
会話の主語で見分ける男性脳・女性脳-Distinguishing male and female brains by the subject of conversation-


Everyone, good evening. This time, we will introduce some excerpts from ``Gender Brain Strategy'' on how to tell whether a person has a male or female brain depending on the subject of the conversation. By the way, in a previous article, I introduced the differences between men's and women's brains that can be seen by the way they talk. If you like, please take a look at those articles as well.


"Men's brains try to see things from their own perspective, while women's brains try to see things from everyone else's perspective. This difference is clearly visible even during conversation. People with male brains tend to speak in the first person (myself), with the subject being  "me.'' For example, ``What I propose is...'' or ``I think modern society is...'' are influenced by male brain characteristics such as strong self-assertion and high self-esteem."


"However, the female brain has a characteristic called "empathy." We consider the wishes of those around us, such as ``What we propose...'' and ``What is the modern society that surrounds us?'' We try to summarize their thoughts and involve everyone in the discussion. Therefore, naturally, there are many expressions such as "we" as the subject."


What did you all think? It seems that the male brain tends to think in terms of "individuals," while the female brain tends to think in terms of "everyone." It seems like you can tell which brain type the other person or customer has from casual conversations. I hope this article is of some use to you. See you soon. thank you very much.


