
一流のファーストコンタクトとは!?-What is a first class first contact?-


Good evening everyone. In the previous article, I introduced you to the best way to start small talk! It was said that the best way is to start by focusing on the other person. If you are interested, please check that out as well. And this time, I will introduce some excerpts from "First-rate, second-rate, and third-rate small talk" regarding the contents of the title.


Third-rate people wait to be spoken to, second-rate people speak first, and first-rate people ask questions. In school, if the teacher asks "What is 2 + 2?", you answer. We live in the habit of being asked questions and answering them. First-rate people clearly understand this habit. They skillfully use questions to draw out conversation from the other person and lead the conversation. In fact, it is not the person speaking who holds the initiative in the conversation, but the person asking the questions.


My boss at my previous job was the number one top salesman in the country. When I accompanied him on a sales call, he would always take the initiative and ask questions like, "President, hello! President, have you changed your sofa recently?" or "Director, it's been a while! But you look tanned, don't you? Are you playing golf?" Take the initiative by asking a question. The person asked always answers. This simple rule is thoroughly followed by the best.


What did you all think? It's hard to know what to talk about when you first meet someone, right? In those cases, try starting by asking the other person a question. I'm sure they'll answer. Even people who aren't good at talking should be able to do it. I hope this article was helpful in some way. Until next time. Thank you.


