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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:26]★今日のおすすめ★ トランプ前大統領 2020年の大統領選の選挙結果転覆で特別検察官Jack Smithの捜査対象に/起訴の公算大 トランプ自らSNSで認める/NPRの司法省担当記者Carrie Johnsonに聞く/機密文書関連のフロリダ裁判と同時進行は可能か/フロリダ裁判の日程/ミシガン州法務長官が2020年大統領選関連で共和党活動家16人起訴/ジョージア州でもトランプが起訴される可能性など多くの問題
[08:53] 今日のその他の主要ニュース
[12:39]★今日のおすすめ★ ウクライナ戦争/反転攻勢 予想外の苦戦/リポートのあと2人の専門家に聞く/海軍兵学校(Naval Academy)教授で陸軍大佐(退役)のGary Espinasと、戦争研究所(Institute for the Study of War)のKimberly Kagan所長
[15:21] Ukraine is asking for more U.S.-made tools for this job such as mine-clearing line charges, [** = A mine-clearing line charge (abbreviated MCLC or MICLIC; pronounced... "mick-lick") is a device used to create a breach in minefields under combat conditions. While there are many types, the basic design is for many explosive charges connected on a line to be projected onto the minefield and then exploded, detonating any buried mines, thus clearing a path for troops to cross... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mine-clearing_line_charge ] or MCLCs, and Bangalore explosives, which are used to detonate them.
[17:20] I mean, look, this is a nation at war. And wars are characterized by tactical advances and defeats. And you throw in there a whole lot of uncertainty, something that the Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz called the fog of war [** = Confusion, uncertainty, or skewed judgment caused by the violence and chaos of warfare, especially in relation to one's own capability compared to that of one's enemy.
see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fog_of_war ] .
[18:00] So it's no surprise, I think, certainly to the Ukrainians, nor to any of us who have been watching this, that we're not probably -- given the circumstances that the Ukrainians are faced with, probably not going to see, at least in the near term, a decisive penetration [** = an offensive manoeuvre that breaks through an enemy's defensive position (thefreedictionary) ] , a decisive victory. This is not going to be a D-Day kind of penetration, in my opinion, anytime soon.
[24:43] So I think, at the end of the day, what the Ukrainians lack, they will make up for in their cunning [** cunning = Practical knowledge or experience; aptitude in performance; skill, proficiency; dexterity.(wiktionary)] .
[25:04] コロラド川 アメリカ先住部族に権利があっても使えない水/それを変えた判決と今後の課題
[27:35] DAVID DEJONG, Director, Pima-Maricopa Irrigation Project: All of the construction that you see here, some 216 miles of canal, having been lined [** to line = to cover the inner surface of (something). (この文脈では、映像のように)水路の内側が、土のままではなく、コンクリートで覆われた、という意味 ] or pipe, all of that is emanating from the community's water settlement.
[28:17] STEPHANIE SY: Building on his father's legacy means conserving the water, so he takes particular pride in this water recharge station [** groundwater rechargeのことか。https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundwater_recharge ] . It allows the tribe to bank [* = to store for future use ] water they don't use.
[30:19] STEPHANIE SY: With a 17 million-acre reservation that borders the Colorado, the Navajo also have senior river rights. [** < All water rights in Colorado follow a system of priority, which is “first in time first in right”. Any new applicant for water, receives rights that are considered “junior” (later in time) to others who hold “senior” (earlier in time) rights. https://summitcountyco.gov/1257/Water-Rights-Terms ] But that's not the same as having access to water, says Navajo attorney Daniel Cordalis.
[34:33]★今日のおすすめ★ ハリウッド俳優組合(SAG-AFTRA)のストライキ/組合代表のFran Drescherへのインタビュー
[35:43] There were improved residuals [** = (in the plural) payments made to performers, writers and directors when a recorded broadcast is repeated.(wiktionary); (テレビ番組を再放送する際に役者や作家に支払われる)再使用料 (英辞郎) ] or continued payments for video streaming.
[36:40] And all the programs that are made for the streaming channel, you exist in a box, in a vacuum, and there's no tail of revenue [** (この部分の意味は…)ストリーミングの場合、前出のresidualsのような、後になって出演者らの収入になるものはない、ということ ] .
[36:49] And our revenue sharing that was established in 1963, or 1960, when we had the big strike with the WGA, and Ronald Reagan was president of SAG, that business model was predicated off of television that ran as long as there were eyeballs and ad dollars [** (この部分の意味は…)視聴率とCMスポンサーがある限り番組が続く] .
[40:41] And he does have a point that the business has changed. Linear TV [** = Conventional television viewed at the same time as transmission (wiktionary)] is flatlining [* to flatline = to die] .
[42:34] FIFA女子ワールドカップ オーストラリアとニュージーランドで開催/アメリカ代表チームの5回目、3回連続優勝なるか
[43:09] AMNA NAWAZ: The U.S. is ready, in forward Megan Rapinoe's words, to show up and show out [** to show out = to perform some task with as much energy, enthusiasm, and determination as possible (thefreedictionary)] in the upcoming women's World Cup.
[46:07] SOPHIA SMITH, U.S. Women's Soccer Player: I'm a pretty chill person [** chill = calm, relaxed, easygoing (wiktionary) ] .
[46:23] AMNA NAWAZ: So, are you going to delete your social media or you will be Gramming [** = posting pictures in Instagram ] and tweeting?
[46:35] KELLEY O'HARA: It is wild that there are players on the scene that were not alive [** = まだ生まれていない ] for the '99 World Cup. It's like I don't think that's sunken for me yet.
[47:42] You have got England trying to do the back-to-back from the Euros [** 2022年のUEFA欧州女子選手権(優勝)と今回のワールドカップの連続優勝を狙っている] .
[49:27] 米国詩人協会(American Academy of Poets)の新会長Ricardo Alberto Maldonado/ラテンアメリカ系で初
[55:05] JEFFREY BROWN: So, you are bullish [** = optimistic about something's or someone's prospects ] on poetry?