives within the infinite stillness of the vast sea,
and after finally apprehending the summation of their fate through opposition and resistance, at the end of it they are satisfied and drown in the wine of the sea and sink in the intoxication of the fruit…
How about judging the 'small sea' of the tiny fish's flesh and blood forms through the 'vast sea' of a giant fish? That is not a ruling handed down by that person who walks on water in the West, but a more ridiculous, amusing relationship of near and far, that perspective of existence.
As a fish swimming in the sea or a person swimming in it, I feel like I am simultaneously carrying the vast ocean including my swimming self upon my body.
Or I feel as if my form emerges directly from the sea itself. Becoming a towering sea giant of the open waters via the Aether of the electrical currents of the brain cortex, and the Aqua of aroma and color of flesh.
As if viewing my reflection in the destined ruin and suffering within that mirror from afar, raging without understanding at that false form and the meaning in the division it represents, therefore entrusting myself to its phenomenon and whipping up the sea into froth.
However, in the end I am left with no choice but carefully observing and examining those gathered foams with well-measured discerning eyes of science.
"When I am immersed in water, I feel such a strange joy. Like a stab in the quintessence that runs down my spine, which is perhaps a fear of ignorance and incompetence, and a small longing for the supreme unexcelled truth that stills everything. But that's probably because I'm a sloppy swimmer who swims much slower than my noble friend. From my perspective, the sea looks motionless, and I'm always thinking about the departed in the stillness of night. It's enjoyable viewing from the eyes of the departed. And knowing that someday I too will become one of the departed, I rejoice all the more."
I believe this because I believe that when I die, I die for my own universe. It is a belief so bewitching that it paralyses even the fear of death: the past, the present and the future, the outer space exists for the sake of only one's own inner space, and any thing leads to a perpetual search for the exits to the answer for the silver-grey labyrinth that only I know and can never solve.
Like the eternal, unknown flower that blooms for me in a thousand billion universes, if I offer sake to the sky overflowing with sake, I will say: 'Iroha ni hohe to chirinuruwo'. It will be a beautiful end. It will be a natural demise.
"But my friend is a man who seeks the truth, he races across the wild waves of worldliness without looking back, as if a petrel or an albatross.*1 In time, I may no longer be able to see his princely form."
2023 Dec 29
「un-go」と言う坂口安吾さんの無頼派と探偵劇作品を近未来的な刑事悲喜劇として脚色され、映画化されたテレビアニメ及びその劇場版「0 因果論」を偲びてながらこれを書いた
"Petrel" is a reference to Bryan Procter (pseudonym: Barry Cornwell)'s poem
"Petrel "は、ブライアン・プロクター(ペンネーム:バリー・コーンウェル)の詩の引用である。
reference 参考
(Bryan Procter - Wikipedia, public domain, retrieved dec 29 2023)
The Stormy Petrel
A THOUSAND miles from land are we,
Tossing about on the roaring sea, -
From billow to bounding billow cast,
Like fleecy snow on the stormy blast.
The sails are scattered abroad like weeds;
The strong masts shake like quivering reeds;
The mighty cables and iron chains,
The hull, which all earthly strength disdains, -
They strain and they crack; and hearts like stone
Their natural, hard, proud strength disown.
Up and down! - up and down!
From the base of the wave to the billow’s crown,
And amidst the flashing and feathery foam
The stormy petrel finds a home, -
A home, if such a place may be
For her who lives on the wide, wide sea,
On the craggy ice, in the frozen air,
And only seeketh her rocky lair
To warm her young, and to teach them spring
At once o’er the waves on their stormy wing!
O’er the deep! - o’er the deep!
Where the whale and the shark and the sword-fish sleep, -
Outflying the blast and the driving rain,
The petrel telleth her tale — in vain;
For the mariner curseth the warning bird
Which bringeth him news of the storm unheard!
Ah! thus does the prophet of good or ill
Meet hate from the creatures he serveth still;
Yet he ne’er falters, - so, petrel, spring
Once more o’er the waves on thy stormy wing!
上へ、下へ!- 上へ下へ!
荒れ狂う翼で 波を越えて行く
深淵を - 深淵を!
Albatross is a reference to Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner", mainly its symbolism as in old sailors' belief that "albatrosses were the souls of lost sailors"
アルバトロスとは、コールリッジの『Rime of the Ancient Mariner(老水夫行)』にちなんだもので、主に「アホウドリは失われた船乗りの魂である」という昔の船乗りの信仰を象徴している。
(Albatross - Wikipedia retrieved 29 dec 2023)
and Baudelaire's poem which I found by accident on that same wiki page.
Charles Baudelaire's poem L'Albatros:
Le Poète est semblable au prince des nuées
Qui hante la tempête et se rit de l'archer;
Exilé sur le sol au milieu des huées,
Ses ailes de géant l'empêchent de marcher.
The poet is like this prince of the clouds,
who haunts the storm and mocks the archer;
but exiled on earth surrounded by jeers,
his giant wings make him helpless to walk.)
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