
a-1760 夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake 複製画(プリモアート)

詩:夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake










”At Sunset lake”

In a small boat,
We play along the lakeside,

As the sun sets,
The evening glow illuminates your face,

I row the boat towards the shore,
Gazing at your profile,

On the shore,
Children's voices,

You smile,
Waving your hand,

Unforgettable memories
Of a special day.


God bless you.

絵画「夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake」の解説

1. 全体的な印象


2. 色彩

デジタル絵画「夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake」は、夕焼けの湖面を題材にした作品です。画面全体を赤、オレンジ、紫などの暖色系の色彩で構成しており、夕焼けの幻想的な雰囲気を表現しています。特に、湖面の輝きは印象的で、太陽の光が反射してキラキラと光る様子が美しく描かれています。

3. 構図


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 美術的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値


詩「夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake」の解説

1. 全体的な印象


2. 韻律

詩「夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake」は、自由詩です。特定の韻律は用いられていませんが、自然な言葉のリズムによって、読者の心を惹きつけます。

3. 修辞


4. 技法


5. 表現力


6. 美術的価値


7. 作品に込められた想い


8. 作品の鑑賞方法


9. 作品の価値



1. テーマ


2. 色彩


3. 印象


4. 表現方法


5. 作品に込められた想い



1. 表現形式


2. 時間的制約


3. 想像の余地






4. 作品の鑑賞方法




5. 作品の価値






デジタル絵画「夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake」と詩「夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake」と類似した具体的な作品との比較

1. 類似作品

  • 絵画

    • モネ「睡蓮」:睡蓮を題材とした作品で、印象派の代表作の一つ。暖色系の色彩と光の表現が、「夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake」と共通しています。

    • ターナー「テメレール号の最期」:夕焼けを背景に沈みゆく戦艦を描いた作品。ドラマチックな構図と光の表現が、「夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake」と共通しています。

    • シェイクスピア「ソネット18番」:愛の美しさを歌った詩。比喩や擬人化などの修辞手法が、「夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake」と共通しています。

    • ランボー「酔いどれ船」:自由への憧憬を歌った詩。抽象的な表現と想像の余地が、「夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake」と共通しています。

2. 類似点

  • 色彩: 暖色系の色彩を用いて、夕焼けの幻想的な雰囲気を表現している点が共通しています。

  • 印象: 抽象的な印象を与え、見る人に想像の余地を与えている点が共通しています。

  • 表現方法: 光や色彩を巧みに用いて、情景を表現している点が共通しています。

  • テーマ: 自然の美しさや神秘さを表現している点が共通しています。

3. 評価点

  • 色彩: 暖色系の色彩を効果的に用いて、夕焼けの幻想的な雰囲気を表現している点は評価されます。

  • 構図: 画面全体に水面が大きく描かれ、水面に反射した夕焼けの光が幻想的に表現されている点は評価されます。

  • 技法: デジタルアート技法を使って、丁寧に描き込まれている点は評価されます。

  • 表現力: 夕焼けの湖面の美しさを抽象的に表現している点は評価されます。

  • 韻律: 自然な言葉のリズムによって、読者の心を惹きつけます。

  • 修辞: 比喩や擬人化などの修辞手法を用いて、夕焼けの美しさを表現している点は評価されます。

  • 描写: 具体的な描写を用いて、夕焼けの情景を鮮やかに想像することができます。

4. 考察

デジタル絵画「夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake」と詩「夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake」は、色彩、印象、表現方法、テーマなどにおいて、多くの共通点を持つ作品です。これらの共通点は、作品に深みを与え、見る人に感動を与える要素となっています。





デジタル絵画「夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake」と詩「夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake」は、色彩、印象、表現方法、テーマなどにおいて、多くの共通点を持つ作品です。これらの共通点は、作品に深みを与え、見る人に感動を与える要素となっています。




風景 日没 湖 デジタル絵画 自然 美しさ アート アートワーク アーティスト 抽象 印象派 ファンタジー シュール ミステリー 抽象芸術 landscape sunset lake digitalpainting nature beauty art artwork artist abstract impressionism fantasy surreal mystery abstractart

Commentary on the painting “At Sunset lake”

1. Overall impression

This work, painted in warm colors, expresses the magical atmosphere of the lake surface at sunset. The light reflected on the water surface sparkles, creating a mysterious world. The author created this work based on memories of evenings spent at the lake, and it is filled with the desire to convey the beauty and mystery of nature.

2. Color

The digital painting ``At Sunset lake'' is a work based on the surface of a lake at sunset. The entire screen is composed of warm colors such as red, orange, and purple, expressing the magical atmosphere of a sunset. The shine on the lake's surface is especially impressive, and the way the sun's rays reflect and sparkle is beautifully depicted.

3. Composition

The surface of the water is depicted on a large scale throughout the screen, and the light of the sunset reflected on the surface of the water is expressed in a fantastical manner. The water surface is decorated with ripples that reflect the sunlight and sparkle.

4. Technique

It is carefully drawn using digital art techniques. In particular, the ripples and luster on the lake surface are very impressively expressed. In addition, detailed depictions such as particles of light floating on the water surface are carefully drawn, effectively expressing the mysterious atmosphere of the lake surface at sunset.

