
Words of Zen 禅語

禅語と英訳と素敵な写真たち 禅語は時に宇宙語みたいに深いので、私なりの解釈もあります。そして英訳は完璧ではありません。ご理解いただけますと幸いです。


Words of Zen 禅語(100) 不立文字(ふりゅうもんじ)

Words of Zen 禅語(100) 不立文字(ふりゅうもんじ)

"Enlightenment is not something that can be expressed in words."
That's because it's about learning deeply from experience.
Once you gain experience, you will get the hang of it and live.
And the wisd

Words of Zen 禅語(99) 紅炉上一点雪(こうろじょういってんのゆき)

Words of Zen 禅語(99) 紅炉上一点雪(こうろじょういってんのゆき)

No one can live forever. When the time comes, I will accept it like a flake of snow fluttering down on a red furnace.
Until then leave it to fate, I want to live fully to clean my soul.


Words of Zen 禅語(97) 本来空寂(ほんらいくうじゃく)

Words of Zen 禅語(97) 本来空寂(ほんらいくうじゃく)

Humans are naturally lonely.
Everyone is born alone and dies alone.
Make your own decisions, move forward on your own, and fight against yourself. The most powerful ally is yourself too.
When you feel

Words of Zen 禅語(96) 一花五葉開 結果自然成(いっけごようひらき けっかじねんになる)

Words of Zen 禅語(96) 一花五葉開 結果自然成(いっけごようひらき けっかじねんになる)

"A single flower opens its five petals (five wisdoms) and eventually bears fruit."
Flowers just bloom single-mindedly. As long as you are single-mindedly moving in the direction you want to reach with

Words of Zen 禅語(95) 回向返照(えこうへんしょう)

Words of Zen 禅語(95) 回向返照(えこうへんしょう)

Shine a light on your heart.
To look inside yourself and listen to the voice of your heart.


Words of Zen 禅語(94) 山花開似錦 澗水湛如藍(さんかひらいてにしきににたり かんすいたたえてあいのごとし)

Words of Zen 禅語(94) 山花開似錦 澗水湛如藍(さんかひらいてにしきににたり かんすいたたえてあいのごとし)

Whether it's the mountain flowers that bloom beautifully like brocade and the valley water that is clear and indigo-blue, the flowers will eventually fall and the river does not stay still, it flows.

Words of Zen 禅語(93) 無一物中無尽蔵(むいちもつちゅうむじんぞう)

Words of Zen 禅語(93) 無一物中無尽蔵(むいちもつちゅうむじんぞう)

If you have nothing, you may have the universe.
…That's an exaggeration, but you can grasp the infinite possibilities.


Words of Zen 禅語(92) 本来無一物(ほんらいむいちもつ)

Words of Zen 禅語(92) 本来無一物(ほんらいむいちもつ)

All things are essentially non-being.
So there should be nothing to cling to.
We are born with nothing.


Words of Zen 禅語(91) 如今放擲西湖裏 下載清風付与誰(にょこんほうてきせいこのうち あさいのせいふうたれにかふよせん)

Words of Zen 禅語(91) 如今放擲西湖裏 下載清風付与誰(にょこんほうてきせいこのうち あさいのせいふうたれにかふよせん)

"I threw away everything into the West Lake(Hangzhou). The ship is lighter and floats up, and a fresh breeze is blowing. I wish I could share this cool breeze with someone."
A ship that has been light

Words of Zen 禅語(90) 開門福寿多(もんをひらけばふくじゅおおし)

Words of Zen 禅語(90) 開門福寿多(もんをひらけばふくじゅおおし)

"If you open the gates of your heart, good fortune will come in."
If you keep your heart closed, nothing will come in.
Open your heart first.
However, sometimes the more you open your heart, the more

Words of Zen 禅語(89) 山高月上遅(やまたかくしてつきのぼることおそし)

Words of Zen 禅語(89) 山高月上遅(やまたかくしてつきのぼることおそし)

"The higher the mountain, the longer it will take for the moon to appear."
It means a late bloomer.
Do not rush. If you find a place that matches your gifted, you will definitely find the meaning of l

Words of Zen 禅語(88) 一日不作 一日不食 (いちじつなさざれば いちじつくらわず)

Words of Zen 禅語(88) 一日不作 一日不食 (いちじつなさざれば いちじつくらわず)

"I don't eat on days when I don't do what I need to do."
With your own intention and humility, live each day to the fullest.
Besides, when you work hard, the meal is absolutely delicious.


Words of Zen 禅語(87) 灰頭土面(かいとうどめん)

Words of Zen 禅語(87) 灰頭土面(かいとうどめん)

"Even if head is covered in ash and face is covered in mud, the heart remains untainted."
That means take the initiative and do the best for people.

