一流営業マンのモチベーションアップの方法とは!?-How to motivate top salespeople!?-
Everyone, good evening. This time, I would like to introduce some excerpts from ``First-rate, second-rate, and third-rate salespeople'' on how to increase the motivation of top-notch salespeople. By the way, in the previous article, I introduced how top salespeople respond when they encounter words they don't know. If you'd like, please take a look at those articles as well.
”When a person is not motivated, a third-rate person worries that ``I'm not cut out for sales,'' a second-rate person worries about ``I need to be motivated,'' and a first-class person quickly goes to the ``bookstore.'' Do you ever feel like you don't feel like doing business? I know how painful that feeling is. That's why I want to tell you. First, think of it as just a time to recharge. It's okay if you don't rush. In the first place, even if you want to be motivated, you won't be able to put in the effort.”
”Even if you make a mistake, don't jump to the conclusion that sales is not for you. First, find your own charging method. Even top salespeople have a charging method that allows them to get out of slumps quickly. It's best to choose a method that suits you, such as meeting people, going to a cafe, listening to music, etc., but I recommend going to a bookstore. The reason is that even if you just skim through a book, there are hints for recharging your batteries.”
What did you all think? Everyone has times when they don't feel like doing something. I believe this applies not only to sales people but also to other people. I think there are many ways to increase motivation and it varies from person to person, but by the way, I try to go to the gym and move my body to refresh myself. I hope this article is of some use to you. See you soon. thank you very much.