On Reading / 愛読書について
I have read many books since I was born, and I learned a lot from them. But, in nine cases out of ten, I almost forget the content of the books that I have finished reading. Some people might think that reading a book without memorizing what is written is no more than a waste of time and effort, however, I don't think so. There is some reason why.
No matter how good memory you have, you might not memorize all that you have read. But the book you enjoyed reading will probably leave some sentences or words in your mind. In other words, it might safely be said that something you have remembered is necessary for what you are now, and the other sentences or words are not necessary for what you are now. Even if you forget most of the content of the book you've read, what is necessary will remain in your heart. You might want to reread it some day all the more because you forget the detail of it.
Let's remember your favorite book. Can you recite it? Apart from short poetry or haiku poems and the like, you will not be able to recite a whole book even if you love it from the bottom of your heart. But that is no matter, for what is necessary for you still remains in your heart. And if you want to reread your favorite book, all you have to do is to renew acquaintances with it because your favorite book will always be waiting for you without complaining of your inattention nor your neglect.
I wrote this essay with no help of AI or any dictionary. As I hastily wrote this, there might be some grammatical errors in it.
Please point out my mistakes.
Thank you for reading.
文法をイメージでとらえること、文学の英語など。大人の学び直しの英語教科書。 エッセイも多く含みます。初級者から上級者まで、英語が好きな人が…