
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.03.11]

PBS NewsHour March 10, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[00:25] Ukraine burns through [* to burn through = to use all of (something) quickly ] an extraordinary amount of ammunition in its fight against Russia, creating a major challenge for arms manufacturers.

[02:29] 先月の雇用 予想以上の伸び エコノミストに聞く

[02:48] President Biden made note of [* to make note of = to pay special attention to] that after the report came out this morning.

[03:42] Well, the report is a little bit of a Goldilocks [*Goldilocks = a happy medium or optimal point between two extremes.(Wiktionary)] report. We -- as you mentioned, very strong job gains, stronger than expected, but not a lot of signs of inflation pressures from those jobs,

[08:48] 今日のその他のニュース

[08:50] In the day's other headlines: California took another hit from the heavens [* the heavens = the sky ] , as a so-called atmospheric river brought torrents of rain and more snow.

[10:54] CRAIG GRIESBACH, Emergency Services Director, Nevada County, California: I think this is day 15, essentially been working 24/7 with all hands on deck [* all hands on deck = the involvement of everyone available 全員が総力をあげること] .

[11:38] Forecasters are calling for [* to call for …を予報する] yet another major storm in California early next week.

[11:44] Former President Donald Trump now has a decision to make, whether to appear before a grand jury in New York next week. The focus would be his alleged role in hush money [* = money paid so that someone will keep information secret 口止め料]payments to an adult film actress during the 2016 presidential campaign.

[16:42]★今日のおすすめ★ ウクライナへの継続的武器供与の難しさ Bill LaPlante調達・維持担当国防次官に聞く

[23:47] We are going to be there with them until it's over and as long as we need to, and not for the least of which is [* 辞書にnot the least of which is... = とりわけ重要なのは… という訳があるが、この文脈では前後のつながりがいまひとつ分からないような気がする。しかし、意味としては「とりわけ重要な理由は…」くらいだと思われる。 ] , if we think it's expensive now, if Putin prevails, it'll be really expensive.

[24:52] This gets to something called a long lead item [* = 製作期間が長いなどの理由で,発注から納品までに時間がかかる物品(『英辞郎』)] , how long it takes before you get the item when you actually award it.

[25:13] You have argued that the weapons going to Ukraine do not affect some of the weapons orders, for example, that Taiwan is making. But the fact is, the U.S. is behind on some of the orders it has promised to Taiwan. WILLIAM LAPLANTE: Right.
NICK SCHIFRIN: So what is that priority? And does one theater affect the other? [* theater = a region where a particular action takes place; a specific field of action, usually with reference to war (wiktionary)]

[26:47] Asa Hutchinson前アーカンソー州知事(共和党)へのインタビュー

[31:08] We have got to be able to make some changes, probably, but it shouldn't be lowering [* 文脈を考えるとraisingの間違いだと思われる] their retirement age for all of the workers,

[31:35] I want to ask you about some news out of Arkansas this week as well. The state Senate there, they have just passed what critics are calling the most extreme so-called bathroom bill
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bathroom_bill ] that's targeting transgender people.

[35:13]★今日のおすすめ★ 金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る

[36:34] The number nine state is Arkansas, with 10.3 murders per capita, [* per capitaは「1人当たりの」だが、文脈を考えると、例えば「10万人当たり」くらい意味で使っていると思われる] the ninth most homicides in the country.

[37:38] Who is positioned to be the moderate, to use your phrase, normie Republican candidate [* normie = like a normal person; normal] moving forward?

[40:34] And, also, let's not forget, the big red wave [* 2022年の中間選挙では当初、共和党(赤色で表現される)の圧勝という大波が起きると予想されていたが、実現しなかった] that everyone was talking about that was supposed to sweep Congress didn't happen federally, but it happened in Florida.

[44:01] Of course, he will stay in the race and walk the gauntlet of news cameras outside a courtroom in New York City while he's supposed to be running for president, because it all in the end, to his mind, inures to [* to inure to ... …に役立つ、利益となる] his benefit .

[44:47] It's a lot harder in practice, because, if you're running for president, you're raising a ton of money. And so you build up these war chests [* war chest = a fund to finance a war; a fund for some special purpose, such as a political campaign 軍資金、活動資金 ] , and, suddenly, a couple of weeks go by, it doesn't look so good. A, do you want to look at your donors and say, eh, sorry, you wasted your money?

[45:35] But, first, take a moment to hear from your local PBS station. It's a chance to offer your support, which helps keep programs like ours on the air. [* アメリカ国内のこの番組のテレビ放送では、番組制作ために、視聴者からPBS(の地方局)への寄付を呼び掛けるメッセージがこのあと放送される。PBSはアメリカの公共放送だが、受信料を強制的に徴収する日本の公共放送との違いが興味深い。もちろん、一般視聴者の寄付だけで運営されているわけではないが。https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBS ]

[45:55]★今日のおすすめ★ (再放送) 「医療砂漠」に医療を届ける

[49:20] [* ECHOというへき地に専門医療を届ける仕組みの簡単な説明。番組のあとの方でProject ECHOという名称も出てくる ] ECHO uses a hub-and-spoke design to connect a team of specialists, the hub to multiple participants in the spokes via Zoom during regularly scheduled sessions that include discussions on specific cases and mentorship.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News
