

PBS NewsHour April 21, 2023

このnoteの目的は、アメリカのニュース番組が理解出来るようになる方法を伝えることです。その方法とは、英語字幕を読みながら英語ニュースを毎日見続けること。 こんな感じです(サンプルのスクリーンショット)




また、このnoteや字幕ファイルでは、辞書を調べても分からないような英語表現を説明しています(辞書を引けば分かる言葉は、自分で調べてください)。辞書に載ってないような表現、辞書にあっても意味がたくさんありすぎてどれなのか分からない言葉、文脈の中で特殊な使われ方をしている言葉、背景の知識がないと分からない部分、ニュース英語や時事英語の独特な表現、知っていると訳に立ちそうな表現などを説明しています(書き加えた説明は[* ……] )。


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  • [PBS NewsHour April 21, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:54]★今日のおすすめ★ 経口中絶薬mifepristone 当面これまで通り入手可 連邦最高裁判断

[03:22] John Yang: The court said essentially, as you said, that mifepristone will remain available while the the challenge to the Texas court ruling, the Texas federal court ruling that invalidated the 2000 approved FDA approval of mifepristone moves its way through the -- through the appeals process. [* 関連ニュース ]

[04:37] I think abortion rights advocates would point out that this ignores the fact that the one of the things that the the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals did was change the effectiveness of mifepristone from ten weeks to seven weeks [* ミフェプリストンの使用可能期間を妊娠第10週までから7週までにしたという意味 ] , seven weeks at a point at which some people may not be aware that they're pregnant and that pregnant people can't freeze their pregnancy in the same way that this is freezing, taking it off the market.

[06:38] 今日のその他の主要ニュースまとめ

[08:39] President Joe Biden signed an executive order today to make environmental justice
[* = 環境正義、環境的正義、環境的公正  
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_justice ] a high priority. The White House Rose Garden ceremony created an office that will focus on protecting poor and minority communities from pollution and other environmental harm.

[09:42] ウクライナ兵をアメリカ製戦車で訓練する日程が決まる一方、先日のアメリカの機密文書漏洩で関係が緊張 ウクライナの国家安全保障会議トップ(Oleksiy Danilov)へのインタビュー

[16:36]★今日のおすすめ★ オクラホマ州南東部の郡当局関係者 秘密録音で人種差別発言連発 現地黒人系新聞(The Black Wall Street Times)の編集主幹(Deon Osborne)に聞く

[18:22] When I first heard the audio, my first reaction, honestly, I was alarmed, but not shocked. It's another day [* この意味ではit's just another dayとも言う。こんなことは日常茶飯事。何でもない、いつものこと ] in Oklahoma for us. We have covered so many stories about race and racism, while state officials downplay its impact on our communities.

[19:12] Oklahoma state law shows that we are a one-party consent state [* One-party consent means that an individual can record conversations they are a part of without the other person's consent.(recordinglaw.com); https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone_call_recording_laws#One-party_consent_states ] when it comes to recordings. So the sheriff is completely lying when it comes to accusing this journalist of breaking the law.

[21:07] This is a state that, just 102 years ago, orchestrated one of the most severe domestic terrorism attacks on the Black community with the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre [* = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre ] . And what we're seeing is the mentality that led to that attack is still alive in the hearts and minds of some of these Oklahomans.

[22:36]★今日のおすすめ★ 金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る

[23:38] And with the overturning of Roe, we have -- I have seen a -- this is a pattern. The dog catches the car [* < dog that caught the car = A person who has unexpectedly attained an aspirational goal and is now unsure what to do with it (wiktionary) ] , it goes to the states, and then the states go hog-wild [* = enthusiastic or excited to a foolish or irrational extent ] and pushing the envelope. [* to push the envelop = to go beyond the usual or normal limits by doing something new, dangerous, etc.]

[23:51] We saw that after Shelby v. Holder [* = Shelby County v. Holder https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shelby_County_v._Holder ] , where states, once they were given the right to change their voting laws, they did it, and they went the extra mile.

[28:54] The fact that that hasn't happened -- and, objectively, there is a deep Democratic bench [* deep bench = a large number of skilled players on a team who are available to play; by extension, a large team of very skilled people at a group's or company's disposal. 優秀な交代要員が豊富にいる ] with a lot of talent.

[30:11] And yet, that guy has his finger on the pulse [* to have (one's) finger on the pulse = to be very aware of current trends and happenings in a particular place ] of the country, as we learned through the exit polls.

[32:41] Does he have what it takes to do the retail politics [* the political strategy of engaging with small groups of individuals in face-to-face interactions. (wiktionary)  逆のやり方がwholesale politics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retail_politics ] that's involved in Iowa and New Hampshire?

[32:47] We -- you keep reading all these stories about how he does speeches, and then he runs off, doesn't glad-hand...
GEOFF BENNETT: He doesn't engage, yes.
JONATHAN CAPEHART: ... doesn't do -- doesn't engage, doesn't do the rope lines [* = work a rope line = to engage with one's supporters – hand shaking, chatting, signing autographs and providing photo opportunities. 前出のretail politicsの一種 ] .

[36:10] ウクライナ戦争による石炭高騰 Swanage Railway(観光や資料的保存のためのSL鉄道)存続の危機

[36:23] The belching fiery plants of these behemoths are fired by coal, and the price has skyrocketed since Russia's invasion. In turn, that is jeopardizing the future of some of Britain's living and breathing museums, the country's heritage railway [* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heritage_railway ] lines powered by coal, fire and steam.

[44:22] 芸術を通してパンデミックを考え直す 脚本家Suzan-Lori Parksの演劇『Plays for the Plague Year』

[52:52] Now, there's a debate over whether this year technically qualifies as a so-called superbloom [* = an explosion of wildflowers that surpasses usual spring blooms (wiktionary). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superbloom ] . But that doesn't make it any less splendid.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News
