
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.02.21]

PBS NewsHour Feb. 20, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:15]★今日のおすすめ★ バイデン大統領 ウクライナ電撃訪問

[02:39] At the end of a 5 000-mile journey, the commander in chief [* 最高司令官。(軍の最高司令官でもある)アメリカ大統領] visited a capital at war to provide an embattled country a show of solidarity.

[10:44] 今日のその他のニュースまとめ

[13:33] classes resumed at Michigan State University a week after a mass shooting there killed three students. At the same time, students, local leaders and activists gathered outside the state capitol [* capitol (議会議事堂)とcapital(首都、州都)の違いに注意] in nearby Lansing to demand strict new gun laws.

[14:34] The Transportation Security Administration reports it intercepted a record number of guns at U.S. airports last year, more than 6,500. That works out to [* 計算すると…になる] about 18 per day.

[16:01]★今日のおすすめ★ ウクライナ戦争1年 ドローン部隊に従軍取材

[16:09] Nick Schifrin and videographer Eric O'Connor recently traveled to front-line units in Donetsk province and report on Ukraine's effort to modernize a war that's often seemed an echo [* = vestige なごり、痕跡] from last century.

[18:44] They have been using this location for months, thanks to this bunker they happened across. [* to find (something) by chance; to unexpectedly discover (something). 偶然見つける]

[20:12] VITALY, Drone Pilot (through translator): Ever since I was 6, my hobby was airplane modeling. So, in 2015, when I was called up [* to call up = to summon (someone) to report for military service. 召集する], I understood that I could contribute the most by becoming a drone pilot.

[26:52] The CDC has long said that we need to be looking at efforts to promote school connectedness and belongingness. [* つながりと帰属。(もう少し訳すと)学校で仲間とのつながりや自分の居場所があること]

[23:16] 心を病む若者 特にティーン少女で増加

[28:25] Finally, Sharon, this CDC report enforces [* 補強する to affirm] previous research that has shown how lesbian, gay and questioning [* questioning = unsure of one's sexual orientation and/or gender identity. LGBTQのQはこのquestioning(あるいはqueer)] youth are reporting substantially worse well-being,

[29:07] We know that LGBTQ youth are much more at risk of suicidality [* suicidality = the tendency of a person to commit suicide], of depression and anxiety.

[30:02] 2024年大統領選にも影響 ウィスコンシン州最高裁判事予備選挙

[32:02] But people are very, very concerned about a wide variety of issues. They're concerned about women's right to choose. They're concerned about fair maps. [* 選挙区割りの地図のこと。あとで出てくるgerrymanderは特定の政党が有利になるように不自然でいびつな形に選挙区を区切ること] They're concerned about community safety. They're concerned about clean water. They're concerned about marriage equality.

[32:18] FORMER JUSTICE DANIEL KELLY, Candidate For Wisconsin Supreme Court: if you think as a candidate that you should be virtue-signaling [* the act or practice of conspicuously displaying one's awareness of and attentiveness to political issues, matters of social and racial justice, etc. (Merriam-Webster) これ見よがしに政治・社会問題への意識の高さを示す] to attract the votes of a certain body of Wisconsinites, what you're telling them is that you are not -- you are not committed to the constitutional order.

[35:46] Well, we can look at the dollars and we can say that Janet Protasiewicz, who is on the liberal side, is definitely way ahead. She's been fund-raising. She was first on the air.[* (この文脈では)最初に選挙広告を流した]

[36:40] 2020年選挙結果否定派が州共和党の主要ポストに

[42:15] 映画『Everything Everywhere All at Once』の主演女優Michelle Yeohへのインタビュー

[42:49] "Everything Everywhere All at Once," a wild title, a wild and hard-to-characterize movie. It's part sci-fi, action film, comedy, family drama, in which a woman named Evelyn Wang, a Chinese American immigrant whose life is a string of problems, with her husband, her daughter, her failing laundromat and the IRS, suddenly finds herself the only person who can save the universe from disaster, and not just this universe, but an entire multiverse [* = a theoretical reality that includes a possibly infinite number of parallel universes] of alternative lives.

[49:49]★今日のおすすめ★ パンデミック収束やインフレでペットを飼えなくなる人急増 保護団体の負担増

[52:52] Lately, the requests from owners looking to rehome [* to find a new home for (especially a pet)] pets is exceeding the number of adopters.

[53:43] For Horowitz, the goal is to keep animals out of kill shelters. [* = an animal shelter that eventually carries out euthanasia on those animals it cannot find homes for.] And the stakes are high. In 2021, for the first time in five years, the number of dogs and cats euthanized in the U.S. actually increased.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News
