PBS News Weekend Nov. 19, 2023
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[00:00] Introduction
[02:02]★今日のおすすめ★ Remembering former first lady Rosalynn Carter’s life of advocacy
[04:20] [* 1976年9月20日のロザリン・カーターへのインタビュー。聞いているのは、この番組の初代司会者の2人(ジム・レーラーとロバート・マクニール ) ]
JUDY WOODRUFF: The Carter's claimed the nomination at the Democratic National Convention that July. And, as the fall campaign geared up, Mrs. Carter sat down with Jim Lehrer and Robin MacNeil, making the case for her husband.
ROSALYNN CARTER: When you scrimp and save like we did to build up a business and then get into government, it's unbelievable, the waste and extravagance. That's why I think Jimmy can cut out, and the reason I think he can do it and this is what I hope the American people will understand is that he has no obligations, It's the first time that we have had a chance to elect a president with no strings attached who can just do exactly what's right for the people.
[08:37] News Wrap
[11:58]★今日のおすすめ★ Henry Winkler reflects on life with dyslexia and his journey of self-discovery
[13:38] When we were doing Happy Days or any table read, which is the whole cast, all of the producers, the directors, everybody on the crew listening for the first time do the script. I couldn't read off the page. And it was embarrassing. it was humiliating. I covered it with humor.
[* table read = readthrough = (film, television, theater) An organized reading of the screenplay or script by all of the actors, prior to the actual performance (wiktionary). 台本の読み合わせ]
[21:12] How Osage dancer Maria Tallchief became America’s 1st major prima ballerina
11月はネイティブアメリカン文化遺産月間: 歴史に埋もれた貢献者: オセージ族出身のバレーダンサー、マリア・トールチーフ