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[00:00] Introduction
[02:38]★今日のおすすめ★ Reproductive rights drive wins for Democrats, leaving clues for future elections
Democrats have much to celebrate after securing key victories Tuesday on election night. Abortion access was a driving issue for the party and helped turn out voters for the Democratic ticket, which sets the party up with a plan of action heading into the 2024 election year. Lisa Desjardins reports and Amy Walter of "The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter" joins Geoff Bennett to discuss.
《来年の選挙を占う昨日の州選挙の結果; 妊娠中絶や避妊の権利保障を訴えた民主党の勝利; The vote makes Ohio the seventh state where voters have directly supported abortion access since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year; In Virginia, Democrats held on to the Senate and flipped the House. They will have the majority in both chambers and be a potential check on the final two years of Youngkin's term; in Kentucky, Democrat Andy Beshear won a second term with 52 percent of the vote in a state that former President Donald Trump carried by 26 points in 2020; with the results of a special election, Rhode Island will send its first Black member (= Gabe Amo (D)) of Congress to Washington... the math gets harder for Republicans, one vote harder in the House; ●06:43~ Amy Walterの選挙結果分析; once you take it from an initiative and put it into a candidate, in other words, what position do you hold on abortion, what position does another candidate hold, it becomes a little more complicated; what seems to be clear from Virginia and from Ohio is that voters do not see that (= Virginia Governor Youngkin's position of 15-week ban on abortion) as a reasonable restriction; Republicans don't have a communications or a messaging problem. They have a problem problem. And the problem is that voters don't trust them on the issue of abortion; voters can hold two thoughts simultaneously. They can say, I don't think Joe Biden's doing a particularly good job, or I think maybe he's too old for this, or I don't think the economy is going particularly well, but the issue of abortion or the issue of democracy or the issue of voter intimidation, those things are much more important to me than what I think about Joe Biden; 》
[03:09] Yesterday, a majority of Ohio voters passed a constitutional amendment to enshrine access to abortion, contraception, and miscarriage care.
[** = Issue 1 関連ニュース ]
[12:02]★今日のおすすめ★ Israel's ground invasion grinds on as Blinken lays out vision for post-war Gaza
The Israel Defense Forces ground operation is engaged in the north of Gaza amid a punishing bombardment. This as America's top diplomat laid out the most specific plan to date that the U.S. wants for post-war Gaza. Leila Molana-Allen reports from Tel Aviv.
《イスラエルとハマスの戦い33日目; ANTONY BLINKEN: Gaza cannot be -- continued to be run by Hamas. It's also clear that Israel cannot occupy Gaza. LEILA MOLANA-ALLEN: He did warn of a -- quote -- "transition period" afterward, but reaffirmed that Palestinians ultimately need to govern the enclave. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he foresees Israel maintaining security control over Gaza indefinitely, although other Israeli officials later clarified that they don't intend to occupy Gaza after the war; 》
[14:29] Kobi and his family started this donations tent on their own dime. Within days, the entire community was pitching in.
[** on someone's own dime = on someone's dime = With funds provided by a particular person or group ]
[17:13] How the White House views Israel's military campaign
As the death tolls among Palestinian civilians in Gaza continues to climb, more allies of Israel are starting to criticize the country for the military tactics it has been using since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. John Kirby, National Security Council spokesman at the White House, joins Amna Nawaz to discuss U.S. diplomacy around the Israel-Hamas war and support for Israel's military campaign.
《国家安全保障会議のジョン・カービー戦略広報調整官に聞く; イスラエル・ハマス戦争を巡る外交とイスラエルの軍事作戦について; We don't believe that it (= Gaza) should be reoccupied. And, obviously, as Secretary Blinken also said, it's possible that there could be some sort of a transitional period where you're going to have Israeli security forces on the ground in the immediate aftermath of the conflict providing some measure of security. But we don't believe that's a long-term solution that's viable, and it's not going to be in keeping with the aspirations of the Palestinian people; 》
[21:50] AMNA NAWAZ: Is that to say you don't believe that they (= Israelis) have been as discriminate and careful as possible so far?