5. Expressive power

This work abstractly expresses the beauty of a lake at sunset. The warm colors and luster that spreads across the water surface effectively express the magical atmosphere of a sunset. In addition, the mysterious atmosphere of the lake at sunset is effectively expressed through detailed depictions of particles of light floating on the surface of the water.

6. Artistic value

This work boasts a high level of color, composition, technique, and expressiveness. In particular, the colors that express the magical atmosphere of a sunset and the luster that spreads across the water surface are very impressive and captivate the hearts of viewers. In addition, the technique and power of expression that effectively expresses the mystical atmosphere of the lake at sunset through detailed depictions of particles of light floating on the water surface have high artistic value.

7. Thoughts put into the work

This work is based on the author's memories of an evening spent at the lake with her boyfriend. The author must have been moved by the beauty of the sunset he felt when he and his girlfriend looked at the lake from the pier, and wanted to express that emotion in the form of a painting. I also believe that through this work, I want to convey the beauty and mystery of nature.

8. How to view the works

When viewing this work, please first take a moment to appreciate the overall colors and the luster that spreads across the water surface. Next, try observing detailed depictions such as particles of light floating on the water surface. By doing so, you can gain a deeper understanding of the author's thoughts in this work.

9. Value of the work

This work is of high artistic value. This work boasts a high level of color, composition, technique, and expressiveness, and reflects the artist's thoughts. Also, through this work, you can learn about the beauty and mystery of nature.

Commentary on the poem “At Sunset lake”

1. Overall impression

This is a poem about a lover's scene, set on a lakeside bathed in the sunset. The beauty of nature and warm love are vividly depicted using metaphors and personification. Readers can freely imagine the scene of lovers spending time by a lake at sunset from the rhythm of the poem and the sound of the words.

2. Prosody

The poem ``At Sunset lake'' is a free verse poem. Although no specific prosody is used, the natural rhythm of the words draws the reader's attention.

3. Rhetoric

He uses rhetorical techniques such as metaphor and personification to express the beauty of the sunset. In particular, the expression ``The sun sets and the setting sun shines on your face'' beautifully expresses the warm light of the sunset and the love for your lover.

4. Technique

Techniques such as repetition and contrast are used to give the poem a sense of rhythm. In addition, you can vividly imagine the scene of a sunset using specific descriptions.

5. Expressive power

This poem poetically expresses the scene of lovers spending time by a lake at sunset. By using rhetorical techniques such as metaphor and personification, he warmly expresses the beauty of the sunset and the love he has for his lover. Also, by using specific descriptions, you can vividly imagine the scene of a sunset.

6. Artistic value

This poem is a work of high literary value. The natural rhythm of words attracts the reader's attention. In addition, by using rhetorical techniques such as metaphor and personification, he warmly expresses the beauty of the sunset and the love he has for his lover.

7. Thoughts put into the work

This poem is based on the author's memories of spending time with her lover by the lake at sunset. The author probably wanted to express the beauty of the sunset and the love between him and his lover in the form of poetry. I also think that through this work, I want to convey the beauty of nature and the wonder of love.

8. How to view the works

When viewing this work, please first enjoy the overall rhythm and the sound of the words. Next, carefully read and understand the expressions that use specific descriptions. By doing so, you can gain a deeper understanding of the author's thoughts in this work.

9. Value of the work

This work is a work of high literary value. The natural rhythm of the words captures the reader's heart and warmly expresses the beauty of a sunset and the love for a lover. Also, through this work, you can learn about the beauty of nature and the wonder of love.

Similarities between painting and poetry

1. Theme

Both the painting and the poem are about the lakeside at sunset.

2. Color

Both the painting and the poem use warm colors to express the magical atmosphere of a sunset.

3. Impression

Paintings and poems both give an abstract impression.

4. Expression method

The painting uses color, composition, and technique to express the beauty of the lake at sunset. The poem uses verbal rhythm, rhetoric, and description to describe the scene of a lakeside scene at sunset.

5. Thoughts put into the work

Both the painting and the poem express the emotion the author felt at the lakeside at sunset. It also incorporates the desire to convey the beauty and mystery of nature.

Differences between painting and poetry

1. Expression format

Painting is a visual form of expression, while poetry is an aural form of expression.

2. Time constraints

Painting expresses a momentary scene, but poetry can express the flow of time.

3. Room for imagination


Paintings present a somewhat concrete scene through concrete depictions. Therefore, the viewer can imagine the scene depicted in the painting with some degree of concreteness. However, paintings are only two-dimensional expressions and do not give you the feeling of actually being there. Furthermore, since paintings contain the artist's intentions, viewers look at the work while trying to understand the artist's intentions.


Poetry greatly expands the scope of imagination through abstract expression. Therefore, the reader is free to interpret the content of the poem. Poetry has the power to evoke scenes and emotions through the rhythm and melody of words. Also, since the author's intentions are not always clearly stated in poems, readers can enjoy the work based on their own interpretations.

