The 50th International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (H.C.R. 2023)
The 50th International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (REAL EXPO)H.C.R. Web2023(Web展) (Web Exhibition)
This is Koro from DisabilityLog 🐰❤
I am posting an English translation of the first item in this article!
Note 創作大賞2023 オールカテゴリ部門
Note Creative Award 2023 All Categories Category
Note 週刊少年マガジン原作大賞(連載部門)
Note Weekly Shonen Magazine Original Story Award (Serialization Division)
第2回 AIアートグランプリ
The 2nd AI Art Grand Prix
After these three contest entries were finished,
DisabilityLog's Koro was taking a break for a while!
October Declaration to do this
まずは、 #国際福祉機器展 #HCR の体験レポート
First, a report on the #HCR experience at the #International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition
In addition to this, we are considering submitting a Note on Koro-chan fan art and two large contests!
I really wanted to post this before preparing for the next contest and collaboration project!
I plan to update the English text 10 times in total, and every day after this posting, so I hope you will read it as a way of studying English. You can kill two birds with one stone by learning about the welfare of the physically challenged while studying English. I will provide you with a lot of contents!
2023年9月29日、東京ビッグサイト(東展示場)で開催された、H.C.R.2023 第50回国際福祉機器展&NextUD JAPAN 2023に行ってきました。
On September 29, 2023, I visited H.C.R. 2023 50th International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition & NextUD JAPAN 2023 held at Tokyo Big Sight (East Exhibition Hall). We would like to report on the details below.
The 50th International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (REAL EXPO)
H.C.R. Web2023(Web展)(Web Exhibition)
H.C.R.2023 PR動画
H.C.R. 2023 PR Video
H.C.R.心像 ~「ともに生きる豊かな社会」の実現~
H.C.R. Heart Image - Realization of a "prosperous society in which we can live together".
The two PR videos for H.C.R. (International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition) are cool too!
H.C.R.2023とNextUD JAPAN2023の
#推し短歌 も作りました!
I also created #Suggested Tanka for H.C.R.2023 and NextUD JAPAN2023! They are listed at the end of each chapter! Haiku and Tanka are listed at the end of each chapter.
H.C.R.2023 第50回国際福祉機器展
H.C.R.2023 The 50th International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition
日本最大の福祉機器展示会である「国際福祉機器展2023」が、2023年9月27日(水) ~ 29日(金) 10:00~17:00、東京ビッグサイトで開催されました。
The International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition 2023, Japan's largest welfare equipment exhibition, was held at Tokyo Big Sight from September 27 (Wed) to 29 (Fri), 2023, from 10:00 to 17:00.
The exhibition featured a variety of welfare equipment to support the lives of the elderly, disabled, and others. A commemorative forum was also held to mark the 50th anniversary of the exhibition.
The 50th anniversary logo is awesome and stylish ✨(and so is the poster!)
50周年アニバーサリープラザで、H.C.R.の歴史と変遷を振り返る年表等を展示されていました。50回分もポスターと展示内容についてまとめられてました!素晴らしすぎる、、さすが!節目時に合った企画・運営です( *´艸`)
The 50th anniversary plaza, where a timeline of H.C.R.'s history and transition was displayed. 50 posters and exhibits were compiled! It was too good to be true! The planning and management of the event was very well suited for the milestone occasion.
It was divided into five major phases: pioneering (1974-1985), internationalization (1986-1995), development phase I (1996-2000), development phase II (2001-2018), and transition phase (2019-).
In case you are wondering, H.C.R. is a very big event, with attendance exceeding 40,000 people per day! This year, the weather was fine, and with the transition of the new coronavirus infection to a category 5 infection, many people (especially people with disabilities, caregivers, and manufacturers of welfare equipment) must have visited the event.
Access to Tokyo Big Sight
Detailed information on transportation is available on the DisabilityLog (â™" information for people with disabilities and caregivers to enjoy together) blog. It also provides easy-to-understand explanations of wheelchair routes and barrier-free information with photos. Wheelchair users and caregivers using Tokyo Big Sight are also encouraged to check it out. We have also written articles about HCR in the past, so please refer to them as well!
How to get to the International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (from Kokusai Tenjijo Station)
How to get to the International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (from Tokyo Big Sight Station)
How did you learn about the International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (H-C-R)?
Thankfully, there is a special bus available (free of charge) from Kokusai Tenjijo Station, so it must have been easy to get there. We were told that we were limited to 2 wheelchairs at a time on the last bus, but they were able to take 3 people at the same time! The bus stops for going to and returning from the tour are different, so be careful! Pay attention to the time as well!
H.C.R.2023 会場マップ&パンフレット
H.C.R. 2023 venue map & brochure
会場MAP Venue MAP
H.C.R.2023 会場のご案内パンフレット
H.C.R. 2023 Venue Information Brochure
#Creatorfest #Event Report #Love photography
-夏夢カノン応援歌2- Lyric & Music by hidebow (youtube.com)
-夏夢カノン応援歌- Lyric & Music by hidebow (youtube.com)
Please stay alive
AI漫画、AI小説、NFT小説 夏夢カノン