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[PBS NewsHour May 30, 2023] の字幕ファイルのダウンロード
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[00:00] 今日の番組内容
[02:46] ★今日のおすすめ★債務上限引き上げ法案 下院を通過出来るか 最初の試練は下院議事運営委員会
[04:21] REP. GREG CASAR (D-TX): I think it's right for Democrats to get this deal done, but for a large number of progressives to say, no, this entire process where the American economy can be held for ransom, that's a no-go [** no-go = something which should not or cannot be done (wiktionary)] .
[05:59] 債務上限引き上げ法案に反対するScott Perry下院議員(共和党、ペンシルベニア州選出、フリーダム・コーカス(House Freedom Caucus)会長)へのインタビュー
[07:58] If you don't have the votes to sink this bill, and the bill does move forward, would you move to remove Speaker McCarthy?
REP. SCOTT PERRY: Well, we're going to have that discussion after this is done, Amna, but we're not done yet. This is in Rules Committee. There still might be amendments in the Rules Committee. It still might not pass on the floor. And so I'm never willing to really handicap [* = to hinder, impede; to place at disadvantage ] those kinds of things, because you can get out ahead of your skis pretty quickly. [** 類似:out over one's skis = acting or speaking prematurely; getting ahead of oneself.(wiktionary) ]
[08:23] So, right now, we're focused on this and the debt ceiling and the fact, quite honestly, that the Senate hasn't passed anything, still is reluctant, apparently, to come to work. And so the House has had to negotiate against its own position [** < to negotiate against oneself 以前の番組に出てきました ] .
[08:39] We have passed a bill in the House of Representatives to deal with this. We think it's high time that the Senate passes something, even has a hearing, or even marks up [** < markup (名詞) = a U.S. Congressional committee session at which a bill is put into final form before it is reported out (Merriam-Webster)] , writes that -- the bill text of a bill down that they can pass, before we keep asking House members, what are you willing to give up to not have this circumstance on this debt that we -- where we are right now?
[12:41] 債務上限引き上げ法案への賛否を決めていないDebbie Dingell下院議員(ミシガン州選出、民主党)へのインタビュー
[14:08] But I have read the bill. And I have questions and have raised it. I think it guts the heart of NEPA [** = National Environmental Policy Act https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Environmental_Policy_Act ] , which is the -- considered the Magna Carta of environmental laws around the world.
[14:32] And, two, when you talk about work requirements, I think they're raising the age for people aged 50 to 54. Well, there's a group I'm really worried about, which is women who have had to leave the work force during this pandemic. It's the sandwich generation [** = the generation of people who are the children of baby boomers, whose lifestyle is governed by the fact that they must simultaneously care for the needs of their children and their own elderly parents ] . They're caregivers.
[14:53] The definition of a dependent that would be eligible is a child 1 to 6 or someone that is totally an invalid [** = a person who is confined to home or bed because of illness, disability or injury; one who is too sick or weak to care for themselves ] , they can't -- so most seniors don't fall into that definition.
[17:59] So I just feel betwixt and between [** = conflicted and unable to decide between two options; undecided about something ] . I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place.
[19:04] 議会担当記者に票の行方や今日の展開を聞く
[19:05] AMNA NAWAZ: And congressional correspondent Lisa Desjardins has been counting the votes and following every twist and turn [** to follow every twist and turn = 展開や動きを逐一追う] on Capitol Hill throughout the day.
[20:05] I spoke to a House member who is part of the GOP leadership team. That member told me that they are -- haven't done a full whip count [** whip count = a whip count is an informal poll conducted by party leaders about major business on the legislative agenda of Congress. Typically, whip counts concern upcoming decisions on the House or Senate floor and they usually occur within days or even hours of the decision. https://larryevans.pages.wm.edu/whip-counts/ ] yet,
[22:26] AMNA NAWAZ: So, Lisa, the big question here is, do President Biden and Speaker McCarthy have enough pull [** pull = the power to influence someone or something; sway, clout. 影響力。求心力 ] with their parties to get the votes that they need in the House?
[23:23] 今日のその他の主要ニュース
[26:51] ウクライナ戦争初 モスクワの民間人地区にドローン攻撃 ウクライナ側は直接関与を認めず リポートのあとロシア世論への影響を専門家(モスクワの世論調査組織Levada CenterのDenis Volkov)に聞く
[28:31] Yevgeny Prigozhin [** 先日の番組に詳しい説明がありました ] , head of the paramilitary Wagner force that's been fighting in Ukraine, lashed out at the Russian Defense Ministry.
[28:43] YEVGENY PRIGOZHIN, Wagner Group Chief (through translator): Get your (EXPLETIVE DELETED) [** = asses] up from the offices in which you are to defend this country. You are the Ministry of Defense. You didn't do a damn thing to advance. The fact that they fly to your home, the hell with it. [** the hell with it = I'm disgusted, fed up with it, or want nothing to do with it ] Let your houses burn. And what do ordinary people do when drones with explosive crash into their windows?
[35:16] ★今日のおすすめ★メンタルヘルスと介護の問題に長年取り組んできたカーター元大統領夫人 認知症公表 カーターセンター(Carter Center)のKathryn Cadeに聞く
[41:15] ★今日のおすすめ★大学卒業生の子息への入学優遇制度 この問題についての本『Poison Ivy: How Elite Colleges Divide Us』の著者Evan Mandery(John Jay College of Criminal Justice教授)に聞く
[41:54] Why did colleges start giving preference to the children of alumni? And for the colleges that still use legacy admissions [** = 大学卒業生の子息への入学優遇制度] , how do they justify it?