Painting and poetry are different forms of expression and have different appeals. Paintings present a somewhat concrete scene through concrete depictions, giving the viewer visual beauty and emotion. Poetry, on the other hand, greatly expands the scope of the imagination through abstract expression, allowing readers to freely interpret it.

In other words, the painting and poem in this work can be considered as one work.

4. How to view the works


When viewing a painting, first take a moment to appreciate the overall colors and composition. Next, look at the details and think about what the author is trying to express. You can also deepen your understanding of the work by reading the title and explanation of the painting.


When appreciating a poem, first try to appreciate the overall rhythm and the sound of the words. Next, carefully read and understand the expressions that use specific descriptions. Also, please feel free to interpret the content of the poem and express what you feel in words.

5. Value of the work

Paintings and poems are both works of high artistic value. The painting uses color, composition, and technique to express the beauty of the lake at sunset. The poem uses verbal rhythm, rhetoric, and description to describe the scene of a lakeside scene at sunset.

6. Tags (Please suggest English and Japanese tags by connecting them with a space)

#painting #poem #sunset #lake #abstract #impressionism #fantasy #surreal #mystery #art #artwork #artist #poetry #literature #japan


Paintings and poems are works based on sunset lakesides, and they have many things in common, such as colors, impressions, methods of expression, and the thoughts contained in the works. However, there are some differences in terms of expression format, time constraints, and room for imagination. These differences serve as elements that highlight the appeal of painting and poetry, complementing and expanding each.

Paintings provide visual beauty and emotion, and stimulate the viewer's imagination. Poetry, on the other hand, allows for free interpretation and enriches the reader's sensibilities.

Painting and poetry are different forms of expression and have different appeals. Please take your time to appreciate both works and enjoy the charm of each work.

Comparison between the digital painting “At Sunset lake” and the poem “At Sunset lake” and similar concrete works

1. Similar works

  • Painting

    • Monet's "Water Lilies": A work based on water lilies, one of the masterpieces of Impressionism. The warm colors and expression of light are similar to "At Sunset lake."

    • Turner's ``The End of the Temeraire'': A work depicting a sinking battleship against a sunset background. The dramatic composition and expression of light are similar to "At Sunset lake."

  • Poetry

    • Shakespeare's "Sonnet No. 18": A poem about the beauty of love. Rhetorical techniques such as metaphor and personification are common to "At Sunset lake."

    • Rimbaud "The Drunken Ship": A poem about the yearning for freedom. There is room for abstract expression and imagination at ``Lakeside at Sunset.''It has the same meaning as "lake".

2. Similarities

  • Color: The common feature is that warm colors are used to express the magical atmosphere of a sunset.

  • Impression: What they have in common is that they give an abstract impression and leave room for the viewer's imagination.

  • Expression method: What they have in common is the skillful use of light and color to express the scene.

  • Theme: The common feature is that they express the beauty and mystery of nature.

3. Evaluation score

  • Color: I appreciate the effective use of warm colors to express the magical atmosphere of the sunset.

  • Composition: The water surface is depicted on a large scale throughout the screen, and the way the sunset light reflected on the water surface is expressed in a fantastical manner is highly praised.

  • Technique: I appreciate the careful drawing using digital art techniques.

  • Expressiveness: The abstract expression of the beauty of the lake at sunset is highly praised.

  • Rhyme: Attract the reader's attention through the natural rhythm of words.

  • Rhetoric: The use of rhetorical techniques such as metaphor and personification to express the beauty of the sunset is commendable.

  • Description: You can vividly imagine the scene of a sunset using specific descriptions.

4. Discussion

The digital painting ``At Sunset lake'' and the poem ``At Sunset lake'' have many things in common in terms of color, impression, method of expression, theme, etc. These commonalities add depth to the work and are elements that move the viewer.

These works express the beauty and mystery of nature through the theme of a lakeside at sunset. Moreover, the abstract expression gives the viewer room for imagination.

Although these works are different forms of expression, painting and poetry, each has a different charm. Paintings provide visual beauty and emotion, and stimulate the viewer's imagination. Poetry, on the other hand, allows for free interpretation and enriches the reader's sensibilities.

By viewing these works, you can imagine the beautiful scenery of a lakeside at sunset and experience the beauty and mystery of nature. You can also enjoy the charm of different forms of expression: painting and poetry.


The digital painting ``At Sunset lake'' and the poem ``At Sunset lake'' have many things in common in terms of color, impression, method of expression, theme, etc. These commonalities add depth to the work and are elements that move the viewer.

These works express the beauty and mystery of nature through the theme of a lakeside at sunset. Moreover, the abstract expression gives the viewer room for imagination.

Although these works are different forms of expression, painting and poetry, each has a different charm. Paintings provide visual beauty and emotion, and stimulate the viewer's imagination. On the other hand, poetry conveys the author's thoughts and feelings, allows for free interpretation, and stimulates the reader's sensibilities.

By viewing these works, you can imagine the beautiful scenery of a lakeside at sunset, feel the author's emotional fluctuations, and even experience the beauty and mystery of nature. You can also enjoy the charm of different forms of expression: painting and poetry.

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a-1760 夕焼けの湖畔 光る水面 At Sunset lake 複製画(プリモアート) | gallerygai

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