今日の英語ニュースから [2023.03.14]
PBS NewsHour March 13, 2023
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:12]★今日のおすすめ★ 銀行破綻 2人のエコノミストに聞く
[02:14] Regional banks took a beating [* to take a beating = to suffer a heavy defeat or setback] today, suffering their deepest losses on the stock market in years.
[04:43] What happened last week is that depositors like billionaire investor Peter Thiel pulled their companies money out of SVB, which triggered a bank run [* bank run = an event where many depositors of one or more banks withdraw money from their bank accounts within a short time, causing the banks concerned to become unstable.(wiktionary) 銀行取りつけ騒ぎ] not unlike during the financial crisis or the Great Depression, frightened depositors determined to take their money and run
[08:03] SIMON JOHNSON: No, I think what rewards irresponsible risk management is when you keep the management on and when you protect the equity holders. [* 株主]
[08:52] There has to be then, of course, very strong supervision, and high capital requirements and very effective regulation. And we have struggled on all of those over the past 15 years, but that's what you're going to need going forward. [* going forward = in the immediate future and beyond. 今後。将来的に。類義語:moving forward]
[09:07] There are lawmakers pointing to what happened back in 2018 under the Trump administration, when some of the Dodd-Frank regulations were rolled back for midsized banks.
[* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodd–Frank_Wall_Street_Reform_and_Consumer_Protection_Act
[09:26] ANAT ADMATI: Well, I have ideas about what regulation should look like for all banks. They always say, oh, the small banks are not a problem. But then, they are a problem. All banks are a problem when they are run, with basically taking the upside and leaving the downside to others [* 都合のいいところは自分のものにして、悪いところは人に尻ぬぐいをさせる。おいしいところだけ取って、あとは人に任せる ] much more than they need to be.
[09:48] So, the -- what Simon just mentioned, what I have been advocating for is a lot more what they call capital. But I think you have to be very careful that it's not thought of as some cash reserves held on the sideline, but as equity funding [* 株式によって資金を集めること ] coming from investors that cares about the downside.
[10:25] A couple of problems for the Fed here. One is that it's their raising of interest rates that has caused some of these issues for banks. Now, why the Fed's own supervisors didn't flag [* = to signal or warn] that, very interesting question. They're going to have sought that one out.
[10:38] Are there going to be problems because some people couldn't make payroll [* to make payroll = 社員に給料を払うためのお金を用意する] or because credit is becoming -- going to become a little more shy under these circumstances?
[12:06] [* 今回の銀行破綻の原因を説明した部分] Again, Silicon Valley Bank, we already know, took a lot of risk, funnily enough by buying government bonds, but they bought long government bonds, which were very exposed to -- which fall in value when interest rates rise. And they funded themselves with short-term deposits. So they pay more on deposits, the value of their assets is less, they have no equity. And that was the realization people came to on Wednesday of last week. End of Thursday, the bank is gone completely, because they couldn't find enough liquidity to match their withdrawals. One day, that's all it took.
[13:42] 今日のその他のニュース
[14:12] Meanwhile, the Northeast and New England face a late-season nor'easter that could bring heavy snow into [* …まで(ずっと)] Wednesday.
[14:22] GOV. KATHY HOCHUL (D-NY): There is no reason in the world to have plans to be out [* be out = 外出する ] tomorrow. Today is the day you get ready. Do everything you need to do. Stock up on the groceries.
[17:48] バイデン政権 アラスカ州ウィロー(Willow)油田開発計画を承認
[22:33]★今日のおすすめ★ アリゾナ州で続く水の争奪戦
[22:57] Karen Nabity built her dream house in the Rio Verde Foothills, an unincorporated [* (US, of land or the like) Not contained in a municipality (Wiktionary)] area outside Phoenix, with gorgeous mountain views, lower taxes, and no paved roads.
