今日の英語ニュースから [2023.04.01]
PBS NewsHour March 31, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:31] アーカンソー州の竜巻
[02:44] Amateur video captured the huge funnel cloud on the horizon. And driving, straight-line winds [* = a powerful, fast-moving surface wind that lacks a rotational pattern and that can cause widespread damage] whipped trees and sent sheets of rain into the city.
[05:12]★今日のおすすめ★ トランプ前大統領起訴
[07:33] LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): This is legal voodoo [* = deceptive or delusive nonsense. https://definitions.uslegal.com/v/voodoo/] . You got a misdemeanor that's been made a felony. Nobody in the history of New York City has ever been prosecuted under this theory, except for Donald J. Trump.
[10:45] RUTH BEN-GHIAT, NYU History Professional: This is a talking point of authoritarians to try and get the public to see the forces against them as discredited, partisan hacks [* = (derogatory) Someone who is available for hire; hireling, mercenary.金のために何でもやる人] and thus retain their reputation for being the ones who are going to drain the swamp [* 以前の番組に出てきました ] , which was Mussolini's slogan initially, clean up the nation, and they are the ones who stand for patriotism, and these others are just targeting them because they don't want the nation to succeed.
[12:16] And it also comes as Trump and a number of his allies have been using dog whistle [* 既出
https://note.com/wgc888/n/nb4dfc6bad2e0#4876c874-ef04-44aa-b6da-837fc42ad2cd] attacks, antisemitic attacks against -- when they attack DA Alvin Bragg by saying that he is backed by George Soros [* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Soros] , who is Jewish.
[13:04]★今日のおすすめ★ トランプの起訴について元連邦検事とジャーナリストに聞く
[14:09] The judge will then release Donald Trump on bail, what we call released on his own recognizance [* Release On One's Own Recognizance = A judge's decision to allow a person charged with a crime to remain at liberty pending the trial, without having to post bail. Likely candidates for such release are those with strong roots in the community, regular employment, and the recommendation of the prosecutor. The type of crime charged may also play a role. Often called "O.R." or "R.O.R," it is granted routinely in traffic matters, minor and technical crimes, and to people with no criminal record who display stability. ] , meaning leave him free to go.
[16:28] ANDREA BERNSTEIN: So the discussion has centered around falsification of business records, which, in New York, can be an E felony [* = https://www.rendelmanlaw.com/2022/04/21/what-is-a-new-york-class-e-felony/] punishable with jail time of up to four years.
[16:45] [* 現時点で分かっているトランプ起訴の理由を説明している箇所] And the allegation, and what the DA [* = District Attorney = 区検事長:米国の各連邦裁判所管轄区の主席検事] has been looking at is, we know from Michael Cohen that he paid money to Stormy Daniels. We know from records that the prosecution in that case released that they were the -- that hush money payment was reimbursed by Donald Trump, and that Trump's company referred to it as a legal retainer [* = (弁護士などへの)依頼料,予約料,お抱え料(ランダムハウス)] , which it was not. What is being investigated is Trump's alleged role in all of this. And by the fact that there's an indictment, it appears that the DA believes there is sufficient evidence to prove that Mr. Trump orchestrated this scheme of calling something a legal retainer that was actually, as Michael Cohen has described it, a sort of last-ditch effort, successful, as Cohen described it, to save Mr. Trump's 2016 election bid at that time.
[17:36] And, of course, this all came out after the "Access Hollywood" tape [* = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_Access_Hollywood_tape] , just when -- within weeks of that.
[18:34] 今日のその他のニュース
[20:06] JACOB FREY (D), Mayor of Minneapolis, Minnesota: So I think it's clear that the murder of George Floyd was the final straw [* = last straw = (idiomatic, almost always preceded by the) A small addition to a burden which causes it to exceed the capacity. < the straw that broke the camel's back] that led to this investigation. But this investigation, as has been stated repeatedly, is about a patterned practice over more than a decade.
[21:01] Today, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy honored those killed during Bucha's month-long occupation. And with other European leaders joining him, he called out Moscow [* to call out = to criticize, denounce ] .
[23:29] ウクライナのZaporizhzhia原発を訪問した国際原子力機関(IAEA)のRafael Grossi事務局長へのインタビュー
[29:13]★今日のおすすめ★ 金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る
[31:27] The language is biblical, and it appeals, I think, not just to his evangelical base, but to QAnon conspiracy theorists. [* https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/QAnon]
[31:54] KAREN TUMULTY: Absolutely, because if they are going to make the argument that the process should be allowed to work, they have got to stay away from the process as much as they can, you know, not the same is happening with a lot of their talking heads [* talking head = a journalist or pundit, especially one on television, who presents or discusses issues of the day] on television. But I think Democratic elected officials need to stay clear of this.
[38:38] Joni Mitchell ガーシュイン賞受賞 その授与式に参加するAnnie Lennoxへのインタビュー
[39:51] AMNA NAWAZ: I met up with Lennox at the Library of Congress [* Library of Congress = 米国議会図書館。ガーシュイン賞は、米国議会図書館がポピュラー音楽の発展に功績があったミュージシャンに贈る賞] and asked her about the staying power of her music.
[48:17] マーチマッドネス最終盤
[49:23] So let's start with that marquee [* = most famous; preeminent ] matchup and marquee stars in that matchup.
[51:54] Now here we are just nine months after the 50th anniversary of Title IX [* Title IX = 連邦教育法第9編:連邦改正教育法(Education Amendments of 1972)第9編;連邦の補助金や助成を受ける教育機関での性差別を禁じている] .