[01:55] Deadly Jacksonville shooting is latest racist attack amid rise in hate crimes
[01:57] As Americans mark the 60th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, yesterday's fatal shooting of three black people by a white gunman in Jacksonville, Florida, is a brutal reminder that race-based hate is still among us. [* "I Have a Dream" speech = キング牧師の『私には夢がある』演説。演説全文の音声と字幕 ]
[06:15]★今日のおすすめ★ Gene variant found linking people of African descent to higher Parkinson’s
[06:56] Dr. Riley, from your perspective, what is the significance of this research, not only for our understanding of Parkinson's, but also for these underserved communities like people in America with -- of African descent? [* underserved = (medicine) Disadvantaged with regard to health services because of inability to pay, inability to access care, or other disparities for reasons of race, religion, language group or social status.(wiktionary) 医療を受ける際、経済的理由や医療へのアクセスの問題で不利な立場であったり、あるいは、人種、宗教、言語、社会的地位などの格差で不利な立場にあること ]
[12:28]★今日のおすすめ★ How climate change is disrupting the global food supply
[18:41] Why sunscreen in the United States is behind the rest of the world
[22:53] We are learning more and more every day about how blue light ages the skin, affects melasma, rosacea, other dermatologic issues. [* melasma = (pathology) A tan or dark skin discoloration, particularly common in pregnant women, thought to be caused by the stimulation of melanocytes by estrogen and progesterone (wiktionary). 肝斑 ] [* rosacea = (pathology) A chronic condition characterized by redness of the face. 酒さ ]