シワ、シミ、ニキビもAGEや糖質が原因!?-Wrinkles, blemishes, and acne are also caused by AGEs and sugar-
Good evening everyone. In the previous article, we introduced the problems of cholesterol oxidation and glycation. High cholesterol levels lead to the progression of arteriosclerosis, and as arteriosclerosis progresses, the incidence of life-threatening diseases such as myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction increases. If you are interested, please check out that article. This time, we will introduce the contents of the title by excerpting some parts from "Doctors' Dietary Tips."
"Nowadays, it's not just women who are concerned about wrinkles and blemishes. It's natural for men to want to maintain a youthful appearance as well. Skin aging phenomena such as wrinkles and blemishes are the work of AGEs. 70% of the protein in our bodies is collagen. Collagen is made up of three thread-like fibers that stretch and contract to maintain elasticity."
"However, when AGEs stick to the skin, it becomes unable to move freely and loses elasticity. This causes wrinkles to form and brown spots to appear where AGEs have accumulated. This is the aging process of the skin. Excessive intake of carbohydrates is also the cause of breakouts and acne."
What did you all think? I think many people are troubled by wrinkles, age spots, and acne. I also had a period when I was troubled by acne. I think the cause is different for each person depending on the time. I recommend that you see a doctor as soon as possible, but it's also important to take measures to prevent it yourself, such as limiting carbohydrates. I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.
参考文献 医者が教える食事術 最強の教科書
著者 牧田善二
出版 ダイヤモンド社