JOHN KIRBY: We're not going to armchair quarterback every single strike or event or operation that they're conducting.
[** to armchair quarterback < armchair quarterback (名詞) = A person who criticizes something in which they are not involved and lack expertise (wiktionary) ]
[24:29] News Wrap
Republicans on the House Oversight Committee issued subpoenas to President Biden's son (= Hunter Biden) and brother (= James Biden), Ivanka Trump testified about her father's financial statements, Republicans are holding their third presidential debate, the only Palestinian American in Congress has been censured, heavy rains hit Kenya and Somalia, and scientists say October was the warmest on record.
《 Minnesota's Supreme Court refused to toss former President Trump off the state's primary ballot next year. A lawsuit had argued he violated the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution by inciting the January 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol. The amendment bars anyone involved in insurrection from federal office;合衆国憲法修正第14条; The only Palestinian American in Congress has now been censured by the House over her criticism of Israel. Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib was formally rebuked last night 234-188. More than 20 Democrats joined nearly all Republicans in voting for censure after an intense debate; Censure of a member of Congress has no practical effect, but it is one step short of actual expulsion; European Union scientists say warming oceans and an El Nino climate cycle mean 2023 is likely to be the hottest year ever with more to come; The scientists say natural data from caves, coral and ice cores show this year could be the hottest in 125,000 years; the FDA approved the latest in a series of weight loss drugs today. It's a new version of an existing diabetes drug, and it will be marketed under the name Zepbound; the Washington National Zoo's three giant pandas are on their way back to China tonight; パンダが中国へ 》
[24:29] AMNA NAWAZ: In the day's other headlines: Minnesota's Supreme Court refused to toss former President Trump off the state's primary ballot next year. A lawsuit had argued he violated the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution by inciting the January 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol. The amendment bars anyone involved in insurrection from federal office. Similar lawsuits are pending around the country.
[** 関連ニュース1 関連ニュース2 ]
[27:47] AMNA NAWAZ: The scientists say natural data from caves, coral and ice cores show this year could be the hottest in 125,000 years.
[** ice core = An ice core is a core sample that is typically removed from an ice sheet or a high mountain glacier...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_core ( Wikipediaの右上のlanguagesに日本語のページへのリンクもあります ) 氷床コア ]
[28:27] And the Washington National Zoo's three giant pandas are on their way back to China tonight. Two adult pandas and their cub left this morning bound for Beijing. [** 関連ニュース ]
[29:48]★今日のおすすめ★ West Bank Palestinians try to save their homes from Israeli extremists
As the war rages between Hamas and Israel in Gaza, some Palestinians in the West Bank are trying to save their homes. Some of the most extreme Israeli settlers there have been clashing violently with their neighbors, forcing them to flee. Leila Molana-Allen reports from near the city of Hebron in the southern part of the West Bank.
《ガザでイスラエルとハマスの戦いが続くなか、ヨルダン川西岸地区で過激派イスラエル人入植者の危険にさらされるパレスチナ人; イスラエル政府は放置; 立ち退かざるを得ない状況に; ヨルダン川西岸地区をパレスチナ国家にする「二国家解決」を難しくする; As the IDF pulls large numbers of soldiers away from West Bank posts to fight in Gaza, local settlers have stepped in to fill the security vacuum, often with state backing; Forty percent of the West Bank, mostly in urban areas and refugee camps, is defined as under the authority of the Palestinian government. But the other 60 percent is disputed. The international community says it's illegal for Israelis to build there. Israeli settlers and, increasingly, the Israeli government reject that; Any hope of a two-state solution relies on land in the West Bank becoming a Palestinian state. As more and more Palestinian communities here disintegrate and are replaced by Israeli towns, that potential path to peace is closing; SARIT MICHAELI, B'Tselem: The West Bank is an area under Israeli occupation. And this means that Israel is obligated to protect the rights of Palestinians in the West Bank. But what Israel is doing is the exact opposite. And, very often, the government agents like soldiers and police are actually actively involved in this forceful transfer. This is a war crime... Settler violence is a major informal tool that Israel uses to take over Palestinian land in the West Bank; 》
[37:24]★今日のおすすめ★ Explaining the staggering rise of syphilis in newborn babies
The last decade has brought an alarming rise in the number of babies born in the U.S. with syphilis. New CDC data showed more than 3,700 babies born with the disease in 2022, about 10 times the number born in 2012. Dr. John Venchiere, chief of the division of pediatric infectious diseases at LSU Health in Shreveport, Louisiana, joins Amna Nawaz to explain the increase and what can be done.
