

PBS News Weekend June 3, 2023





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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[01:57] 今日の主要ニュース

[04:40]★今日のおすすめ★ 2人の政治記者(BloombergのErik WassonericとThe 19thのErrin Haines)と考える 債務上限引き上げ法成立で得する人・損する人 増え続ける大統領選共和党候補者

[06:35] But, overall, it's a spending freeze and it's full of more holes than Swiss cheese. And I think we saw it right before the Senate acted that there is a big bipartisan push to do what's called an emergency spending bill to shoehorn [* to shoehorn = to force or squeeze (something) into (a tight space). shoehorn(名詞)は「靴べら」のこと] in back to, a lot of spending both for Ukraine and for things on the domestic side that just could make these caps pretty meaningless pretty quickly.

[09:32] He is basically saying, bring it on [* = やれるものならやってみろ。かかってこい] , try to oust me.

[11:40] 児童労働規制を緩和する州法が次々と成立 2人の専門家(ロヨラ大学シカゴ校児童人権センター所長Katherine Waltsとデューク大学法科大学院特別研究員Dan Bowling)に聞く

[13:29] there is a gap [* gap = 不足] in labor and people are looking for more people to hire. And, unfortunately, children are being thrown under the bus [* to throw someone under the bus = to betray someone as a scapegoat. 犠牲にする。裏切る ] .

[13:41] A lot of the most egregious child labor violations that we have seen, as you mentioned, which have been increasing over the past two years, they would not really be impacted by these laws. So, where, then, do you see the through-line [* through-line = a common or consistent element or theme shared by items in a series or by parts of a whole (Merriam-Webster). (この文脈では)2つのことを結びつける共通の要素、結びつけるもの ] between the efforts by lawmakers and companies to loosen these restrictions and the child labor -- the increase in child labor violations that we have seen. _What's the connection there?

[19:08]★今日のおすすめ★ アメリカは卒業の季節 高校卒業生が将来を語る

[19:27] ... I am the valedictorian [* = the individual in a graduating class who delivers the farewell or valedictory address, often the person who graduates with the highest grades. 卒業式で告別演説(valedictory address)をする学生。通例、成績最優秀。卒業生総代。 ] .
>> Hello, my name is Ericka Henriquez. I am the salutatorian [* = the person who graduates high school with the second-highest GPA and thus gets to give the salutatory address during the graduation ceremony. 卒業式で開会の辞(salutatory address)を述べる学生。通例、次席の卒業生] .

[21:15] I want to become a social worker and I want to work in schools so I can work with kids like me, kids with mental health issues. I want to work with deaf, BIPOC [* = Black, Indigenous, (and) People of Color] and minority people.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News
