
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.10.12☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour Oct. 11, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[13:01] AMNA NAWAZ: Former President Obama has joined that effort, rallying for Harris last night in Pennsylvania, and offering sharp takedowns of her opponent.

[13:24] BARACK OBAMA: I have said it before, Donald Trump is a 78-year-old billionaire who has not stopped whining about his problems since he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago.

[** "he rode down his golden escalator nine years ago" refers to the moment when Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president in the lobby of Trump Tower. ]

[15:00] [** 日本原水爆被害者団体協議会(被団協)のノーベル平和賞受賞を伝えるニュース] We start the day's other headlines with the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize, which was awarded to Nihon Hidankyo, a Japanese group of survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The 1945 atomic bombings by U.S. forces were the first and only nuclear attacks in history. In Japan, survivors are known as Hibakusha, and many have dedicated their lives to abolishing nuclear weapons. Their win today was, in a way, a warning. The chair of the Nobel Committee said -- quote -- "In a world ridden with conflicts, we wanted to highlight the importance of strengthening the nuclear taboo." The winners were shocked when they heard the news. The organization's co-chair said their stories matter now more than ever before.
TOSHIYUKI MIMAKI, Co-Chair, Nihon Hidankyo (through translator): What I seek the most is peace, of course. The images of the children in Gaza covered with blood held by their parents remind me of Japan 80 years ago. Children lost their fathers in the war and lost their mothers with the nuclear bomb. They became orphans.

[36:23] GEOFF BENNETT: Well, Jonathan teed up your column. I will ask you about it.

[37:08] And one of the things that haunts me is watching campaigns past is a disease a lot of politicians fall into, including outstanding people, which you might call hold-backism, which is, they're surrounded by all these strategists. The stakes are incredibly high. They do the game plan, instead of their heart. And so I would say Mitt Romney was a very wonderful human being, but he held back. He never really fell on the crowd and let the crowd hold him up. I'd say the same was Hillary Clinton, that she never really said, take me, this is what I want. I trust you.

[** hold-backism < What I’m pointing to is a common theme of great drama and great campaigning. The central character isn’t afraid to be who she is and doesn’t hold back. But hold-backism is a common disease in our politics. Mitt Romney is a first-class human being, but during his 2012 campaign, he held himself back. In 2016, Hillary Clinton held herself back. Al Gore was said to be charming in private but held himself back. It’s understandable. So much is at stake. You’re surrounded by consultants and strategy memos. A candidate can lose herself within the machinery.  https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/10/opinion/kamala-harris-election-attention.html ]

[** In this context, "fall on the crowd" likely means to fully rely on the audience ]

[39:55] He is giving the people in that room the arguments and the talking points to try to convince those folks in their families, in their communities that there is a reason, not necessarily to not vote for Trump. What he's really pushing up against is the couch, people who might opt not to vote because they don't think the system has worked for them.

[44:08] GEOFF BENNETT: Is there any way back from this, when we have this ecosystem that exists where people actually believe that the federal government can control the weather, something as nonsensical as that, seriously?



  • attribution science

  • talk down to someone

  • inside leg measurement

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