
TOEFL Speaking/Writingを丸暗記して挑むためのテンプレート集


TOEFL Reading TPO41 Navajo Art

TOEFL Reading TPO40 Amphibian Thermoregulation(単語・背景知識)

TOEFL TPO35 Reading "Earth's Age"

TOEFL Reading TPO42 Explaining Dinosaur Extinction【単語・背景知識】

TOEFL Reading TPO8(The Rise of Teotihuacán)

TOEFL Listening TPO43 背景知識

TOEFL TPO28 "Early Saharan Pastoralists"単語・背景知識

TOEFL TPO35 Reading "The Development of Social Complexity"単語

TOEFL TPO31 Reading Speciation inGeographically Isolated Populationsが難しすぎたので、小学生にもわかる言葉で要約してみた

TOEFL TP36 Reading "Early Ideas about Deep-sea Biology"【単語・背景知識】

TOEFL TPO37 Reading "Thales and the Milesians"【単語・背景知識】

TOEFL Reading TPO38 Transgenic Plants【単語・背景知識】

TOEFL Reading TPO41 Trade and Early State Formation

TOEFL Reading TPO42 Callisto and Ganymede【単語・背景知識】