

PBS NewsHour Nov. 6, 2023

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[00:00] Introduction

[02:41]★今日のおすすめ★ Blinken ends Middle East trip with mixed results on limiting Gaza civilian toll

Israel says its ground operation has now cut off Gaza City from the rest of the Gaza Strip, as deaths reach staggering heights in its war against Hamas. Secretary of State Blinken left the region Monday after rare public disagreements with America’s closest Arab allies, describing his efforts to secure a humanitarian pause and the release of hostages as “a work in progress.” Nick Schifrin reports.
《イスラエルとハマスの戦い31日目; the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry says 10,000 Gazans, including 4,000 children, have been killed since the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel on October 7; 》

[04:34] Israeli forces are trying to encircle Gaza City from three axes, the northeast into Beit Hanoun, the northwest along the Mediterranean Sea, and across Central Gaza, cutting the strip in two.

[** axes = plural of axis // axis = The center of attention within a process (wiktionary); a main line of direction, motion, growth, or extension (Merriam-Webster) ]

[08:02] News Wrap

In our news wrap Monday, Ukraine’s southern port of Odesa came under heavy Russian attacks, Nobel laureate Narges Mohammadi began a hunger strike in Iran, aid is slowly reaching areas of Nepal hit by Friday’s earthquake, the Highland Park July 4 shooting suspect’s father (= Robert Crimo Jr.) pleaded guilty to misdemeanors, and a second Denver-area police officer was acquitted of charges in the death of Elijah McClain.
《ノーベル平和賞のナルゲス・モハマディがハンガーストライキ; 》

[09:49] A second Denver-area police officer has been acquitted of homicide and manslaughter in the death of Elijah McClain. McClain died in 2019 after being put in a neck hold by police and then injected with ketamine by paramedics. A third officer was convicted of homicide in an earlier trial.
[** 関連ニュース ]

[11:16]★今日のおすすめ★ Palestinian Authority not going ‘to Gaza on an Israeli military tank,’ PM says

The Palestinian Authority is a major player in Palestinian life that has been largely sidelined in this latest and bloodiest conflict. Since being evicted from Gaza by Hamas in 2007, it has governed the parts of the West Bank it controls. In a rare interview, Leila Molana-Allen speaks with Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh about the state of the Israeli ground invasion of Gaza.
《2007年にハマスによってガザ地区から追い出されたパレスチナ自治政府(PA); 今回のイスラエルとハマスの戦争では目立たない存在になっている; PAのムハンマド・シュタイエ首相にインタビュー; 戦争を終わらせるのに何が必要か 》

[19:56] Young Gazans describe how the Israel-Hamas war has upended their lives

Life in Gaza was not easy before the Hamas terror attacks against Israelis on Oct. 7. Now, it’s immeasurably more difficult and deadly. We hear from several people in Gaza whose lives have been upended by the conflict, some of whom are still sending messages and others whose whereabouts are now unknown.
《イスラエルとハマスの戦争により一変したガザ市民の生活; ガザの若者たちの声; 》

[22:41] My brother, Ibrahim (ph), is 12 years old. And when he talks to me, he talks like -- he's kind of very sad at the moment, because he feels as if we’re not going to make it.

[** to make it = to survive]

[25:41] What to know about Trump’s testimony in the New York civil fraud trial

Former President Trump took the stand in New York on Monday, defending himself in the $250 million civil fraud trial brought by state Attorney General Letitia James. Geoff Bennett speaks with Andrea Bernstein, who has been in the courtroom covering the trial for NPR, for the latest developments.
《トランプ前大統領、詐欺民事裁判で証言台に立つ; 変則発言の繰り返し; 法廷で傍聴した記者に聞く; The judge largely ignored the barbs directed his way, but warned the former president's attorneys to keep their client on topic, stating: "I beseech you to control him if you can. If you can't, I will.I will excuse him and draw every negative inference that I can; Judge Arthur Engoron; the judge has already decided that the Trump Organization's financial statements were filled with fraud. And that is central to this lawsuit that the New York attorney general, Letitia James, has brought; He (= Trump) insulted both the attorney general. He said at one point: "The fraud is her." He repeatedly criticized the judge, who he said wasn't giving him a fair trial; トランプと2人の息子の証言に食い違い; 》

[25:51] The former president wasted little time sparring with the judge, sounding off repeatedly from the witness stand. The judge largely ignored the barbs directed his way, but warned the former president's attorneys to keep their client on topic, stating: "I beseech you to control him if you can. If you can't, I will. I will excuse him and draw every negative inference that I can."

