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[PBS NewsHour April 24, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:44]★今日のおすすめ★ FOX Newsが人気司会者Tucker Carlsonを突然の解雇 数日前に巨額和解金で名誉毀損訴訟を終えたばかり 解雇の理由やFOX Newsの今後について雑誌記者(Brian Stelter)に聞く
[05:54] Carlson has also promoted the so-called Great Replacement Theory, a racist conspiracy theory about a covert effort to replace white populations in majority-white countries. [* great replacement theory = white replacement theory = A conspiracy theory based on white supremacist ideology that there is a plot to diminish the influence of white people through the immigration of visible minorities and demographics (wiktionary).
[11:54] 今日のその他のニュースまとめ
[12:37] President Biden today welcomed a trio of Tennessee lawmakers who gained national notoriety for demanding stiffer gun laws. [* この3人をTennessee 3ということがある。 関連ニュース ] The president and Vice President Harris met with Justin Jones, Justin Pearson and Gloria Johnson. Mr. Biden praised their efforts after a deadly school shooting in Nashville.
[17:22]★今日のおすすめ★ スーダン国軍と準軍事組織(RSF)の戦闘 首都Khartoumの市民に現状を聞いたあと上院外交委員会のChris Coons(デラウェア州選出 民主党)にインタビュー
[27:56] The situation in Sudan is fundamentally different. This is not a permissive environment. [* = Permissive environment refers to an operational environment in which host country military and law enforcement agencies have control as well as the intent and capability to assist operations that a unit intends to conduct. https://the-definition.com/] . The Khartoum Airport is not a military airport. And for us to secure it and be able to operate safely regular flights out of it would take a significant insertion of American armed forces, something I certainly wouldn't recommend or support.
[28:52] アーカンソー州のLeslie Rutledge副知事(共和党)へのインタビュー 経口中絶薬mifepristoneを巡る混乱 中絶禁止州としての取り組みなど
[29:53] That law was in place. It was a trigger law.[* = (politics, law) A law which is not active until a particular event comes to pass, converting the inactive law into an active law on the books この文脈では、連邦最高裁がRoe v. Wadeを覆すことを条件に発効する(妊娠中絶を禁止する)州法。2022年のDobbs判決により、実際にRoe v. Wadeは覆された。ある条件が満たされると、それが引き金になって有効になる法律]. Once the U.S. Supreme Court made the decision in Dobbs last June, as attorney general, last June, I certified that law that the Supreme Court had, in fact, overturned Roe v. Wade. And our trigger law, Act 180, went into effect outlawing abortions in Arkansas.
[35:19] 月曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週の動きを予想
[44:31]★今日のおすすめ★ 図書館の本の撤去要求が急増 背景を米国図書館協会の幹部に聞く
[48:42] We're even seeing legislation targeting this, the "Don't Say Gay" bill [* = Florida Parental Rights in Education Act https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Parental_Rights_in_Education_Act] in Florida, which has just recently been expanded in such a way that no one between K-8 may hear about the fact that some people are homosexuals, or book -- legislation that ban actual books like The 1619 Project. [* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_1619_Project ]
[51:22] ホームレスからの脱却 威厳を取り戻す
[52:36] Life took a left turn [* left turn = (idiomatic) an unexpected change from the way things seemed to be going ] on me. I didn't take a left turn on life.