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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:51] ★今日のおすすめ★ トランプによる1990年代のレイプ被害と名誉毀損について雑誌コラムニスト(E. Jean Carroll)が損害賠償を求めて起こした民事訴訟 性的虐待と名誉毀損についてトランプに責任ありとする陪審評決 損害賠償500万ドル レイプ被害は認定せず トランプの弁護士は控訴を表明 傍聴した記者Andrea Bernsteinと社会学教授で弁護士のLaura Beth Nielsenに聞く 評決が読み上げられた瞬間の様子 法的にレイプと性的虐待の違いは何か
[04:27] And the first question was, did the jury find by the preponderance of the evidence [** = (law) A legal standard, applied in many jurisdictions for deciding the outcome of civil disputes, which requires that evidence be sufficient to determine that a claim is more likely to be true than not. 証拠の優越。民事訴訟において必要とされる証明の程度。数字で言えば50%より少しでも上の確率で信用できればいい。比較:beyond a reasonable doubt (合理的疑いの余地なく。刑事裁判で有罪に必要な証明の程度) ] that Trump had raped E. Jean Carroll?
[08:02] Well, he's still denying them, but the significant thing is that a jury has found him liable. A jury has decided there was no con job, there was no hoax, that this happened. And that is significantly moving the needle [** to move the needle = to change a situation to a noticeable degree ] here.
[08:15] This case was filed under a new New York law called the Adult Survivors Act [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adult_Survivors_Act ] , which allows women from November of 2022 to November of 2023 to sue civilly when they are no longer allowed to prosecute criminally under the statute of limitations.
[11:06] 今日のその他の主要ニュース
[11:05] In the day's other headlines: Federal prosecutors reportedly filed criminal charges against freshmen Congressman George Santos. There's no word on what the charges are. The New York Republican has been widely condemned for lying about his background and past accomplishments. There have also been questions about his campaign finances. [** 関連ニュース ]
[16:46]★今日のおすすめ★ デフォルト回避のためバイデン大統領が議会指導者と会談 ホワイトハウス担当記者と議会担当記者に聞く 民主、共和それぞれの主張 こう着状態から抜け出すのに必要なものは
[18:17] The White House position is still this. It's that they want a clean debt ceiling increase first. [** clean = (この文脈では)交換条件なしの。余計なものがついてない。債務上限引き上げを認める代わりに、交換条件として歳出削減を求める案が共和党側から出されているが、そのような交換条件のついてない債務上限引き上げ法案のこと ] They say that the country needs to avoid a default and economic disaster and that they are open to separate budget talks, but they are no on a short-term extension.
[22:32] Here's a letter that 43 Senate Republicans signed over the weekend. I want to read to you what they said about this negotiation. They said that they will not be voting for cloture [* 討論終結(closure):法案の討論時間を制限し,直ちに採決に入る制度(ランダムハウス)。filibusterを終わらせるのに必要 ] , meaning they will not be breaking a filibuster [** 以前説明しました ] on any bill that raises the debt ceiling, without substantive spending cuts and budget reform.
[22:53] Leader McConnell, when he was the leader of the Senate [** = McConnell上院議員が多数党院内総務だった頃、という意味。今は少数党院内総務 ] , also said he would not change anything without budget reforms. He did, in fact, end up having a debt ceiling increase without those reforms.
[24:56] 新マンモグラム・ガイドライン 平均的なリスクの人は40歳から2年に1回 旧ガイドラインの50歳開始から大幅変更 米国予防医療専門委員会の前委員長Carol Mangione医師に聞く 変更の理由など
[30:47] テキサス州Brownsvilleでシェルター入所を待つ移民の一団にSUVが突っ込み8人死亡 パンデミック期の移民抑制政策Title 42が間もなく終了 Brownsvilleが地元のVicente Gonzalez下院議員(民主党)へのインタビュー
[36:58] テキサス州Allenの銃乱射事件 背景に危険な人種差別主義 銃乱射事件は今年200件目 8人の犠牲者のプロフィール
[39:03]★今日のおすすめ★ 銃乱射事件の背景に極右主義 白人至上主義運動の専門家で今回の乱射事件犯人を調べているHeidi Beirichに聞く 過激化の過程 犯人Mauricio Garciaは有色人種なのになぜ白人至上主義なのか 過激化とインターネットの関係
[39:48] HEIDI BEIRICH, Global Project Against Hate and Extremism: Well, he was actually deep, deep into the world of white supremacy and neo-Nazism. He was on Web sites like The Daily Stormer
[** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Daily_Stormer ] and VDARE
[* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VDARE ] that are connected with this.
[40:26] HEIDI BEIRICH: Yes, RWDS [** = RWDSの説明 ] stands for Right-Wing Death Squad, which is a reference to the Chilean dictator Pinochet's time in office, where he had death squads that killed communists, which he perceived as their -- as his enemies, and threw them out of helicopters. And people in right-wing movements, like the white supremacist Proud Boys, wear these patches proudly and celebrate that errant Chilean history.
[44:05] And they all believed something that this shooter also believed, that there's some kind of a Great Replacement [** 以前の番組に出てきました ] going on, white people being displaced by people of color and immigrants.
[44:43] コミュニティーカレッジの卒業率を上げる取り組み
[44:42] Community colleges can be a catapult to economic mobility [** = (sociology) The ability of an individual or family to improve their income, and social status, in an individual lifetime or between generations ] , dramatically increasing earnings.
[45:13] BLESSING HENDERSON, College Student: When I'm in the kitchen, I'm in my zone. [** in the zone = If you are in the zone, you are happy or excited because you are doing something very skilfully and easily.(Cambridge) ] Like, I love it.
[49:55] And the students are continuing to graduate at higher rates than the students in the control group. [** = (in an experiment) The group of test subjects left untreated or unexposed to some procedure and then compared with treated subjects in order to validate the results of the test. 対照群。実験的観察で結果を比較するための標準 ]