[** to sound off = to express an opinion, especially a complaint, loudly and intensely; to interrupt or speak at an inappropriate time ]

[** to excuse = to dismiss or allow to leave. この文脈では、退廷させる ]

[29:20] How do his comments to the media, his behavior inside the courtroom today affect the eventual outcome? Because this is a bench trial decided by a judge. This is not a jury trial.

[** bench trial = a trial in which there is no jury and the judge decides the case. 裁判官裁判。陪審審理によらず裁判官のみで行われる審理。直後に出て来るように、陪審による裁判(陪審裁判)が jury trial ]

[29:42] He [* = Trump] wasn't answering questions yes or no. He was answering them with these sort of mini-speeches in which he would go off on various things.

[** to go off on = to begin some lengthy, fervent, or animated speech ]

[32:43]★今日のおすすめ★ Tamara Keith and Amy Walter on key races to watch on Election Day 2023

NPR’s Tamara Keith and Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report with Amy Walter join Amna Nawaz to discuss the latest political news, including analysis of the 2024 presidential race and some critical elections happening Tuesday.
《月曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週の動きを占う; Biden has an enthusiasm problem, especially among younger voters, voters of color. And Donald Trump has a ceiling problem. It's still -- even in those numbers, he's ahead, yes, technically, of Joe Biden, but his overall vote share, the percent of the vote he's getting right now is basically the same vote he got in 2020; it feels like what we're going into is basically a replay of 2020, where a few thousand votes in these very close states are going to determine who the president of the United; 》

[32:59] There is a lot happening on the 2024 front, so let's dig in there.

[** to dig in = to begin to work intensively; to engage in a burst of hard work.]

[38:47] I will just add, I am also watching Ohio, because this Issue 1 is a -- would enshrine a right to abortion access in the Ohio Constitution. [** 関連ニュース ]   Ohio, it was a purple state, like, in 2004. It is a red state now.

[** purple state = 民主党と共和党の勢力が拮抗している州。民主党と共和党の有権者数が同じくらいの州。紫は赤と青を混ぜて得られる色だから // red state = 共和党が優勢の州 // blue state = 民主党が優勢の州 ]

[40:25] Formerly incarcerated lawmaker reflects on breaking down barriers after prison

Tarra Simmons is the first formerly incarcerated state legislator in Washington state. As part of our “Searching for Justice” series, special correspondent Cat Wise reports on how she went from teen mother to felon to lawyer, and now a state representative, overcoming barriers that she and many other people face after serving time in prison.
《受刑者から弁護士、そして州議会議員へ; Tarra Simmonsが乗り越えた壁は、多くの元受刑者の前に立ちはだかる壁; タラ・シモンズ; 》

[43:48] TARRA SIMMONS: The volunteer Character and Fitness Board thought that I felt too entitled to take the bar exam and that I was too proud of my accomplishments.

[** entitled = Convinced of one's own righteousness (self-righteousness) or the justifiability of one's actions or status, especially wrongly so; demanding and pretentious (wiktionary) // to feel entitled = この文脈では、特別扱いを受けて当然のように思っている。司法試験を受けられて当然だと思っている ]

[48:36] New book ‘This is War’ offers unique lens on the impact of war

Corinne Dufka spent more than two decades documenting human rights abuses when she led the West Africa division at Human Rights Watch. In the 1980s and ‘90s, she covered some of the world's most brutal conflicts as a war photographer. Many of her photos are now being published for the first time in her new book, “This Is War.” Amna Nawaz spoke with Dufka for our arts and culture series, CANVAS.
《コリンヌ・ドゥフカの新刊写真集『This Is War』; 新刊本; 著者へのインタビュー; Corinne Dufka; 戦争写真家; Human Rights Watch; 》

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