

PBS NewsHour May 19, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[03:00] 今日の主要ニュースまとめ

[05:36] Back in this country, a funeral was held for Jordan Neely, the New York City man who was choked to death on a subway car. [**  関連ニュース ]  . Family and friends paid respects at a Harlem church. The Reverend Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy and demanded help for people like Neely.
REV. AL SHARPTON, Civil Rights Activist: We keep criminalizing people with mental illness. People keep criminalizing people that need help. They don't need abuse. They need help.
GEOFF BENNETT: Daniel Penny put Neely in a choke hold after he'd been yelling at passengers, and is now charged with manslaughter.

[07:04]★今日のおすすめ★ 欧州の同盟国がF-16戦闘機をウクライナへ供与することにバイデン政権が同意 方針転換の理由と戦況への影響を専門家(Doug Lute)に聞く

[09:57] On the defensive side, these aircraft are also important, because they can take on [** to take on = to fight or compete against ] the Russian manned aircraft, but also, very important, they can attack the Russian cruise missiles which have been striking Ukrainian civilian infrastructure.

[12:57] シリアのアサド大統領(Bashar al-Assad) アラブ連盟に復帰 背景にサウジとイランの関係修復

[13:32] STEPHANIE SY: With a warm hug and kiss, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, an accused war criminal behind thousands of indiscriminate killings of his own people, strode back into the good graces [** = favorable regard; personal approval; kindly treatment ] of the Arab League, hand-in-hand with the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

[20:26]★今日のおすすめ★ 連邦最高裁に関する新刊本『The Shadow Docket: How the Supreme Court Uses Stealth Rulings to Amass Power and Undermine the Republic』 著者のテキサス大学法科大学院Stephen Vladeck教授に聞く

[21:12] [* shadow docketとは何かの説明 
see also:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_docket ]  
First off, I gave a very incomplete description of one small part of the shadow docket. How -- explain what it is.
STEPHEN VLADECK Yes. I mean, so, it's an umbrella term, John, that basically describes everything the Supreme Court does, other than the 60 or so big merits rulings we get each term [** term = (この文脈では)最高裁の会期 ] . That's the ones that we're used to seeing big headlines about. It's only about 1 percent of what the court does; 99 percent of the dispositive rulings the Supreme Court hands down are these unsigned, unexplained orders. Most of them are anodyne [* = noncontentious, unlikely to cause offence or debate; innocuous ] . But, increasingly, a lot of them are not.

[23:19] The problem we have seen in the last five or six years is the way that justices are intervening. They're intervening more often than ever before, with these broad impacts, without any real explanation, and perhaps, most significantly, John, in ways that actually aren't explainable by reference to any overarching neutral legal principle. Instead, way too often, the best predictor of who's going to win a shadow docket application is the partisan valence [** = the value which a person places on something (wiktionary) ] of the dispute, where the justices seem to be siding with Trump policies, but against Biden policies, with red states, but against blue states, where the absence of any explanation deprives us of any reason to feel confident that there are neutral principles here at work, and not just political actors acting politically.

[24:17] And, indeed, I think that these are both symptoms of the same disease, which is a court that is acting in lots of ways, whether it's with regard to emergency applications or ethics [** 最近の連邦最高裁の倫理問題についての関連ニュース ] , in ways that are just unchecked, unexplained, un-transparent.

[24:29] And, John, I think the most important part of that survey, of that statistic is that conservatives should be just as invested in [** to be invested in something = to give a lot of time and effort to something and care about it. 熱心である ] public competence in the Supreme Court as progressives who are critical of it. That's where I think this conversation needs to go.

[27:04] 追悼:Jim Brown NFL最大のレジェンド、俳優、公民権運動家 Kevin Blackistone(スポーツライターでメリーランド大学教授)に聞く

[34:24] 金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る

[35:44] I'm trying not to hyperventilate over every dot and tittle [** =? jot and tittle = a smallest detail ] of what's happening until we get closer to June 1, but there are big things that they need to work out and they need to negotiate.

[35:58] GEOFF BENNETT: Deadlines have a way of [** = to have a tendency to do or cause something, often unintentionally (thefreedictionary) ] focusing the minds of members of Congress.

[36:52] And then there are a bunch of senators on the Democratic side who say, just use the 14th Amendment to ram through our version. And that sounds OK legally, but it would be, in my view, disastrous economically, because if we pass -- if Biden tries to use the 14th Amendment to run roughshod [** = to completely ignore the opinions, rights, or feelings of others] , it's going to go through the court system. Every little decision will create economic uncertainty in a crisis.

[37:18] GEOFF BENNETT: And President Biden said as much [** as much = precisely that (wiktionary); the same or virtually the same (thefreedictionary) ; just that ] , that it's impractical because it would be litigated, and that would take a lot of time.

[40:46] But, as he said, it's like holding up -- asking people to choose between Coke and New Coke. And when we went through that way back when [** way back when = a relatively long time ago (thefreedictionary); at a time in the distant past (wiktionary) ] , people made it clear, when given the choice, they went for Coke.

[43:12] But, sure, he -- maybe he can win the Republican nomination, but he has signed a number of things into law in Florida that will make him unpalatable to the general -- general electorate [** = (共和党の予備選挙ではなく)本選挙(general election)の有権者] .

[44:38] Donald Trump was able to eke his way to the 2016 nomination because there were, as we say, fifty-eleven [** fifty-eleven = an infinite number of; a very large quantity of. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Fifty-Eleven ] people on the stage, and he was able to split all the votes.

[45:25]★今日のおすすめ★ 俳優マイケル・J・フォックス(Michael J. Fox)についてのドキュメンタリー映画『Still』 マイケルへのインタビュー

[47:54] And Tracy is funny. And her humor is very deceptive, because she seems so serious, and she's so beautiful, and she's so smart that you don't get that she's really taking the piss out of you [** to take the piss out of = to tease, ridicule or mock ] .

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