[28:47] Some farmers in Arizona have already sold their land. Others have taken up what are called buy-and-dry offers [* 農地に作物を作らない(そうすれば農作物にやる水を他に利用できる)ことを条件にお金をもらう] , to leave their fields unplanted, thereby giving up their water.
[29:30] The solutions, Porter says, include what Arizona's big cities are already doing, upcycling water [* 下水を高度処理して再生水(飲料用など)として使えるようにする] , reclaiming it [* 下水を再利用する。この文脈では、upcyclingほど高度処理ではないと思われる] , conserving it, and moving it to where it's really needed.
[29:51] What does the future look like for you here?
KAREN NABITY: I don't know. I'm "the glass is half full of water." [* 半分水が入ったコップをglass half fullと表現するかglass half emptyと表現するかで、ものごとを楽観的に考えるか悲観的に考えるか別れる。glass half full(半分も入っている、あと半分で一杯)と考える方が楽観的。水の話題なので洒落の要素もある。]
[30:37] 銀行破綻、共和党主導下院、上院議員の健康問題、対中国法案 議会担当記者に聞く
[31:19] And some like Senator Tim Scott, who happens to be the top Republican on the Banking Committee, are saying simply, we need to find out what happened. Basically, Congress is at another moment with the finger in the air. [* 風向きを読む。自分の考えや信念で動くのではなく、多くの人や世論がどう動くかを見てから追随する]
[31:50] GEOFF BENNETT: So we are more than two months into this new Congress. How are you holding up? [* (いろいろなことが次々起きて取材するのが大変な議会ですが)持ちこたえてますか?元気にやってますか?]
LISA DESJARDINS: So far, so good.
[32:42] I want to run through [* = to summarise briefly; to go through hastily] some of the bills that have come out of the House.
[33:50] There's not even a technical majority for the Democrats. And why? Because we have two senators who are out, Senators Dianne Feinstein of California. She is out after shingles [* 帯状疱疹].
[35:53] 続報:大学キャンパスに広がるスポーツ・ギャンブル
[35:53] Well, brackets [* ①(sports) A printed diagram of games in a tournament;②(sports) A prediction of the outcome of games in a tournament, used for betting purposes] are set for the men's and women's NCAA Tournaments, meaning March Madness is officially here, and, with it, the billions of dollars in bets on the games.
[40:10] I drove down the road, sat on a train station bridge and tried to psych myself up [* = to mentally prepare 心構えをする。覚悟を決める] to jump off in front of one.
[44:40]★今日のおすすめ★ 第95回アカデミー賞 アジア系の活躍 リポートのあと映画評論家に聞く
[51:44] How exactly this will change anything, what decisions will get made going forward, that remains to be seen. And we have sometimes seen that people can be very tokenistic [* = serving as a token of support, compliance, etc., but lacking substance; exhibiting or relating to tokenism] about this kind of thing. People can say, well, if we just have a very sort of perfunctory kind of representation, then we have done our due diligence. And that's not good. Nobody needs that kind of representation.
[52:15] And I think that that is a very encouraging thing in terms of just what types of stories are being celebrated and who is fronting [* to front = to lead or be the spokesperson of (a campaign, organisation etc.). 顔になる。前面に出て率いる] and telling those stories.
[53:02] And it's worth noting that, even though it wasn't technically a studio blockbuster, "Everything Everywhere," I think, developed its incredible cachet [* = prestige; a special characteristic or quality ] and devotion in the industry partly because it was a huge success, a very low-budget movie that made many times what its budget was.
[54:15] And as part of our ongoing arts coverage, we recently spoke with some of the now-Oscar winners, including actress Michelle Yeoh and Sarah Polley, the screenwriter and director of "Women Talking."
[* 以前 放送されたインタビュー
Michelle Yeoh "Everything Everywhere All at Once"
Sarah Polley, the screenwriter and director of "Women Talking."
https://note.com/wgc888/n/n8acc8bac2aaf#fac7dc27-ac80-4c41-ade1-714b0e4aa2ec ]