《先天性梅毒が急増; 10年前の10倍; 急増の原因と対策; congenital syphilis; It's like a canary in a coal mine. When you see babies with syphilis, it means there are lots of adults with syphilis; Syphilis case counts in the United States are higher than they have been for about two decades, almost three. And what that means is, in adult cases, there are 175,000 cases a year or more; if we treat mom during pregnancy, if we can diagnose it during pregnancy and treat, most of those babies are protected and safe and don't have any complications; 90 percent, by estimate, are preventable cases of babies infected with syphilis; If so many are preventable, and we do have tests, and there is treatment, why isn't it working? -- DR. JOHN VANCHIERE: There are a lot of reasons. Some moms don't start into pregnancy care until very late or show up at the hospital ready to deliver. So that's a piece of it. In some places -- in Louisiana, we test three times during pregnancy for women. It's recommended. And they can opt out. But other places don't test as much as we do here. They might only test once or twice during pregnancy; we do see some of the same racial disparities here that we see with other maternal health issues, other more broad health issues; CDC figures find that Hispanic mothers are two times more likely than white mothers to have newborn syphilis, Black mothers four times more likely, American Indian and Alaskan native mothers nine times more likely; what does it take to reverse this trend? -- it's going to take a national political will to do something about STIs. They are a scourge in our communities. And we need to just admit that our system of health in the United States is failing to do its job to curb STIs, sexually transmitted infections, broadly, including syphilis; what we really need to think about is, how does our military get funded and think about funding public health the same way, have the best techniques, the best technologies in advance; 性感染症; 性病; 》
[42:50] Why school board elections are garnering national attention
School board elections have become a new battleground in American politics, with typically non-partisan races becoming increasingly polarized and garnering national attention. That was true in this week's election among a few closely watched counties. Julie Marsh, a professor of education policy at the University of Southern California, joins Geoff Bennett to discuss.
《教育委員会選挙に集まる注目; アメリカ政治の新たな戦場; 昨日の選挙では民主党系の委員が健闘; most states don't allow party affiliation in school board races. That's certainly the case in Virginia, but political parties and affiliated groups have obviously become more involved, aggressively involved in these races; People have become more sophisticated with their political strategies, negative ads, TV ads in places that never seen that for these kinds of elections; school boards have become pawns in a broader political game here. It's been a flash point for the culture wars; 》
[44:27] GEOFF BENNETT: In yesterday's election, voters across the country pushed back on the group called Moms for Liberty.
[** 関連ニュース1 関連ニュース2 ]
They say they're a parental rights organization. The Southern Poverty Law Center says that they're an extremist group.
[47:41] Opera Philadelphia pushes forward amid financial uncertainty
In the wake of the pandemic and other changes, arts organizations are struggling. Opera, one of the most expensive of all art forms, is especially feeling the pinch and looking for new ways to move forward in its music, business model, and audience outreach. Jeffrey Brown visits Philadelphia's opera, for our arts and culture series, "CANVAS."
《逆風にさらされる芸術団体; 新しいオペラを模索する ;音楽、ビジネスモデル、新たな観客へのアピール ; We're at a moment of a shift that is as significant as the move from the Silent Generation to the Baby Boomers. I think COVID advanced the end of a world that was built by and for Baby Boomers. But then now the Gen X, Y, Z, that world's not built for them; 》