
再悲詩:酒仙ディオニューソスへのラブレター Dolorum: A Loveletter to Dionysus T. (英文、和訳WIP)

Declaration that this is a work ex rebus Dolorum
この作品は再悲詩(Ex Rebus Dolorum)であることを宣言する
all sorrow is triumph and all triumph is sorrow
omnis dolor est triumphus et omnis triumphus est dolor.
I of the sorrows
Ego Dolorum

「再悲詩」のマニフェストーーー新しい詩の試み Manifesto of Dolorum---a new experiment of poetry |JTR777 (note.com)

Captain Garuda (me): The flower shall carry the burden of earth. 華は大地の重みを背負う。イラスト Illustration: Vincent van Gogh ファン・ゴッホ《花咲くアーモンドの木の枝》— “Almond blossom”

to Nietzsche (Dionysus) 's Dionysian Dithyrambs

A Loveletter to Dionysus T.
To N., my Minne-Brohters-and-Brother
From I., heart of all hearts

“These coins (Diese Münze…)”
Love, rises and hardens like mighty Solitude,
whose true soveriegty, once stripped naked after much quarrel and hate,
(the golden hour is past, the magic over)
Grew still and clear to mind’s eye, it is not unlike
(when the true and eminent blinds the sight, I see)
Under the eerie moonbeam of a mad and madder crimson moon
A lonely man thinking and again-thinking in a desert with no exitus,
Of a Question,
Where the sand that lie beneath his feet are the grains of dead Jupiter.
That how he could be so joyful when in the desert he shall nor oasis find,
Neither thirst, quenched as if only by ponderous guilt and shame
Unbeknownst even to the most austere travellers that once walked along this tawny stream,
the travellers had come and went, along with the caravan of yore had long departed.
(but to what long-bygone City enchanted and its wonderful Garden-Market were they headed?)
On that sail-road that once carried the naked milk and spice of shades, it now carries only sand.

“And now (Jetzt-)”
The heat dissipates, the Sun grows dark
On a planet cold and forlorn.
Let me put down the the burden of body-raiment of Man and gods.
Let me lay them gently upon the undulating sand, they shall rest light,
The dunes are my domain, upon which I have written my name “Love”, upon that black star,
(Where the Sun is set, the Man thirsts no more!)
Beyond his Solitude nothing further I can see,
All Heavens and hells has cooled & lost their splendour,
And all that once lived on the hefty <should I use fertile here? nurturing?barren?> Earth is gone under.
Only I now live and sing eternal on that faraway star, where my sole Muse,
Is true Love against all Love, denier against all denials,
(She who destroys threefold universal destruction and all its denials.)

“She is my labyrinth …(Ich bin [Sie ist] dein [mein] Labyrinth . . .)”
Thrice gross, thrice fine,
striking the tongue three times, (like a snake’s shadow in a goblet of wine!)
The sand flows quiet and longsome, tresses of Her lustreless gold, (cold, but the little warmth does hold.)
On the secretly scented garden of a broken crimson moon, Her face — (Pale, pallid and white)
is dead and mute.
(yet still beamsome and verbal, Her cold countenance up in the sky) She is freed. Freed — -embers glowing in sizzling flame
“Freed alike all the masters and slaves (dead!)
(They were all slain!)(dead thrice more!) I rejoice!
Freed evermore from all human curses, I rejoice!”
Freed She is even from this complaint and curse,
lament <should I use lament? sorrow? dolour? mourn>) of the past / passed Millions, fruitless and vain were their Nations.

“that I am banished (daß ich verbannt sei)
from all truths (von alle Wahrheit)”,
yet again returning,
to that crimson star rising in the night.
In undying love I slink,
to that senseless world of perpetual motion, dissolving,
(but in its dissolution am I undying?)
Into my sleep upon the night,
My sleep shall be light.
My sleep shall be tight.
My sleep shall be eternal, basking, in the crimson twilight.
Upon the broken and dull crimson moon.
(where those all that once glittered had become eternal sand)
And perhaps this is deaf to one’s ear,
“to all that knows solitude do I now throw this line: (nach allem Einsamen werfe ich jetzt die Angel:)”
lone & interminable the serect <eerie? haunting?> hum of the eternal sand.
in what hidden joy, and what pride, is sung.
