Pranayama Vol.1 プラナヤマとはなに?What is Pranayama?
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Hello, this is Misa. Thank you very much for always reading my blog.
Recently, I had the opportunity to spend about a month on a cruise ship and teach yoga on board. We practised yoga around 7 a.m. while swaying with the waves, accompanied by the sun rising from the horizon, and it was a special experience for me. I felt connected to nature and was able to feel the energy of the water and the sun throughout my body. Sun salutations in this environment were truly amazing! My body's energy was circulating and connecting with the sun.
Now, have you ever heard of "Pranayama"?
In Sanskrit, it means "control of life energy (breath)." We usually breathe unconsciously, but there is great power hidden in our breath.
This time, I will talk about Pranayama = control of life energy (breath).
What is Pranayama?
The fourth of the eight limbs of yoga is Pranayama. Our breath is constantly changing. Take a moment to observe your own breath.
What kind of breath are you taking right now?
Breath is connected to both the mind and body, and when there is tension or stress, it naturally becomes shallow and fast. On the other hand, it is one of the bodily functions that we can control ourselves.
Pranayama is often referred to as breath control, but in yoga, practising this breath control helps maintain a balance between the mind and body.
Benefits of Pranayama
Practicing Pranayama has four beneficial effects:
Reducing anxiety and stress.
Improving sleep quality.
Enhancing cognitive function.
Improving cardiopulmonary function.
By practising breathing techniques, you can regulate the autonomic nervous system. Under stress or tension, the sympathetic nervous system predominates, but by controlling the breath, the parasympathetic nervous system becomes dominant, leading to relaxation. Incorporating breathing exercises before bedtime not only makes it easier to fall asleep but also improves overall sleep quality. Breathing is closely related to vital organs such as the heart and brain, and by lowering blood pressure and inducing alpha waves in the brain, it enhances cognitive function and cardiopulmonary function.
Types of Breathing Techniques
1. カパオバティ
2. ウジャイ
3. 三部位の呼吸
4. 片鼻呼吸法
1. Kapalabhati
This technique consists of alternating short, strong exhalations and slightly longer, passive inhalations. It is effective in improving cardiopulmonary function.
This can be practised by gently constricting the throat to create resistance to the passage of air. It is expected to have a relaxing effect.
3. Three-Part Breath
This breathing technique is practised by placing the palms on the chest and abdomen. It enhances awareness of lung capacity and body structure.
4.Anulom vilom
You breathe through one nostril at a time. It has a calming effect on the mind and body.
Depending on the type of breathing technique, it has various effects such as warming or cooling the body, calming the mind, etc. Therefore, choosing and practising breathing techniques according to your purpose is important.
I and Pranayama
For me, the practice of Pranayama is an invaluable aspect of "living authentically." I'm often described as positive, and one reason I can maintain that positivity is thanks to Pranayama. By "taking deep breaths and exhaling completely," I feel present in this moment, neither dwelling in the past nor worrying about the future, and that brings me happiness. I consciously incorporate it into my daily life.
The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is Pranayama. I observe my own breath and bodily state and incorporate the breathing technique that feels right at that moment. Even on busy mornings, I prioritize practising it for at least five minutes every day. I recommend doing it outdoors to breathe in plenty of fresh air, but I open the windows when practising indoors.
When I'm on the train or at work, I sometimes focus on my breath and incorporate breathing techniques. Especially during work, when the sympathetic nervous system is dominant, it's easy to overlook tension and stress. I've noticed that shallow breathing leads to stiffness in my body, which ultimately results in physical discomfort. So, whenever I notice, I make a conscious effort to take deep breaths, even just once.
Before bed, I like to dim the lights and practice Pranayama using candles or aromas that help me relax.
Breathing requires no tools or money. It's something you can practice anytime, anywhere. I encourage everyone to incorporate Pranayama into their daily lives.
Om Shanti,