
a-1917 美しいもの Beautiful world キャンバスアート - F6

絵画:a-1917 美しいもの Beautiful world

a-1917 美しいもの Beautiful world
戒's gallery (GalleryGai)

詩:美しいもの Beautiful world






”Beautiful world”

People can progress
towards their goals
when they set them.

People can achieve
through effort
when they determine
their purpose.

Hope is realized by
doing so.


God bless you.

Created by image creator.

イメージ動画:**PV 20250227 GalleryGai**


作品は、ピンクの薔薇(Pink Rose)の花を通して、夏への変化の中で家族が幸せに包まれる様子を描きました。虹色の光や弾けるシャボン玉が、まるで娘たちの笑顔や無邪気な心を映し出すかのように表現しました。ピンクの薔薇(Pink Rose)の花は、家族と過ごす夏の穏やかな日や、未来への希望を象徴し、娘たちの成長が移りゆく季節とともに花開くことを暗示します。

絵画「美しいもの Beautiful world」の解説

1. 全体的な印象

2. 色彩

3. 構図

4. 技法

5. 表現力

6. 美術的価値

7. 作品に込められた想い

8. 作品の鑑賞方法

9. 作品の価値

詩「美しいもの Beautiful world」の解説

1. 全体的な印象

2. 韻律
自由詩の形式を取りながらも、短い文章の繰り返しによるリズム感が生まれています。特に日本語版では「〜ば〜」という条件節の繰り返しが、英語版では「People can」の繰り返しが韻律を形成し、読み手を自然と次の行へと導きます。

3. 修辞

4. 技法

5. 表現力

6. 文学的価値

7. 作品に込められた想い

8. 作品の鑑賞方法

9. 作品の価値


絵画「美しいもの Beautiful world」と詩「美しいもの Beautiful world」は、異なるメディアを通じながらも、見事に共鳴し合う作品となっています。





最後に、「God bless you.」という詩の締めくくりの言葉は、絵画の持つ宗教的な雰囲気や神聖さとも呼応しており、両作品が単なる美的表現を超え、精神的な高みを目指していることを感じさせます。

絵画と詩は、互いに補完し合いながら、より豊かな芸術体験を提供しています。視覚と言葉、イメージと概念、感情と哲学が見事に融合した「美しいもの Beautiful world」は、鑑賞者に深い感動と内省の機会を与える総合芸術作品と言えるでしょう。

希望 幻想的 インスピレーション 魔法的 夢幻的 Hope fantasy inspiration magic dreamlike

Purpose of the work

Through the pink roses, the work depicts a family wrapped in happiness as the season changes to summer. The rainbow-colored light and popping soap bubbles are expressed as if they are reflecting the smiles and innocent hearts of the daughters. The pink roses symbolize the calm summer days spent with the family and hope for the future, suggesting that the daughters' growth will blossom with the changing seasons.

Explanation of the painting "Beautiful World"

1. Overall impression
This work is full of a fantastical atmosphere, blurring the boundary between reality and dreams. The pink rose placed in the center is wrapped in rainbow light and sparkling particles, giving the impression of having come out of a magical world. The blurred background and light effects capture a special moment away from everyday life.

2. Color
The entire work is composed of a rainbow gradient of colors such as yellow, green, purple, and blue, centered on a warm pink color. The pink rose symbolizes kindness and love, while the bright colors around it express hope and joy. In particular, the change in color in the background is reminiscent of the change of seasons and changes in life.

3. Composition
The large rose flower placed in the center attracts attention, and the light and colors radiating from it spread out to the surroundings. This composition gives the impression of a narrative in which the rose is the center of the world and beauty spreads from there.

4. Technique
The work makes full use of the techniques of digital processing to express light, blurring effects, and layering. In particular, the expression of sparkling particles and star-like light spots is reminiscent of soap bubbles and the reflection of light, symbolizing the innocence and purity of children. The signature "Ryo" can be seen in the lower right corner of the image.

5. Expressiveness
This work goes beyond simply depicting flowers, and has succeeded in visually expressing emotions and thoughts. The delicate texture of the roses and the fantastic lighting around them simultaneously express the ties of family, the warmth of love, and the beauty and transience of life.

6. Artistic value
The work is unique in its fusion of traditional flower depictions and modern digital expression. The expression, which straddles the boundary between realism and abstraction, has value as modern art, but also has a beauty that is familiar to everyone.

7. Thoughts put into the work
The artist puts into the work the importance of time spent with family, especially the joy of watching his daughters grow up. Through the roses, we can feel the desire to preserve beautiful and fleeting moments forever. In addition, the appearance of the family changing with the changing of the seasons is expressed as a hope for a hopeful future.

