
昼から夕方は「インプットの時間」-Noon to evening is "input time"-


Good evening everyone. In the previous article, I introduced the idea of ​​mornings being "output time." There is a physiologically optimal time for doing anything, and it is important to incorporate this into the rhythm of your work and life. If you are interested, please check out that article. And this time, I would like to introduce the contents of the title with an excerpt from "The Complete Guide to Working in Sales."


”The second time period is the 8 hours from noon to 8pm. In terms of the body's cycle, this is the intake time, when nutrients are taken into the body. In terms of work, this time period is the time to "actively take in information." In short, it is good to use this time for "business negotiations" with customers. If you heard this and thought, "Aren't business negotiations a form of output?", be careful. Top salespeople do not persuade customers with skillful presentations, but rather listen carefully to what their customers have to say.”


In order to listen to customer requests in depth, they make proposals that are a little different from other salespeople. Sales negotiations are input, not output. It depends on the customer's schedule, but unless you can only make time in the morning, I recommend meeting between noon and 8pm. It's also the best time to meet with staff and interact with people from other departments. People tend to get a little tired in the afternoon, so it's more efficient to get active and take in information rather than staying stuck at your desk.


What did you all think? It seems that the afternoon and evening are the best time for input. Incidentally, I mentioned in a previous article that mornings are best for output work. By matching your body's rhythm with the content of your work, you can increase your productivity more efficiently. Incidentally,I also feel that the note articles I write in the morning tend to be easier to write and have more potential. I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.


