PBS News Weekend May 27, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[01:58] 今日の主要ニュース
[02:41] The big sticking point remains the Republican's proposal for new work requirements for recipients of federal food aid [* Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)のこと。補助的栄養支援プログラム。旧称food stamp(旧称と言ってもfood stampという言葉は今も普通に使われている。正式名の旧称という感じ)] . Many Democratic lawmakers oppose that.
[04:37]★今日のおすすめ★ 世界のプラスチックごみ問題をどうするか/リポートのあと国連環境計画事務局長Inger Andersenに聞く
[06:31] Before we get to the solutions that you are talking about, I wonder if we could just talk a little bit about the problem. I mean, here especially in the U.S. but worldwide, we have heard this phrase "reduce, reuse and recycle" for what feels like a generation. And yet, we still haven't gotten our hands around this problem [* to get one's hands around =~を把握[理解]する (『英辞郎』)。この表現は他の辞書には載っていないようだが、文脈や語感から考えると、「…に対処する、対応する、取り組む」くらいの意味かもしれない ] . Why is that?
[07:07] [* プラスチックのリサイクルの現状] In fact, globally, we produce about 430 million tons of plastic a year, globally speaking, and 9% of that -- just 9 % ends up being recycled.
[09:26] But, no, circularity is not the solution but it's one of the elements of a solution. And that means that takeback schemes, whether it's extended producer responsibility or whether it's municipal takeback [* takeback = 回収 ] schemes, there are many, many things we have seen across different countries.
[11:30] At the time it was said it is impossible. How can you change the freons [* freon = フレオン(商品名)。フロンのこと] that are enabling our cooling systems and air conditioners and our fire retardants and our spray cans? And we did it.
[12:05]★今日のおすすめ★ 妊婦や出産後の母親のメンタルヘルスを支える取り組み/保健資源事業局(HRSA)のCarole Johnson局長に聞く
[13:37] [* 妊婦の死因に占めるメンタルヘルス関連の割合 ] And, Carole, about a quarter of pregnancy-related deaths are related to mental health, which is, of course, extremely important.
[14:42] We are building the workforce, more certified nurse midwives, more community-based doulas [* doula = a person trained to provide advice, information, emotional support, and physical comfort to a mother before, during, and just after childbirth ( Merriam-Webster). ドゥーラ,出産に関するアドバイスやサポートを行う女性,医療スタッフではないが自らの経験を基に,出産時や出産後の母親に対する支援を行う『英辞郎』 ] to make sure the health care system is centered around hearing women's voices and concerns.
[15:16] We, at the Health Resources and Services Administration, fund 1400 health centers around the country. Health centers see patients regardless of their ability to pay. And so, health centers are in underserved communities [* underserved = (medicine) Disadvantaged with regard to health services because of inability to pay, inability to access care, or other disparities for reasons of race, religion, language group or social status.(wiktionary) 医療を受ける際、経済的理由や医療へのアクセスの問題で不利な立場であったり、あるいは、人種、宗教、言語、社会的地位などの格差で不利な立場にあること ] , in rural communities across the country.
[16:00] [* 人種による妊婦死亡率の違い] Carole, as you well know, the rate of maternal mortality varies greatly on racial lines. Black and indigenous women are two to three times more likely to die of pregnancy-related causes than white women.
[16:55] When you disaggregate [* to disaggregate = to separate or break down into components ] the CDC data on maternal health, mental health issues are the underlying cause of most of the deaths for white and Hispanic mothers, but, in fact, Black and Asian mothers suffered much more from heart conditions and hemorrhaging.
[18:11] ミャンマー内戦が激化/ミャンマー系アメリカ人ジャーナリストAye Min ThantとBBC記者のJonathan Headに聞く
[18:11] The civil war in Myanmar intensified this week as resistance fighters attacked the governing military junta's forces [* junta = a group of military officers holding the power in a country, esp after a coup d'état (thefreedictionary) ] .