8. How to appreciate the work
A deeper appreciation experience can be obtained by carefully observing this work down to the smallest details. First, enjoy the overall impression, then pay attention to the texture of the petals and the movement of the light particles, and finally try to connect it with your own memories and emotions. Also, by appreciating it together with the poem, a synergistic effect of vision and words is created.

9. Value of the work
The value of this work lies not only in its aesthetic appeal, but also in the fact that it contains universal themes. It expresses universal themes such as family love, the changing of the seasons, hope, and the pursuit of beauty from a personal perspective. In addition, the technical perfection of the digital art is also highly acclaimed.

Explanation of the poem "Beautiful World"

1. Overall impression
This poem is concise yet contains profound philosophy. It is written in two languages, Japanese and English, and although the content is the same in both, there are subtle differences in nuance. It clearly and powerfully expresses the universal theme of the relationship between goals and efforts in life, and the realization of hope.

2. Rhyme
While it is written in free verse, the repetition of short sentences creates a sense of rhythm. In particular, the repetition of the conditional clause "~ba~" in the Japanese version and the repetition of "People can" in the English version form the rhyme, naturally leading the reader to the next line.

3. Rhetoric
By using parallel structure, the causal relationship of "set a goal → move forward" and "set a purpose → achieve" is emphasized. In addition, the last line, "That's how hope is realized," functions as a conclusion that summarizes the previous two examples, giving the poem a sense of unity.

4. Technique
The poem uses the technique of proverbial poetry, expressing universal truths in concise words. The bilingual expression in Japanese and English also emphasizes universality that transcends cultures. The signature "Kai" indicates the author's identity while adding personal weight to the poem.

5. Expressiveness
Despite the simple language, the poem's expressiveness shines through, sharply capturing the truth of life. In particular, the closing line, "That is how hope is realized," condenses the message of the entire poem and leaves a deep impression on the reader.

6. Literary value
The literary value of this poem lies in its conciseness and universality. It has value as proverbial literature in that it says a lot in short words and expresses the mechanism of fundamental human progress that transcends culture and language. The bilingual expressions in Japanese and English also resonate with each other, providing a richer reading experience.

7. Thoughts behind the poem
The author is thought to have put the wisdom he gained from his own life experiences into this poem as encouragement for his family, especially his children. While explaining the importance of goal setting and hard work, the author's warm perspective can be felt in the fact that he does not simply teach lessons, but also portrays them as a path to a bright future of hope.

8. How to appreciate the poem
You can gain a deeper understanding of this poem by not only reading it once, but also by savoring it while comparing it with your own life experiences. You can also enjoy discovering differences in expression due to language and similarities by reading the Japanese and English versions side by side.

9. Value of the poem
The value of this poem lies in the fact that it succinctly expresses the universal truth of life. The positive message that clearly shows the process of achieving goals and leads to the realization of hope gives courage and encouragement to the reader. In addition, the bilingual expression evokes empathy that transcends cultures.

General comment on the relationship between the painting and the poem

The painting "Beautiful Things, Beautiful World" and the poem "Beautiful Things, Beautiful World" are works that resonate beautifully with each other, even though they are different media.

The "beauty" and "hope" that the painting visually expresses through the pink roses are deeply connected to the concepts of "goals" and "realization of hope" that the poem describes in words. Just as rose flowers shine in the early summer light, both works weave a story that people shine by working hard toward their goals.

The fantastic spread of light and color seen in the painting can be interpreted as a visualization of the spread of possibilities and hope spoken of in the poem. Also, just as the rose placed at the center of the painting emits a presence in harmony with the surrounding light, the "people" in the poem also work hard toward their goals and objectives, thereby increasing the value of their existence in harmony with the world.

Of particular note is the theme of "evolution and growth" that both works share. The painting suggests the girls growing up with the changing of the seasons, while the poem depicts the process of human growth, from goal setting to achieving goals and realizing hopes.

The signature "Kai" in both works also suggests that they contain personal experiences and thoughts, and expressing universal themes from a personal perspective has the power to evoke empathy in viewers and readers.

Finally, the closing words of the poem, "God bless you," echo the religious atmosphere and sanctity of the painting, giving the impression that both works go beyond mere aesthetic expression and aim for spiritual heights.

The painting and the poem complement each other, providing a richer artistic experience. A perfect fusion of vision and words, image and concept, emotion and philosophy, "Beautiful Things, Beautiful World" is a comprehensive work of art that gives viewers deep emotion and an opportunity for introspection.

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a-1917 美しいもの Beautiful world キャンバスアート - F6 | gallerygai #booth_pm #pixivFACTORY

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