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[PBS NewsHour May 12, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:59]★今日のおすすめ★ パンデミック期の移民抑制策Title 42が終了 国境の様子をEl Pasoの記者Cindy Ramirezに聞く
[07:39] CINDY RAMIREZ: Very few of them have actually had a little bit of luck with the -- with the phone app [** = CBP One 以前の番組に出てきました ] , and they have been able to have -- made some appointments. But the majority have not been able to access that.
[09:31] 今日のその他の主要ニュース
[11:18] [** イーロン・マスクがツイッターのCEOを辞めるニュース ] Back in this country, Twitter will soon have new leadership once again. Elon Musk named Linda Yaccarino as his successor. The NBC Universal advertising executive will take her new post in about six weeks. Musk acquired Twitter last October. The Tesla billionaire will now serve as Twitter's executive chairman and chief technology officer.
[12:14] And a passing to note. Journalist Hodding Carter III died Thursday at his home in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. He was the State Department spokesman under former President Jimmy Carter -- no relation [** = used after saying the names of two people with the same last name to say they are not related to each other. 同じ名字でも親戚関係などはない ] -- and he briefed the country throughout the Iran Hostage Crisis. A former newspaperman who championed civil rights, he often appeared on a number of news programs, including this one. Hodding Carter was 88 years old.
[13:05]★今日のおすすめ★ ニューヨーク市地下鉄で元海兵隊員のDaniel Pennyが精神疾患歴のあるホームレスJordan Neelyを首を絞めて殺害したとされる事件 Pennyを訴追
[16:12] I mean, like, take the term vigilantism, which is being thrown around. Well, that requires the commission of a crime. A vigilante is somebody who stops a crime under their own authority, rather than under the color of law. [** color of law = (law, US) A mere semblance of legal right; a means to do something with the apparent authority of law but actually in contravention of law.(wiktionary)] But throwing your jacket down on a train and yelling is not a crime. Saying that you're hungry and that you're despairing, you're thirsty, you don't care what happens to you, that's not a crime either. You could offer the man a sandwich. You could offer him a couple of dollars. You don't necessarily have to throw him in a choke hold.
[17:41] And, really, what he came up with was this concept of social death. [** = the alienation of certain people from society to the point of being forgotten, excluded, or ignored in society (wiktionary).
see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_death ] And it reminded me of how we treat some people in our own modern society. The concept has not gone away, which is that certain people are just considered outside the circle of care and concern. They are socially dead. What happens to them is of considerably less concern to the rest of us. And that is really what we do every time we're walking past somebody like a Jordan Neely, who's in clear distress and asking for our help.
[18:40] The number of arrests has more than doubled. The number of crimes have plummeted. So,yes, that response has yielded results. What it has not done, though, is dealt with people who are in need, who are perhaps disorderly, who perhaps are homeless, because you cannot arrest somebody -- you cannot arrest your way out of those problems. [** 逮捕をいくらしても問題から抜け出すことは出来ない、問題は解決しない。 ] Arresting somebody doesn't get them an apartment. It doesn't get them addiction treatment. It doesn't get the mental health counseling or whatever other assistance they might need.
[20:53] トルコ大統領選 現職のRecep Tayyip Erdoganの「独裁」に終止符か
[21:37] RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN, Turkish President (through translator): Mr. Kemal, drink as much as you want. You can drink a full keg, but even that will not make you better. My nation will not give the floor to an alcoholic. [** to give the floor = To allow one the right or opportunity to speak in a group, especially at a formal event or gathering. 以上がもともとの意味だが、この文脈では少し違う意味で使われている。「トルコは、(国民に語り掛けたり、国民のために活動する)大統領の職をアルコール依存症の奴に渡したりしない」という意味 ]
[22:45] NICK SCHIFRIN: Voters' number one issue has been sticker shock. [** = astonishment and dismay experienced on being informed of a product's unexpectedly high price (Merriam-Webster) ] Today, inflation is more than 40 percent, down from 85 percent last November.
[26:56] 3年以上続いた新型コロナの公衆衛生緊急事態宣言が終了 新たな変異株や次の深刻な伝染病に連邦政府はどう対処すべきか 遺族の声を聞いたあと専門家(Jennifer Nuzzo)にインタビュー
[35:45]★今日のおすすめ★ 金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る
[37:55] So, until Congress gets its act together and do something, comprehensive immigration reform, which, the last time, if memory serves, that we got anywhere near doing something was when the Senate passed its bipartisan Gang of Eight
[** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gang_of_Eight_(immigration) ] immigration reform bill out of the Senate. And then it stalled in the House in 2014. And we have not seen anything like that since.
[39:56] And so I guess one thing, we have been covering this and people have been trying to push immigration reform as comprehensive immigration reform, where it's one big bill, everybody gets a piece. We have been trying that for 30 years. Maybe we should try something more modest, just take a step. And with all the desire -- there's pent-up desire to do something, but that big thing looks pretty hairy [** = (informal) difficult, complex, intricate, or intimidating (wiktionary)] and messy.
[45:37] AMNA NAWAZ: So where do you hope this ends up now? You think there's two paths ahead, and that's what -- that leaves both sides with a win they can walk away with?
JONATHAN CAPEHART: I said what I said. [** = I said what I said is a phrase used to indicate that one is unapologetically sticking to an opinion or statement even though it has been or is likely to be met with strong disagreement or controversy. The phrase often implies that the person does not regret or feel ashamed about their stance and that they have no intention to change their mind. https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/i-said-what-i-said/ ]
[46:10] トム・ハンクス(Tom Hanks)が小説を執筆 本人へのインタビュー
[48:46] And at the beginning of every shot, there is a moment of controlled chaos. [** controlled chaos = a state or situation that appears to be completely disorganised, but where some things are under control.]